John in Wonderland | Teen Ink

John in Wonderland

March 20, 2016
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, in a land far far away. There was particular type of boy. This boy's name was John. John lived in a land called Uploma as a baker. John loved strolling in the park listening to the birds chirp.
One day while he was strolling in the park he came across a vast rabbit hole. He said to himself, “Well, that's odd.” and leaned in to have a better look. Suddenly, he felt a slight push on his back and in he went.
While he went down he saw quite unusual things. He saw food, tables, cats, dogs, anything imaginable, John saw it.
When he finally hit the bottom he came across a little stool with a book on it. He went to the book and picked it up. It said on the top, “Guide to everything magical”. He opened the cover and read the first sentence, “If you ended up down here then good luck.” “Well,” he thought, “That's helpful.” and he closed the book.
When he did that, he saw a door behind a curtain, barely visible to the naked eye. He went to it and slowly but surely opened it. Behind it, was a vast red rose garden. “Well,” he thought, “This is nice.” and started strolling along through the garden, like he did in his world.
He had been walking around the garden for about twenty minutes when he came across a gigantic red castle. He turned a corner and saw what looked like a red queen, with cards as guards.
“Hmm?” he thought, “This is odd.” He went over to the queen who had all red on, and said “Excuse me but, where am I?”
“Who are you!?” she cried.
“I'm just a traveler wondering how to get home” he said.
“I don't believe you!” she screamed. “Take him away guards!” The guards then went over to him and picked him up with such force that he knew there was no way he could get free.
“Well,” he thought, “How am I gonna get out of this?”
The guards ended up taking him to what looked like a dungeon where they locked him up. “Huh,” he sighed, “What am I gonna do?”
“You could talk to me.” a voice said from the other end of the room.
“Who are you?” he cried with curiosity as he whipped around in time to see a women on the other side about the same age as him with orange hair and blue eyes.
“My names Alice.” she said.
“My names John, how did you get here?” John said.
“I betrayed the red queen and went to the white queen's castle.” she said, “But her and her guards caught me before I could get there.”
“I’m sorry.” John said.
“Well, the past is the past, what's your story?” Alice said.
“The red queen must have thought I was a thief so she stuck me in here. We need to get out of here.” he said.
“Agreed.” Alice said, “But how?”
“I’ve got an idea.” John said.
“Let's say you need to tell the red queen something very important that would affect the whole war”
“That wouldn't work.” Alice said, “What else could we do?”
“Maybe we could steal the keys from the guard somehow…” John said in barely a whisper, so the guard wouldn't hear them talking.
“That could work,” Alice said, “He sleeps with his helmet on every night so the inmates don't know that he’s sleeping, we could steal the keys while he's sleeping, maybe using the plunger that goes with the toilet?”
“Do I even want to ask?” John said,
“Probably not…” Alice said.
Time moved at a snail’s pace as they waited for the guard to fall asleep. “Ugh, that was the longest two hours of my life.” John said.
“You get used to it,” Alice said, “Okay, I'm fairly sure that the guard is asleep now, so go get the keys.”
“Why me!” John whinned.
“Because it was my idea and it's your turn to do something.”
”Okay,” John sighed,
“I’ll do it.”
John went over to the guard and stared at the keys on his belt, “This is a really wierd world.” he thought, he then reached for the keys on the guard's belt, just when he did Alice screamed, John lost his balance and fell face forward, straight into the bars which then woke up the guard. John turned around and looked at at Alice. She was staring blankly at a giant hole in the wall,
“Well, there's a way out.” Alice said.

John and Alice were running away from a giant herd of red card guards.
“How did I get into this…” John said. “I don’t even know how I got here, this all may be a dream,”
“Maybe,” Alice said, “but it's a dangerous dream,” and they kept running.
When they finally reached the white castle the guards were long gone. John and Alice had out run them.
“The red queen's going to be furious when she finds out that we escaped!” Alice said happily. “And then she’ll cut off her guards heads until her temper runs out.”
“Hopefully.” John said. They were walking now, worn out from running all that time.
“Are we close now?” John said for the fiftieth time.
“Almost!” Alice also said for the fiftieth time. All of the sudden, they noticed they were standing smack dab in the middle of a giant courtyard. “Told you,” Alice said.
The white queen let them in with open arms, she then took them around every part of the castle personally.
“She seems nice,” John said when she finally wasn't around. “Most of the time...” Alice said.
“Anyway, how are we gonna stop the red queen, our army is just basicly bunnies and hamsters.”,
“We have some tough animals, we’ll get through it.” Alice said.
“I hope we do.” John said.

It had been three long days since Alice and John escaped from the wretched red queen.
“I need to do SOMETHING.” John said to Alice, right after arguing with her about when they could start going out into the woods and explore.  “It's soooo boring in here, all we do is sleep, eat, and talk.” John said.
“Sometimes that's all you need to do.” Alice said.
“Sometimes you don't make sense.”  John said. Alice looked over at John with anger in her eyes.
“Sorry…” John said, “I'm just stressed right now, I miss my family and friends.”
“You got me and the whole kingdom.” Alice said to John. “You’ll get back home someday. I’ll make sure of that.”
Just then they heard a gong ringing outside the kingdom. They looked out their window. They saw a field full of cards. Red cards.
“Uh oh.” John said.
“Double uh oh.” Alice said. “Look over there.”
Just where Alice was pointing was the red queen, with a huge beast. He had razor sharp teeth, with green eyes, and a long scaly tail. It then shot fire from his nose at all the beautiful white blossoms in the courtyard making them burn into mere ashes.
“Triple uh oh.” Said a voice from behind him.
There was the white queen standing there with a beautiful whitish-blue dress on.
“We need to go now Alice.” The queen said.
“No.” Alice said calmly. “Not again.”
“Are you gonna fight this war then Alice?” The queen said.
“If I have to.” Alice said to the queen, and then she walked out of the room. John followed her.
“What is happening?” John said, clearly confused.
“Long story short, I lied to you,” Alice said
“I never got caught. I was waiting for you to come to me. It's your turn to fight the Jabberwocky, I already did years ago.”
“Then who are you?” John said still very confused.
“I’m your cousin John.” Alice said
“I need time to go think this through.” John said
“There's no time John, we need you now.” Alice then said.
“For what?” John said.
“To fight the Jabberwocky,” Alice said.

John was ready. He had the brains, he had the wits, and he had the strength. He walked up to the massive thing expecting the fate he had been given. He was still confused though at how and why he had stumbled across this land. Then the dragon spoke.
“Hello mighty warrior.”
John noticed his voice was gruff like a old mans. Probably from breathing fire all those years.
“Are you ready to meet your match?” The dragon joked.
“Get on with it then!” The queen then screamed at the dragon.
“Yesss, my queen.” The dragon hissed.
John couldn't say that he wasn't afraid that the dragon could inhale his whole body in one long breath. He was terrified at the very thought of it, but he was willing, as long as he saved this strange world. John then turned to the mighty dragon and said his vows.
“This will be a clean fight,” The red queen screeched. “And what I mean by that is make him suffer, Jabbawockee”  the queen cackled.
“Are you ready my dear creature.” The queen said hoarsely, for she yelled at anyone in her way.  “Three, two, one, FORWARD!” The queen screamed.
No one did anything for about five long seconds. The opposing teams waited for each other to go. Then they all started at once. The Jabbawockee made the first move towards John. He tried to swing his tail at him from behind but John was quick and darted to the right just missing him. The dragon then used his rock hard lungs to breath fire at John. John ducked but the fire skimmed his nose. His hand went up to it instantly and the dragon took advantage of that by taking his sharp claws and swiping them towards John. By that time John was still reacting to the burn on his nose. He fell down hard at the impact of the Jabbawockee’s swing. He then got up and started running towards a tall broken down stone tower. He ran up the stairs with haste. When he got to the top he didn't see the Jabbawockee anywhere, They he heard a rumbling below him. The Jabbawockee burst out from below his feet, he fell down on his back hard. The giant beast climbed up on top of the building and was about to take a part of John when Alice popped up from behind him with shining armor.
She took the sword she had and jumped on the Jabbawockee. She then jumped in the air and stabbed him right to the heart. It was a sight to see. The war stopped that moment and everyone watched as the beast rolled down each step of the tower and finally landed by the red queens feet. Her crown went off her head once again and went to the White queen. Alice went over to the red queen and said,
“No one's here to save you this time.”
All the cards in her army fell down and withered away.
“Now what?” John said finally, and everyone turned towards him.
“Well, we lock the red queen up and live our lives I guess. Again.” Alice then said
“What do you mean by ‘again’?” John said
“Now that's an even longer story.” Alice said.

             The End!

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