Halloween Candy | Teen Ink

Halloween Candy

December 17, 2015
By EllieSnell BRONZE, Gibbon, Nebraska
EllieSnell BRONZE, Gibbon, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

" Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome, Mr. Goodbar!! "

" I am Mr. Goodbar, I am here to tell you about your life during halloween."

" Be prepared of what could happen to everyone, just stay strong. Well, we are here in the factory now, everyone will get packages up with about 500 others in bags to be sent to the store all over the United States. You may lose some of your friends along the way and some of you may keep them. " explained Mr. Goodbar
" Will I loose my mommy? " said a little snicker
" You never know what will happen until that night. Once you get packed up and sent to the store and nice family will come buy the bag you are in and take it home with them. They will keep you in the bag until they need you. When they need you, they will dump you into a bucket so the kids that come to the door can grab you. " said Mr. Goodbar
" Why do the kids want me? " questioned a Dum-Dum
" Your candy of course! You are sweet and full of sugar. You taste good. The kids will come up to the door for " Trick-or-Treating". Trick-or-Treat is the saying the kids say when they knock on your door for candy. The kids are all dressed up in different costumes. So if a scary witch takes you, don't be scared it's just a costume. Once they take you or even if you get taken...
" Wait Wait, what happens to us if we don't get taken! " screamed a sour patch kid
" Good question, it can be kinda scary. If you dont get taken out of the bowl you will either get eaten or just left to dry out. So you hope you get taken. Even if you get taken from the bowl you will get ate but a child. It is sad and scary that your life doesn't last long, but make it a good one. Once you get taken from the bowl you will get put into a sack or a bucket for the kids to take home and figure out what candy they want first. If you are like me, no one wants because you are hard and not a good candy. When I was little i was in the same places you guys were, scared and don't know what to do. Well I was brave and hid at the bottom of every pile i got put into and I stayed here at the factory because I was going down the belt all of you guys went down to come here and a mean group of skittles pushed me off and I slid underneath of a big machine. I was never found. Under the machine there were a lot of other pieces of candy that I became close friends with. We decided to make a group like this to tell all you little candies what will happen. So stay strong and be brave! " said Mr. Goodbar
" Any questions? " questioned Mr. Goodbar.
" Thank You," said momma Milkyway.

The author's comments:

At first I didnt like it so, I tried to make it fun for kids to read.

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