No one equal, no one at all | Teen Ink

No one equal, no one at all

May 20, 2016
By jesusortiz BRONZE, Austin, Texas
jesusortiz BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started in No-where. A place for people who were different, special, or in other words “not as normal as everyone else” and don't belong anywhere else, could live in. For these people it was the safest place they could ever be in because no one would judge them, mistreat them, and could feel a little normal for once, or at least that's what the Supreme Council would make them believe for them stay there. The Supreme Council was a group of ancients who are the ones who keep control of Nowhere for the “good” of the people. But in my opinion I've always thought it's all bunch of bull dump because although Nowhere is a really nice place to live in, I see it more as an invisible sheet that makes everyone under it invisible too and keeps them hidden from the world and becoming something more than just citizens of Nowhere. Oh but the Supreme Council loves it here. All the Council has ever wanted is to keep on having control of somewhere, and everyone in it because they know that out of all the people in Nowhere they are the ones who have the least of chance in the human world for being the most “freakiest” of them all and having no power there. But those are just my thoughts, my opinions, and theory.
Ok, so back to “it all started” in a stormy day in No-where. Everyone was indoors warm and dry. I was already sleeping peacefully in bed until I heard a big thunder but sounded more like a missile or something, I don't know. The whole village went out to the middle of No-where and saw a horrible sight. The Great Oak tree, the tree that created the invisible walls around No-where for us not be seen by humans, was put down. It was awful suspicious, but also completely visible that it was shot down by someone. Everyone started panicking and crying. After a while there was only silence we were all around the Great Oak tree, grieving because it kept us save for many years. Then suddenly the silence was broken by footsteps, a lot of footsteps. I looked down on my chest and saw a red laser light pointing at me and heard a shot, then everything just went blurry and dark.
Next thing I knew was waking up in a completely bright white room that smelled like my 6th grade science room, which was odd. My arms felt sore. So I looked down a saw a bunch of needles stuck into them taking out blood and then pouring it back in, but it hurt a lot. Then the door handle started moving so I closed my eyes and didn't move. Then I heard footsteps towards me and just grabbed onto a needle in case of anything
“This one looks like a normal human to me it has no weird features like all the other Freaks” said the doctor.
When he left the room I opened my eyes and said “ who does he think he is to call us freaks”. I bended up and was able to  see the door slightly opened. So I started pulling out all the needles and getting off the bed. The floor was freezing which I guess it meant I was bare footed of course, and saw a change of clothes on the chair next to the bed which creeped me out a little with the fact that it was my exact size. So I put it on and left the room checking both sides of the hallway first.    
When I left the room I could see more doors up and down the hallway. I looked through a circled windows on the doors and saw villagers from Nowhere in them. So I started walking down the hallway silently to not be noticed, at the side of the hallway was a window and saw something amazing and unbelievable. I could see the Statue of Liberty, which meant we were in New York city. But I was so amazed because since the day I went into No-where my memories of the outside world were scarce and the Statue of Liberty was one I still had. Suddenly I heard a sweet, and gentle voice of a woman on my right shoulder.
“Its beautiful isnt?” she asked
I looked over and it was a lady on her early 30’s.
“Yes, yes is” I responded.
“Well would you like to go see it up close?” she said.
“I can’t leave my people here to go off with some stranger” I said.
“You are right, how rude of me not introducing myself my name is Nora James and about your people don’t worry they are under good care” she stated.
So I nodded yes and we went up the hallway, through an elevator and out through some double doors. When we got out there was a black limousine waiting for us the driver opened the door for me and the woman to get in.
“Wow” I whispered to myself or at least tried cause she still heard me.
“Im guessing you've never been in one” she giggled.
“We don't have any vehicles back in the village,” i said.                              
Im guessing she felt pity or something because the rest of the way to No-where was complete silence.
“We are here”she announced. The Limousine had stopped in front of some decks because apparently the Statue of Liberty was on an island and the only way to get there was by boat “and by the way you don't happen to get sea sick right?” she asked “No I don't think so” I responded. I was also very nervous because i’ve never really gotten up on a boat before, so on our way there me and Ms. Nora’s heels found out I actually do get seasick after all luckily she had a spare.
When we arrived to the island we got off the boat and walked our way to the entrance.  After a while that we were there Ms. Nora got a called. She dropped the phone and stepped on it “it's time to leave kid” she said. Then we rushed out and a helicopter was already outside waiting for us. On the way she was telling me about how her organization wanted to help Nowhere people fit in the world with everyone else. With her saying that made me sure I was on the right side. Then she started telling me about how the government wanted to use my people as lab rats or something. That got me really mad. 
“ Are you willing to help your people at all cost” she asked seriously. 
“Yes, yes I am” I responded.
As soon as we got there we were able to see a lot of big trucks sticking my people in there. I tried to get you the helicopter but Ms. Nora stopped me.
“You can't because if you are gone then nobody else will speak for your people” Miss Nora said. She catched me up with the world and teached me proper ways of behavior and stuff.
When it got time to talk to the government I made my own plan. Miss Nora was involved with the United States military so I send a signal to this huge bomb that was never tested and could end the whole world so I used it.
“Speak now” said an old man of the government in the courtroom.
“If we can't live equally than we might as well not live at all” I said.
In my hand I had a button that when I pressed the bomb would activate, so I did and the whole world blew up. How can I be telling this story right now if we all blew up? Well apparently what made me belong in Nowhere was that I couldn't ever die so i'm the only one that survived and now I am all alone. And all because they found it so hard to be equal.

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