Uninvited Guests | Teen Ink

Uninvited Guests

January 21, 2016
By Anonymous

The smell of scrambled and eggs and coffee lingered the air as Logan perused out of his bedroom window sill. His eyes scoured for locations to embark on a new journey. To the left, Logan noticed a Tyrannosaurus Rex peering out from the red, oak tree. To his right, a Velociraptor snatching the sunkissed berry bushes. His eleven year old brain revolved around a life of imagination and play. His summer used to simplify fractions and probabilities replaced his desires of running and imagination. I swear, after school, I’m going to play until I drop. Logan walked to his closet in search of “Logan’s Perfect Summer Day Imagination Station of Fun.” June twenty-third, he read, search for the diamond covered acorn. Logan thought about the prior week, when he made a deal with Eric from down the street. He promised to trade a diamond encrusted acorn for a Play Station three. A deal he considered quite profitable in his opinion.
“Logan!” his mom yelled, “stop daydreaming and come down for breakfast!”
“Coming mom!” he yelled as he dropped his list and scurried to find his book bag. I really need to focus today if I’m gonna find this acorn.
“How could I have lost it already?” he questioned. “Oh yeah, in the back of the closet.
“Logan! You’re going to miss your bus!”
Logan rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“One more day of summer school, Mom!” Logan chanted.
Honk! Honk! He heard the screams of children as the bus came to a halt. He grabbed a piece of toast and slipped on his shoes.
“Ouch!” Logan yelled as he looked down. “I stubbed my toe on something.” he noticed a small door.
“Logan! The bus!” I bet the acorn is in there!
Thoughts about the door lingered throughout his mind all day. Why today? I really need to focus on this acorn.
Logan pushed down the latch on his bronzed front door and shoved it forward. Progressing towards the small door, he saw the door knob turn. The mixture of anxiety and excitement curled into his stomach. It took every fiber in his body to take his finals step towards the door. The door opened and out came hundreds of small individuals clothed in scraps of cloth. Their small, beady eyes scoured around the house in hope to find food and an escape. Some of the creatures drew nearer to him, allowing him to feel their long, rough hair caress his legs. Logan’s every waking thought remained consumed by the fear of being attacked.
“We won’t hurt you, boy.” Said a voice in the midst of the group. “Have some manners.”
“Sorry, but who or what are you guys? Why are you here?” asked Logan.
“My name is Voohan and I have been the leader of this group for eleven years. We are Xiplites, a small population of aliens to the human species.”
“Okay. So what do you want?” Logan asked.
The Xiplites made a request that Logan would assist them in an escape.
“No offense, but you guys are kinda creepy.” Logan said. “I’m in search of a diamond acorn and I can’t be distracted so I think I’d like it if you guys go back.”
“You mean this thing?” asked another small man. He pulled the acorn from inside his pocket. “I was going to eat it, but you can have it if you let us out.”
Logan stared at the acorn; it’s beauty glistened from the sun illuminating through the window.
Logan and the Xiplites made the exchange and he led them outside the door.
“I’ll miss hearing you snore and talk in your sleep, Logan.” he heard.
This is so weird. I hope it’s a dream, but I’ve dreamed about this acorn for too long.


The author's comments:

This story was inspired by one of the Harris Burdick mystery stories. Specifically Uninvited Guests.

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