One last fight | Teen Ink

One last fight

March 25, 2016
By Anonymous

It is 2070, the Earth is nothing but a pile of rubble. There are frequent, unwanted visitors from other planets claiming that they can help, all they do is drop useless waste and move on to the next planet. The only way a the Earth would survive, is if a miracle happened, and no one believed in miracles anymore. Except for a group of 6 Heroes.

These Heroes formed together when they saw that the only way they could help the Earth, was to form together. The heroes were named ScarletDasher, VioletArcher, DarkIron, Inertia, and their leader, Kauro. Inertia and ScarletDasher are both speedsters that can nearly reach the speed of light, VioletArcher has dead on aim with a bow and never misses, DarkIron uses his black and white suit of armor, made of titanium, and his intellect to summon creatures of the night and fight off evil, and Kauro can take control of any kind of technology by thinking of it, harnessing the electronic pulsating waves around them. These five heroes form together to become ‘The Paladins’. The Paladins are almost never on good terms, in fact, they usually fight one another more than they fight the enemies, but when it comes to fighting for Earth, there is no greater team. They have saved the Earth countless times by destroying any aliens that try to attack, or just by going to neighboring galaxies to get some more resources that may help buy the earth just a bit more time.

These heroes make daily runs around the Earth (and solar system) in search for suspicious activity and resources that they may have not seen before, there was never any luck. Every time they made their daily runs, all they would find were either aliens preparing for the destruction of Earth, or brigands, taking essential resources from farms and meadows attempting to sell the resources on the black market.

Five months. Five months was the number that DarkIron would say the Earth would last, and the rest of the Paladins believed him as well.

“What are we going to do,” asked VioletArcher as the news was broken.

“We’re going to have to give the news out to the people of Earth, or at least those who are left,” responded Kauro “ScarletDasher, can you stay behind with DarkIron, see if you two can come up with a way to buy us more time.”
“Sure, but i don’t think that there's going to be many options,”responded Scarlet.
“Alright thank you Scarlet, now, the rest of you come with me,”said Kauro, ”It’s time to tell the Earth that we don’t have much time left.” Kauro then set up a press conference, announcing that it was mandatory for everyone to tune in.
The press conference was set up in the middle of central park, there the heroes were about to announce the news but then… a ship started to transcend from the sky, casting a shadow over central park. At the same time, the heroes received a transmission coming from The Nebulean Guard. The Nebulean Guard is a group of heroes, much like the paladins, but instead of only protecting the Earth, they protect the Nebula(Galaxy).
“Come in Terra,” Flinter contacted the heroes.
“Flinter? What are you guys doing here?”responded all of the heroes in synchronization.
“We heard what’s happening to Terra, thought we could help,”came Galxagul from the heroes’ earpieces.
“Is the whole team there?” Asked Inertia.
“Yeah we’re all here, Me, Galaxgul, Madromeda, Zayos, and Tuit,” responded Flinter.
“Alright lets call off the press conference and discuss in private. Is that alright with you Flint?” Asked Kauro.
“Yeah, sounds good, just let us land at base.”


“Alright what do you guys want, we know you didn’t just travel over hundreds of lightyears just to try and help a planet” said Kauro
“You caught us, we wanted you to join us before you died on this planet with the rest of these humans in a few hours,” responded Flinter.
“What do you mean a few hours, DarkIron predicted that the Earth, sorry, ‘Terra’ would last at least another five months.”
“Well I guess that DarkIron never predicted us coming with a plasma bomb,” said Flinter, ”... I mean where did DarkIron get those numbers from”
“... WHAT! A PLASMA BOMB?” Exclaimed the heroes so loud that the building shook.
“Shoot,” said Flinter, as he reaches for his intercom,”prepare for disembarkation and battle, it’s us versus the Paladins.”

Almost instantly all 5 of the Guards were on the ground and prepared to fight. Caught off guard, the Paladins almost fled, actually, Scarlet and Inertia went around the world without anyone noticing. Right when the rest of the Guards were on the ground, shots were starting to be fired.

The fight lasted almost two days but when the dust settled, the Guards were preparing to go to a safe enough distance to drop the plasma bomb.

“Clear to drop the bomb?”
“Yeah, we’re clear”
The bomb was activated inside the ship, causing one of the biggest explosions ever created and almost making a blackhole.
Seconds later, green light started projecting from the explosion, it was life force, and it headed towards Earth. Once the life force got to Earth, the entire planet started glowing green, but that's not all, it rejuvenated all of the plant life, restoring the oxygen and allowing the humans to live for centuries to come, with the Paladins protecting them.

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