Win the Love or Win the Battle | Teen Ink

Win the Love or Win the Battle

December 17, 2015
By niamarnay97 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
niamarnay97 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
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I did it! I actually beat my own father, Keon, THE Keon in the draw. Next thing is the big battle to see who will be king. Though this should be yet another easy win there is a downfall, I have to go against my brothers, Brandon and Tre. The three of us together make some powerful Gods. The strength level would be, me first, of course, Tre, and then Brandon being last. I love my brothers truly, but if it's not me then Brandon definitely not gonna be the one to win. Not to be rude, but he’s not the strongest when it comes to the reputation of our family.

Not only am I preparing for the big draw but there’s also this girl, her name is, Lauren. She is so beautiful. I heard she finds me attractive too but I’m way too nervous to speak to her, yet along have eye contact between the two of us.

Today is Saturday, also my training day I take no breaks with my personal trainer. My weekday training days usually are 5 hours of the day when my weekend usually range to about 10 hours each day. I have to stay ahead of the game, especially if I want to beat my brothers, I already beat my dad if I have not mentioned that already. I was minding my business when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see the most beautiful girl in the world.

  “Hey Bry'n.” Lauren said so sweetly.

  “Uh uh uh, hi.” I replied, I shake my head disappointed in my stuttering.

  “I didn’t know you came to this gym, I just joined today. Do you like it?

I just gaze at her beautiful face, her mouth is moving but not a single sound is coming out her mouth… Wait she’s talking to me!

  “I’m sorry ma, what you say?

  “Cat got your tongue,” she jokes, “I said do you like this gym?”

  “Oh, yeah! I love it, i come everyday.” I flex my muscles for her to see

She snickers but starts rubbing on my arm. There she goes again making me feel all weird inside. I should ask her out… No I can’t, she’s going to say no. But everyone is saying she be diggin ya boy. I’m going to ask her.

  “Uhh, Lauren.. Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?
  “Yeah, I would love too.”

I could not believe what I just heard, she said yes, she actually said yes!

  “Cool, well I’m going to get out of here a little early. I’ll pick you up around 6?”

  “Good with me. Enjoy your day.”

I nod and smile at her as I leave. I can’t believe I asked her on a date, and she agreed to come with me. Now I just need to go home and figure out what to wear for the big day tomorrow.

I roll up to Lauren’s house at 5:55 and walk up to her house and ring the doorbell.


I quickly breath into my hand making sure my breath is decent . I then straighten out my whole outfit making sure I look my best. Then I hear the door open. She steps outside looking so beautiful in her simple tank, skirt, and sandals. She could’ve wore sweats for all I care and still be the most beautiful girl to me.

  “Ready to go” I ask, putting my hand out for her.

  “Yeah, let’s go. I’m starving.” she giggles like a baby.

It is now 10:30 and I just got done dropping Lauren off home. She gave ya boy a little “goodnight kiss.” She got me blushing like I’m the teenage girl, I feel myself slowly feeling soft. I get home around 10:55 and immediately my dad starts yelling at me.

  “Bry'n the trainer called me. Why did you leave early Saturday and didn’t come in today at all!?”
Damn! I think to myself. I forgot all about training I was so busy thinking about my date.

  “My bad dad, I went on a date with Lauren.”

  “A date? Son don’t lose your focus. You getting lovestruck now!? You train everyday, how do you forget!”
  “I said my bad dad, dang! Get off my neck.”

  “Don't you ever talk to me like that ever again boy, remember who the parent is! You know what, stay with what you’re doing don’t think you going to do better than your brothers at the draw.” He said walking away.
He must be crazy if he deem yet along assumes I’m going to lose surrender for my brother. I don’t even want to think about that. I go downstairs in our basement and starts training a little bit. I was gifted with the thunderbolt as my weapon, so I set up like a little obstacle course and start throwing bolts to complete the course. As I was exercising my phone sounded, indicating I had a text message.

  “Had lots of fun with you tonight. Maybe we can hangout again..soon”-Lauren <3

I smiled at the text, I must be doing something right if she wants to hangout again. As I was replying to her, I decided to just call her. She picked up and we was having a good conversation, I went upstairs. I’ll go back training when I get off the phone. Well I thought I would, I end up falling asleep on the phone with Lauren.

  “Bro, looks like you and Lauren are getting real close..” Tre says

  “Yeah! So what ?”

  “Don’t lose your focus bro, the draws is important for all of us.” Brandon says putting his two cents in.

  “Did anyone ask for your words? You need to work on your own s***!”

I go outside to my car and go to the gym. My brothers can be so annoying, always in my business or questioning what I do they are so annoying. I finally get to the gym and put my headphones to get back on my grind. I’m not going to lie, I have been laid back for a little minute. I already recognize I’m the strongest out of me and my brothers, that’s why I’m not worried about missing training to be with Lauren. It will all turn out at the end for me.
Today is finally the day, the day where we will see me become king… I mean the day we see who will become king between me, Tre, and Brandon. The draw is held at Wisconsin Dells at the Mt Olympus Resorts, the place is filled with people. I peek out from behind the curtain to see Lauren there in the crowd with a sign made just for me “Win Bry'n WIN!” She means the world to me at this point, I think I’m going to ask her to officially be mine after my win. I already know she’ll say yes we have been getting closer and closer and the days go by. Well let me stop staring at her, the battle is about the start, I can smell the win.

We are now at the last obstacle course for the whole battle which is #10 and I am not doing good. I am in second place and Tre is winning. “WHAT THE HELL” I think to myself. I Stare out in the crowd and see that Lauren isn’t even holding up the personalized sign for me anymore, me and her make eye contact she smiles at me and blows a kiss. Again she got me blushing. This last course is to use our special weapon to get a “victim” from being by the monster, “Typhoeus.” I Would use my thunderbolt, Tre would have the help of his seamen, and Brandon would use his love, what a softy! I am first to do the course and I messed up the whole thing, I couldn’t believe this I have been waiting for this since I was pretty much born, I really wanted to be King.

I can’t believe I lost to Brandon, of the three of us who would’ve thought. I’m not going to be rude or hate him tho, at the end of the day that is my brother.

  “Hey Bro.. I mean king” I joke.

  “Don’t call me that! You going to be cool though? I know how bad you wanted this.

  “Of course, I’m proud of you. I wanted to ask Lauren to be my girlfriend but I don’t think she would want to date a loser.

  “You’re not a loser Bry'n, you’re still a winner to me.”

Well I know Brandon didn't say that because I’m looking directly at him and his mouth did not move. I turn around to see Lauren.

  “You mean that?” I ask seriously

  “Of course and I would love to be your girlfriend Bry'n.” she said so brightly

  “Well give me some sugar.”

She giggle then wraps her arms around my necks and I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her as close to me as possible and give her our first kiss. I might have not won the battle, but I won my dream girl.

The author's comments:

This is a myth, but also a twist on the God, Zeus story. This is like my "remix"

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