The Hidden | Teen Ink

The Hidden

January 6, 2016
By Jhunter17 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jhunter17 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Long long ago in a land across the sea there lived an evil king named Oliver. King Oliver had a twisted mind and a cruel heart. He had hatred in his heart for those who were not of his blood. He had a huge army and demanded much from them. He forced his army to do cruel and inhuman acts.
      In the kingdom was a family named Joffy. They were a very happy family who were well off. The Joffy's family consists of four people: the older daughter (Molly), The younger daughter (Elizabeth ), the mother (Laura), and the dad (Alfred). The father worked as the village blacksmith, which was a long a tiring job. While the mother stayed home and watched the children. Molly the older daughter had dreams of becoming a singer someday. Elizabeth however wanted to write books for the world to enjoy.
      Most of the time the kingdom was at peace and people were very happy. However, one day King Oliver put out new laws that would force certain people of the kingdom to work even harder. This did not affect the Joffy's they just keep working harder and harder. However, times got so tough that Laura had to get a job to keep the girls in school. When Molly went to school she could see that the people of the king's blood were well off and those who weren't dress poorly in the rags that they had. Molly was very depressed when she saw this so her sister took her aside a asked her what's wrong.
"Nothing" said Elizabeth with a look of sorrow.
"Elizabeth don't lie to me I can tell when you are lying to me so spill it." said Molly
"Fine I am sad because mother and father work all the time why can be the king's people." Said Elizabeth
"It will all be ok Elizabeth it will I swear." Said Molly
          Weeks passed and times seem to get a little better Molly just ignored it and played with her friend out in the street. Molly however, dropped out of school to work as a seamstress in a nearby village. She did all this so Elizabeth could stay in school. Things only got worse after that. People like  Elizabeth and her family all had to wear all black when they went into public to signify that they were different from the king's people. Soon after that law was placed the king said he would take those who were not born in his kingdom to a better place. People started to disappear and Elizabeth was no longer allowed at school.
One day when Molly and Elizabeth were home their parents came running in and slammed the door behind them.
"What's wrong" said molly and Elizabeth.
"Kids get your all your clothes and some food and let's go." Said Alfred
They ran to a building across town and went to a secret room in the building. The parents said this would be their new home because King Oliver hates those who are different and has sent his army to take anyone who is not like him away to be killed. The family got settled in the small hidden room and meet the people who owned the building. The owner of the building was a man named shawn he was a wizard from a nearby village and his assistant was a young fairy named Shay.
Soon the wizard and the fairy left and would be back in a few days to bring them food. They did come back but with another family to share the room with them. They when the ven family which had a mother, father, and a son. They all got acquainted and were shown to their rooms. After a few days the food was running low as was the water. Soon Shawn arrived with food and water for both the families. Molly was very bored because she could never go outside. So she wrote some and talked to the vens son Mike a lot. Months passed and food was running low they heard that the king and taken many people prisoner. Also a new person joined their group his name was Mr.tike he actually worked for the king but was banished for being different. Molly had to share a room with Mr. Tike and she did not like him because he would never quit snoring and turning on the bed so he made a lot of noise.
       One day Mr.tike snuck down the stair into the kitchen and took some bread and Laura heard him. She tackled him and took it back she said he should be ashamed since everyone is starving even the children. He said that he could not help it and he was starving she said so is everyone else. Later on the children found out what Mr.Tike had done and everyone was deciding if they should kick him out or not. They decide not to and they let him stay.
       It has been almost two years since everyone set foot outside,and everyone was terribly tired.         That night when everyone was sleeping they heard someone in the building it was the king's guards. The families knew this would be the end, they came up to the hidden room and took everyone away.

The author's comments:

This piece was written when I was very into medieval shows and movies I'd seen about Kingdoms and decided to put my spin on it.

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