The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

May 16, 2016
By nzimmer36 BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
nzimmer36 BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The peacefulness of the birds chirping in the trees filled the night with a calm. The rows of corn that were in the middle of harvest season stood tall and swayed in the breeze. The barn was silent, and not a sound of any animals could be heard. I was reclined on the hill that the mighty apple tree stood alone upon. My eyes drooped and finally closed.
Just then I realized…
Something was different…
Something seemed wrong…
My eyes shot open. The gentle breeze had ceased, the crows, that normally found their perch on the brittle excuse of a fence, had stopped squawking. I looked up into the sky, for the stars were bright lightbulbs in the sky, illuminating the land below. That’s when it had occurred to me, one of the lights was gradually becoming brighter and bigger.
The star, now looking like an asteroid, was falling closer and closer to earth. I could only imagine that the gradual speed to me, was going a couple thousand times faster in space. It was going to plummet into the ground!
In an instant, a flash of whiteness overtook the other light of the stars. It sounded like a bomb had dropped. The, whatever it was, shook the ground with huge tremors, bigger than any earthquake i’ve ever felt. The shock wave sent me sprawling backwards onto my back.
Thoughts of what happened rushed throughout my brain as I recovered from the blast. Was it an asteroid? A satellite? Maybe it WAS a bomb that failed to detonate.
A sense of haste overtook me and I ran towards the smoke that formed a tower in the sky. An unnatural glow resonated from the cornfield to indicate where the object had landed. The groaning coming from the cow barn made the hairs on my neck stand. I hurried towards what sounded like a low frequency tone that cut in and out like a machine. “It has to be a satellite from space” I told myself as I brushed passed the tall cornstalks. Then I saw it… A crater, only about as wide as a horse pen and 5 feet deep, had formed in the fresh soil around it. Asteroids fall all the time out here, and sometimes they would make tiny cracks or crevices on the ground, but nothing as big as this.
A round orb, made of a metallic material that intertwined within its structured frame, had formed the depth of the crater. There were three fins that branched away from the outside of the sphere, like wings, and there were two round exhaust tubes stretching out of the back, with blue rings that shot like waves out of the end. I dared to edge closer, carefully, closer to the spacecraft, or at least what I pictured one to be like. A Black lens had covered the round enameled glass window that took up most of the front of the machine, the blast had left the glass cracked open. I placed my hands into the gap, and managed to open the door to see what resided inside.

The author's comments:

I was super bored, and wanted to write something... weird.

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