Stebethba | Teen Ink


March 24, 2016
By mudge365 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
mudge365 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Saruul Stebethba.  This is the story of my family.  The best way to start this story out is to tell you about my family.  I’m the youngest in my family, my oldest sibling is Dinhai, he became king after our parents died, my next two oldest sibling are twins, brother and sister, Skellmat and Bellahorn.  They don’t get along… Then there's me, Saruul.

This story begins when my parents died and Dinhai became king.  Skellmat and Bellahorn were jealous.  They conquered new land for themselves.  When they ventured off to conquer the land, they ended up having some conflicts and have been in a war for the last ten years.  I was left at home with Dinhai. As soon as I was old enough to command my own fleet I headed out.
I knew of one island neither of the twins had conquered, so that’s where I head off to.  It was a fairly calm journey, no pirates, no other ships, and no storms.  When we got there I befriended them rather than enslave and kill them like the twins had been doing.  This is where the story really begins.
“Hey Saruul,” I heard Modon shout from the other side of the fountain. “Have you been to the other village yet?”
“What other village?” I asked.
“There’s one on the other side of the forest.  We are very good friends.  They’re probably wondering who you are.”
I began to walk towards the forest, then I heard the sound of footsteps running towards me.  I felt a hand grab onto my shoulder stopping me dead in my tracks.  I turned around to see Azand, my best friend.
“Don’t go into the forest,” she said. “There are dangerous people who have tried to attack us before, they went into that forest.  You will die if you go in there, go around the forest on the beach.”
“Okay.” I said stuttering over my words, I’ve never seen her be so scared and serious.
“I’ll come with you,” she could tell she had scared me. “The people from Gasphor will love you!” We started towards the beach.
“Hey, you want to see a, uh, magic trick?” she said with enthusiasm and a little bit of hesitation.
“Sure?” I said confused.  She pulled out a pipe, I have seen it a few times before but never this close.  It had deep engraved symbols that I couldn’t read, almost all of them had been accented purple and yellow, it looked expensive.
She stuck the pipe to her mouth and without even lighting it she got it smoking, but before I’m even impressed she deeply inhales and puffs out some smoke.  Azand took her finger and touched the smoke. The smoke began to spin around her finger. Within a couple of seconds all the smoke was contained within her hand, held in her fist. I was amazed, she smiled at me then let her fist go the smoke suddenly rushed to one spot on the beach.  Before I could even blink the smoke had formed into something.  A person, if I hadn’t seen it born right there I wouldn’t have guessed it was just smoke.
“Wow!” I said in astonishment, Azand laughed the with the flick of her wrist she formed a sword out some smoke that seemingly came out of nowhere.  She walked up to it and stabbed it in the chest, it and the sword dissipated and blew away.
“Where did you learn to do that?” I said almost passing out in astonishment.
“I don’t know.  I’ve just always been able to do stuff like that.” she said kind of shrugging it off.
“Where did you get that pipe then?”
“I don’t know,” Azand said without hesitation.
There’s was a scream off in the distance.  It came from the Daylville.  We turned around and ran towards the source of the scream.  I’ve never been so scared, was it one of the twins, was it pirates?  The village was within sight when I felt a huge force hit me from the side, sending me into the woods.  It was Azand.  She had tackled me. We were both lying in the forest now.
“Stay. Here.” Azand said as she ran off towards Daylville.  I waited for a little while. 
“I couldn’t just sit there and wait for her to come back especially if she never did,” I thought.   I began frantically get up when I felt a force pulling against my shoulders, someone had grabbed onto me.  I tried to run but my feet weren’t on the ground anymore.  I was going up into the trees.  Before I knew it I was at the top of the tall pinewood trees unable to move, watching the village.  I saw Modon laying in a pool of his own blood in the street.  Then I saw the entire village staring at his body.  They were in rows on their knees.  I looked out to the shore, there were two ships, I saw the people who were threatening the village.  At the head of the group of men and women was Bellahorn.
“All those who wish to live, raise your hand,” she said without emotion, everyone raised their hand. “Put your hand down if you will not work under my command.” They all hesitated, but within about twenty seconds their hands were all down.  They were all slaughtered.  The entire street was laid with blood, but Azand wasn’t in the group that was just killed.  I saw her use her “magic” or whatever it was behind one of the wells.  She made a few men out of the smoke and gave them all armor.  But something caught my eye, a little shimmer from the tear going down her face.  She paused for a second and looked up at me then quickly looked away.
Azand and her men finally got up and ran outnumbered towards the small army of about eighty men.  They put up a good fight they laid down at least half of them down on the street.  The men she had created were killed somewhat quickly.  Then- then I saw Azand stabbed in the stomach.  I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. I was just frozen in terror as I saw her fall to the ground.
“Let us conquer the other village!” screamed Bellahorn.  But there was another scream from the other village.  “Did we already send people over there?”
“No,” one of her men muttered.
“Let’s go,” she said panicking.
Some time passed, I was still hanging from the top of the pinewood looking at my people’s unmoving bodies, after a minute or two of crying I felt my body beginning to be lowered.  My feet touch the ground but I couldn’t stand.  I just laid on the ground deciding if it was even worth it to get up.  When I eventually got up, I heard a war call off in the distance, Bellahorn must have been having some conflicts, probably something to do with Skellmat.  I didn’t care. I just kept walking towards the village. I got to the well where Azand was hiding before.  Then I came to the pile of dead bodies across the street.  There were so many of them that to get across I had to step on some of them.
Once I reached Azand I saw she was just barely breathing.  I ran to her and kneeled down beside her, she slowly looked at me and a tear slowly dragged down her face.  With all the strength she had she pulled out her pipe and stuck it in my hand.
“Use- Use it w-well.” she whispered stuttering over her words.
I tried to say something, but before I could I saw in her eyes that she was already gone.  I’ve never felt anything like this before, not even when Mom and Dad died.  I looked at the other people in the streets lying in their own pool of blood.  Some of the only people I’ve ever loved. They were all dead.
“Bellahorn, I swear to the past Kings and Queens, you will pay for this.” I muttered to myself in fury.
“Saruul? What are you doing here?” an unfortunately familiar voice said in confusion.  I turned to Skellmat.  I realized he had killed the people of the other village, something appears to have happened in battle that switched them around.  Fury boiled up inside of me, but I wasn’t ready to kill him yet, he also wasn’t ready to die.
I pulled a knife from my pocket and threw it into his upper leg and ran in the opposite direction.  When I heard his scream I ran even faster because I knew his men were not far behind me, I ran straight into the forest, deep enough that they wouldn’t find me.  I wasn’t safe there, but I needed a rest and something to relax me.  I pulled out the pipe and started smoking it, I felt so tired and almost bored that I started to imagine the smoke turning into a rose.  The weird thing was after I imagined it and focused on it for a long enough time I saw the rose actually form from the smoke in my hand, and I felt extremely fatigued. Not because I just ran half a mile at top speed but because of the “magic” I just performed.
I was too tired to be amazed, I was so tired that I simply just passed out while leaning up against a tree. When I woke up I was tied up against the tree I fell asleep on.  There were people in front of me holding spears and swords.
“Your people were killed- our people were killed.  We want revenge.  We want your help.  Help us or else we’ll kill you right now.” One of them said. I thought for a moment then got an idea.
“I’d be more than happy to have your help in killing everyone in the villages, but I will only help if I kill Bellahorn and Skellmat.  You can kill me if I don’t get that privilege of watching them in terror as they are inevitably going to die at the edge of my sword.”
“We have a deal then, just don’t get in our way.”
“Good.” I said as they walked towards me to untie me.  They broke the vines that had been used to tie me to the tree.
“Lanalvul.” he said offering his hand for a handshake.
I grabbed his hand. “Kimjae.”  I lied to keep my true identity concealed, if things go downhill I don’t need him asking around about who I am, and I definitely don’t want him to know I’m related to Bellahorn or Skellmat.
-------------------------Three Months Later------------------------
We were all hiding in the bushes, waiting for the perfect time to strike, we had found out about a meeting Skellmat and Bellahorn were having about something to do with land.  There were of course guards outside the building.  The knives were already in my hand, ready to throw them.
“Hit the guards,” he said grimly.  I stood up and before they had a chance to scream I had hit them all, they were all lying on the ground with knives in the necks, the knives slowly dissipating into the air, leaving the wounds in their necks.
We silently advanced past their corpse. Then we waited outside.  We listened in on the conversation to know when to strike.  There was obviously some (and by some I mean lots of) arguing. It was just me and Lanalvul there.
“You’ve always been like this,” a feminine voice screamed. “you make the dumbest decisions you stupid bi-” I pulled my ear from the ear.  I could still hear Skellmat scream.
“I thought we came here to negotiate, not to just scream at each other if we need to kill each other right now.”
“We can’t do that, think of what it would do to someone like Saruul!” Bellahorn screamed.  I couldn’t resist anymore.  I broke the door open. Without even noticing every single guard was on the ground, there was a knife in each of their necks.
“Think of what Saruul could do to you, the ones who killed all my people.” I said relatively quietly, but still dark enough to strike fear into their eyes.  They knew why I was doing this.  There was a sword in my hand now.
“How dare you just kill my people, just to get you some stupid land!” I yelled at them.  “They were completely innocent, unlike you… I’ve been taught that those who aren’t innocent deserve to die.  So… any last words.”
“You were my favorite sibling growing up.” Skellmat said almost crying. “but I deserve this.  Strike me down.”
“OK then.” I began to walk towards him when I felt a force pulling against my shoulder, I stumbled backwards into Lanalvul. He looked at me began to pick at his face until some dead leaves fell off revealing he Dinhai.
“Don’t do this.” he said grimly.
“I have to. They deserve what’s coming to them.  And anyone who stands in my way I am ready to kill.”
Dinhai formed a sword out of leaves.  He was magic too.
“Let’s do this then.” he said ready to draw blood.  The force of our swords bashing together almost knocked both of us to the ground, the sound so loud it was almost disorienting.  We held our swords there for quite some time until I went under his sword and hit his leg, throwing his balance off leaving me enough time to stab him through the stomach region.  He fell to the ground and he looked at me, I felt a puncture go through my chest, I heard Dinhai’s last breath leave him.  I shortly after also heard mine.

Hey, my name’s Bellahorn, I kind of wrote that last section because Saruul passed away before he could write it.  He died a week or two ago, so did Dinhai.  Uh, once the battle was over and they were both dead Skellmat ran out the front door.  I found him the next morning hanging by his neck from a tree branch about seven feet up.  So all the land he had conquered was now mine, Dinhai’s land became mine, pretty much everything belongs to me. 
I realized why all three of them had died, to stop the mass murders that Skellmat and I had been doing.  I’ve been attempting to be a good queen.  I’ve been doing okay, not perfect, but way better than how I was doing before.  Overall, (I guess) Saruul, Dinhai, and maybe even Skullmat died for a good purpose in The End.

The author's comments:

I got an idea one day and decided to write it.  I want people to know fighting won't resolve anything.

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