The Incursion | Teen Ink

The Incursion

May 8, 2016
By Anonymous

The sun shone through my window, it was my cue to wake up. Truly, that’s all it was for, it provides us no light or heat, all that is artificial. We are too distant from it for it to provide these necessities. Our government provided that for us, but that's just the least of what the government did for us. Every morning the government announced their achievements. I never believed it though, how could I if I never saw it myself. That’s one of my many issues, I need to see to believe. This issue is not aided by my keepers, or parents you may call them. Anyway, my keepers have grounded me since the age of 5, which has aided to my paranoia of the outside world. In Fact, I can't remember anything before the age of 5.
“Alamgir get your lazy bum out of that room” yelled my mom. It was the same call every morning, and it simply meant breakfast. I walked downstairs and asked my mom the same question I did every morning.
“Can I go outside today”, I asked. Each time she would answer no, then I would ask why.
She would answer “because” and uncontent with that answer I would argue myself into a new creative punishment. Today, I had to wear an elizabethan collar as a punishment. It was actually one of the less humiliating punishments I have gotten. Most likely because my father was not home. He is a cruel man, whose punishments usually involve a belt.
The rest of the day, I did what I did every day, I read and watched TV, until I fell asleep. I woke up again to the same cue, got a new punishment, but today was going to be different. I was going to leave against my parents will, I had no reason not to. I exited the door and started to run, harder and harder until I couldn't breath. When I stopped I heard them, some screamed, some just looked my way in an extremely confused state. They were staring at me. Me? What had I done? Was I somewhere I wasn't supposed to be? I turned and ran back to my house. I burst through the door and ran directly into my dads chest. The fire in his eyes grew every second. I took my breaths carefully as he seemed as a bomb about to explode. There was no escape though as I got the harshest punishment I have ever received. In that instance I lost all hope and love that I ever had for my dad. My dad was a monster, that my mom cowered under. My room was bolted shut for a month after that. My mom would feed me and on rare occasions have secret conversations with me against my father's will. One day I asked why the people screamed upon sight of me.
“Really, thats strange, why would they ever do that?” she answered. I could tell that she knew why. There was a fear in her eyes that expressed that she shouldn't have even answered me. I excused her, because I could tell that she was terrified. She exited the room at that moment. The next day she returned and grabbed my hands. I gazed into her dark blue eyes, and she started to tell the truth.
“The truth, it that what you want to know? Do you want me to answer your question from yesterday?” she asked.
“Yes, but I don't want lies” I answered.
“You're not from here honey, you can say that you're kind of an outsider, when we, well I found you, your father wanted to kill you, you were a bit of a threat, but we fixed that, its ok now.”
“Where am I from? Why was I a threat?”
“Your from….” her voice trailed off as she grabbed for her stomach that was turning red. She collapsed to the ground, behind her stood my father holding a gun. I screamed with rage and headbutted my dad, making him unconscious. My mom turned to me and with her final breath she handed me a red button with a lock on it and a note. I ran out of the room and into the streets. I can say that I was overcome with emotions as I found myself taking shelter in an abandoned warehouse. Ha, what a cliche place to hide, but the truth is that it works. I almost forgot about the note that my mom had given me, but I pulled it out and read it.
It said “Dear, Alamgir you were sent here to invade us, this button that you now posses can end the existence of our species. Your father wants to kill you, but I have came to love you and your species. Maybe i'm crazy but I want to aid you in your mission. He will be angry that it's in your possession and if you have it, I am either dead or I have overcome my fear of your father. However your father has the key to that button and you will need to retrieve it, I believe in you.”
Could anybody be more vague, what could I do? There was nothing I could do, but to fulfill my mother's wishes. I ran back to my house to confront my father. He was a monster, and in order for me to get that key it would mean his death. Upon sight of me, he whipped out his gun and fired. He hit me in the knee and I cried out. Filled with adrenaline my fist collided with his ear. He fell and I picked up the gun. I aimed it at his head but I was unable to do it. I couldn't defeat the monster that I loved. I simply reached into his jacket pocket for the key and ran. I settled down and inserted the key into the button. First an announcer came over a speaker in the button.
It said “After this you can remove the oxygen converter that has been inserted into your throat”
It then started a countdown and said repeatedly “Converting all gasses to oxygen”. I reached into my throat and removed a tube and suddenly I could breath better than ever before, but people outside seemed to be choking, their blue skin turning purple. Spaceships came out of the sky and landed on the planet's surface. A man exited wearing a black suit, and his skin color was the same pale that mine was. He walked up to me and told me that my mission was complete.
He said “good job, we read that your memory was lost on the impact on our monitors. Do you know what's happening?”
“No, no I don't” I cried.
“You just made a planet hospitable for our species, we come from earth and are called humans.” You are one of us and was sent here due to overpopulation on our planet, you helped us take the ...Zephs planet” he said scornfully.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I am your father, you are my son. Your real mother sadly died at your birth. I named you Alamgir, because it means conqueror of worlds. I knew you would be responsible for saving us and you have. I am so proud of you and so would your mother.”
The next couple of days, I watched them, or us settle on this planet. I was going to have a new life with my people. I was truly happy for once.

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