Far Away | Teen Ink

Far Away

May 11, 2016
By Brran BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Brran BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gilly lurks through the shadows of the night as the red and blue lights flash following a siren's scream. He knew he could no longer be in the city for what he had done. He tiptoes in his new Jordans out of the city. Suddenly a he sees a bright light in the sky. 

"Oh man dawg! How am I supposed to hide from that?"

Gilly looks around to see the city flashing with red and blue lights, grass, and a cornfield. He had the perfect plan in mind: he could go to the cornfields and pretend he is a stalk of corn. As he makes his way to the cornfield he turns back and notices that the light is following him. He sprints as fast as he can and he trips over a piece of corn. As he rolls over on the ground and notices the empty sky. The light had disappeared. Unexpectedly a beam of bright light shines upon him from the sky.

"Oh man! My eyes! The light! So bright!"

His eyes could not handle the light so he looked down at his feet. He saw that something was not right. He looked at the ground and saw that his body was no longer on the ground. His body was getting further away from the ground and closer to the light in the sky.

"It's been a good life. My time has come and now it is time for me to spread my wings to go to the gates of Heaven."

Tears fill his eyes as he makes his way. As the light takes him closer to the sky, he loses consciousness. 

Gilly opens his eyes to find two large eyes staring deep into his soul. His reflexes kicks in and he smacks its head to oblivion. He examines where he is and notices he did not expect heaven to be like this. He looks around to see that he is in a bright room and he is on a table. Looking back at what he smacked a few seconds ago, he saw that it was grey with a huge head with a slim body and arms and legs of a noodle. Despite its large head he notice the alien was half the size he was. Over its body  it was wearing a onesie that perfectly fit. It was almost like a human. He grabs it by the neck and starts questioning it.

"What do you want from me? What are you? What is wrong with your head?"

The alien didn’t move and he sees that it was drooling. It seems as if he had smacked it to another life. A light shines into the room and Gilly notices a door had been opened. He holds the unconscious alien and throws it at the door as he sees an alien enter the room.

"Chill! Chill!" the alien said.

"Naw, you really speak English?"

"I sure do! It is my native language."

"What do you want from me?"  

"I want you."

Gilly puts his fists up and swings at the alien. The alien leans his head forward into his arms and evades Gilly's swing.

"Did you really dab on my punch?"

Gilly went into flames. Being dabbed on was one of the things he hated most. He throws his arm back as he prepares to smack this fool.

"Wait Gilly! Wait!"

"How do you know my name?"

"Well that is because you are part of my family tree." 

"Whatchu talking about?"

"I am your very great grandson."

"I don't get it."

"I have time traveled to past. I am from the distant future."

"You can't be related to me. You look ugly with that meatball head and spaghetti body"

"Well I have evolved from your kind as our time gap is ten million years apart."

"Are you sure you evolved? The only thing that looks like it evolved is your forehead."

"Yes it has. We have grown to be much more intelligent than your kind."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, that is why my kind are able to travel back in time."                   

"Okay you win this time. Back to my original question, why do you want me?"

"We want to study the history of how we have evolved through time so I picked you since you since you are part of my family tree."

"How we evolved?"

"Yes, even you humans have studied how you have evolved."

"Okay, so what do you want to do with me?"

"Cut you open."

"Did you say cut me open?"

Gilly sees the alien pull out a horrifying surgical device as it gets closer to him.

"Cut you open."

Gilly did not want to be cut open. He kicked the alien's hand and the surgical device flew across the room. The device pierced through the  room and disappeared. He did not notice how much power his kick had as the alien's arm wrapped around itself like a cocoon. 

"What have you done!"

"What did I do?"

"You made a hole in the ship and now we are losing air!  You need to leave."

"Why just me?"

"Because you'll die without air."

"But I thought you were going to kill me."

"The only thing I said I was going to do was cut you open."

The alien grabs Gilly's hand and runs out the room. Gilly notices that the aliens hand felt like soft boiled noodles. That was his last thought before blacking out.

Opening his eyes Gilly notices he is back on the ground that he had face-planted. He felt that his head was aching and the blood on his head had dried up.

"Man, that was the weirdest dream I ever had."

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