The North | Teen Ink

The North

May 13, 2016
By Anonymous

I awake to the harsh siren of my alarm clock and move to my feet. My crystal ceiling projects morning moonlight over my bedroom as I pull on a thick, deep green sweater. It was a gift from the textile factory of the beneath. The workers know my favorite color. I finish dressing by slipping into my freshly shined leather shoes and head towards the assembly room. I arrive first, but I can see through the glass wall that others are not far behind. I take my seat second to the head of the table. Soon after, Lacey and the rest of the Royal advisors enter and take their seats. Lacey’s tired but familiar eyes squint at the hint of morning light as she races to the available spot nearest to me.
“Good morning.” This makes her chuckle.
“Is there ever such a thing?” She pats my shoulder blade and plops in her seat.

While waiting for the King and Queen to arrive, I pour myself some herbal tea and prepare a concoction of coffee, sugar and milk for Lacey.She takes several deep breaths, letting the sweet aroma fill her up before she takes several quick gulps from the mug I placed before her. Mild conversation fills the room, but only Lacey speaks to me directly. The others find it inappropriate to talk to me.
Shadows hug the cement floors beyond the glass walls and we all stand in unison. King Jameson and Queen Mallory waltz through the door, elbows linked, and dip their heads in approval.
“Please be seated,” King Jameson smiles, and with a peck on the cheek he separates from the Queen and finds his seat next to me.
“Good morning, Son.”
“Good morning, Father.”
The Royal advisors now sit still as stone, waiting to be called to speak.
“Please, everyone finish your coffee. We will start in a few minutes,” Mother’s warm smile radiates through the room and seems to almost melt away the stiffness in the advisors. Almost.

Mother makes her way to the coffee station, stopping before me to tuck a strand of my hair back into place. She pats my back and continues on to pour her coffee. As the mindless chatter begins again, Father is carefully studying his plan book. I turn to nudge Lacey, who is starting to fall asleep. We normally don’t meet the advisors so early; she must be unaware of the circumstances to which we are meeting. She startles and nudges me back, embarrassed. She forces herself to finish her coffee in one large gulp, afraid to fall asleep again. A few of the elder advisors roll their eyes at the scene. They disapprove of Lacey’s laid back approach to the job, but because she is so good at what she does, they know they can not fire her.  The royal family has no control over advisors, for risk of corruption, and that is the way it should be. I only wish more of the advisors were as  easy to talk to as Lacey.

“Okay everyone, sorry for the delay,” Father grumbles,” We do need to be getting started.”
The royal advisors tighten and shift to face their King. They push away their half eaten breakfasts and each pull out a notepad.
“I am concerned that the Eastern Tribe is planning to attack.” Every muscle fragment in the room goes still. None of the advisors were prepared for this kind of news; Father only informed me last night.
“However,” he continues, trying to calm the room,” if they are, indeed, planning to attack the Central Tribe, our intelligence reports that the Eastern Tribe will need several months to be war ready. So we have time to prepare ourselves.” Seconds later, an eruption of questions flow from the advisors’ mouths. Father makes no effort to answer their questions. He will not reward this insanity, not even at a time like this.
When order is recovered, the king begins to answer questions. We do not know exactly when or where this attack might occur.  But it is coming. When it does come, we will be ready.

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