The Limit of the Sky Chapter Two | Teen Ink

The Limit of the Sky Chapter Two

March 31, 2016
By muffinjoe BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
muffinjoe BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Growing old is manditory, but growing up is not." - Walt Disney

Just then I heard our doorbell ring. I slowly stood up, wiping another tear from my eye and peered out of my window which had a clear view of the front door and saw a tall man, only slightly shorter than the door. He wore a black suit with a white collared shirt - much like mine - with a black tie. In his right hand, he held a black leather briefcase. My mother took a moment to answer the door, but when she reached the door, she let the tall stranger in. I snuck out of my room, tip-toed down the stairs and waited just outside the living room entrance and listened.
“Hello Mrs. Weathers. I am Rick Danes your husband’s lawyer. I give to you my utmost condolences. I am here as you know to discuss your husband's will,” he spoke with a voice that was strong and firm, yet smooth and gentle. His voice was the  soft and gentle purr, of the most ferocious tiger on all of planet earth.
“As you know there is a large sum of money to be left to you and your daughter along with most of his prized possessions. However, I will have to let you know that you will have to find a job to continue your life here in Florida. There is not enough money to last very long here. He is also leaving you his family home in Michigan around where you two went to school.” He slowly continued on as I tuned out and wandered back into my room. I sat there for a few minutes until I heard a faint knock on the door of my room.
“Can I come in?” my mother said with a faint squeak. I got up and invited her in. We sat together on my bed and layed side by side on my large bed, staring up at the glow in the dark star stickers on my white ceiling.
“How much did you hear?” she asked me knowing I was listening in.
“That we are moving to Michigan,” I replied softly my head burning with anger, fear, and sadness.
“Hey don’t say it like that we have a few weeks for me to find a good paying job before we won’t have a choice.”
“I know but who is going to hire you for the same amount of money that dad made?”
“Not a lot of people but I can still try,” I doubted her tone. She was using the, i’m-a-mom-and-everything-will-be-ok voice. “All right young lady. It has been a long day and you need to sleep. I will call the school if you want.”
“If you could mom that would be great.”
“OK you get some sleep now. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight mom,” She slowly closed my door so she would not make too much noise, then went back downstairs, probably to watch some tv to get her mind off of things. I don’t blame her.
I stare up at my ceiling above my bed and stare at the glow-in-the-dark stars my dad had hung for me when I was little. I just stare. I felt a burning tear tear across my face and onto my pillow. Then another. I silently wept looking at the stars on my ceiling. Until my eyes slowly closed and I drifted off to sleep.

The author's comments:

I know that this is chapter two and there is not a chapter one published on this site yet but i had to do this one for an assignment so if this works out well i will publish the whole thing as a novel when it is finished.

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