Seath the Slumbering Dragon | Teen Ink

Seath the Slumbering Dragon

April 27, 2016
By Seath_Series BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Seath_Series BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Legend has it that north beyond the ice deck, further than the forbidden forest of the Flynn a ruthless dragon sleeps. Now not one soul has dared to venture pass the ice deck. The ice deck is a frozen Monasteries lake miles deep with a terrible catch, Miles under the ice there is an enormous serpent called a syen serpent. The beast will emerge out of the water in seconds and pull you under so you slowly drown in subzero water. If you are the luckiest human on earth and not get detected or pulled under you will eventually come to the Forbidden forest of Flynn you and stab toxic daggers, although not very sharp you will sleep for eternity if you are struck, Hmm I wonder why its forbidden…

In a town called mujula a town of terrorizing, treacherous dangerous past, old town but legendary town where lots of shops thrive and kids play on the street, a legendary knight of the darkmoon legion was passing through, his name was Caris. Mujula was the closest town to the ice deck. Caris was here to bypass the ice deck and forest to the dragon’s chamber. He set off to the frozen lake. The darkmoons where pure enemies of the blue sentinels but, friends with the near eradicated darkwraiths. The blue sentinel’s attacked the darkwraiths until near eradication. Now the sentinel’s where attacking the darkmoons of abyss. The sentinel’s herd about the darkmoon knight fighting the dragon known as Seath Caris came back and the blue sentinel’s where already there. Caris was heavily wounded and couldn’t fight as well. The blue sentinel’s ambushed him, he fought hard but fell to the all most powerful terrorizing sentinel’s.

Jay was caris’s Older and wiser brother.  The brothers had a complicated relationship with their family and communication between the two wasn’t always the easiest thing to establish.  Jay was middle class. He also wanted to fight Seath but wasn’t as powerful as his brother jay was a darkwraith, one of the last. Had armor and a sword. He was a captain in the legion of darkwraiths, so he could borrow a shield, so he of course he did. He set out the next day to go on a treacherous terrorizing journey.

He went out at night because he couldn’t sleep. Darkwraiths tend to make there armor black granting jay stealth. When jay reached the ice deck he noticed that the best was dead, Caris actually killed it! When Jay when to touch the syen its gapping mouth opened and swallowed jay. Jay plunged his sword into the mouth of the great syen. The beast screamed and spit him out and fell to the bottom of the lake jay on the other hand, was fine. Suddenly a sound as booming as a nuclear explosion going off behind him.

Back in mujula to the east a volcano was erupting. IT was far enough away the lava and gases couldn’t erase the bountiful, town. The ash fell on the city, people got the terrible sickness PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS. Ash got in there lungs killing them like a reaper of souls came to take them.

Jay intimidatingly (but scared on the inside) snuck like a thief into the forbidden forest where he knew it would be a millimeter from impossible to triumph through. Darkwraith armor is very tough, especially against rather sharp objects. Then out of literately nowhere a Flynn attacked him with his light as a feather dagger, but his armor was to strong. Jay wacked the extraordinary small creature and it ran away. Continually the Flynn’s attacked jay but he was still too armored like a modern century juggernaut.  

Finally jay was there but the ash from the volcanic eruption made it impossible to see. Nobody has ever gotten as far as jay. He was the first of his amazing treacherous generation to reach, triumph to the enormous cobble stone fortress! With the last bit of his power left he camped out until day. It was day and jay crept to the tip of the mighty tower. He fell through the stone paved floor and treacherous Seath was waiting… he was not in slumber.

“You have made it far young hollowed soul.” Exclaimed the dragon like a bomb of in modern terrorized Syria.

“It’s your turn to die!” Laughed the evil dragon.

The dragon swiped his 5 foot clawed hand, the kind of a monstrous paw only mentioned in the fables of ancient Greece, and knocked jay onto the floor.

Jay got up and charged with the might of a million gods but the great sword bounced of the amazingly enormous dragon’s scales.

“I’m immortal you sorry fool!” Laughed the dragon in a voice that boomed like a cannon going off in a small china shop.

Behind the dragon lied an overly sipiocios large crystal. Ran to the crystal and kidded it and made it plummet to the ground. Jay herd the dragon scream of agony. He fell on his back revealing a broken scale. Jay stabbed the exposer and the dragon yelled. The people in mujula herd it. Jay had defeated the dragon. HE was filled with godly power, but a man in a black thief suit was there mysteriously. How did he get this far passing the treacherous ice deck and forbidden forest?

The mysteries mas exclaimed “it’s a nice day, the birds are singing, the children Where playing, days like this, people like you, you pitiful sorry creature.  I thought such a good hero wouldn’t be so hollow, broken on the inside, ha-ha.

An eagle yelled in the distance almost like he is saying warning, warning!

The man cleanly drew his sword like a treacherous eagle swooping down to catch an unsuspecting little kangaroo mouse in the desert ……

The author's comments:

Seath The Slumbering dragon is about a man named jay trying to a goal his brother failed in. The story was inspired from the infamis dark souls seris. You may have seen adds about dark souls 3 becase it came out very resently. Seath was inspired from one of the gods in dark souls 1 and the term slumbiring drgon was added from the first dlc in dark souls 2 his name is SIN the slimbiring dragon but i replaced it with can find images of seath and sin on google.At the end of the story a man who was inspired from the charicter Sans from undertale who gets revenge on his brother.But in this story he avenges his brother who was turned to a drogon second piece may come out if this is liked a lot <=

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