Darkness & Blacker | Teen Ink

Darkness & Blacker

May 25, 2016
By FlareGoodman BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
FlareGoodman BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A woman in heavy, Obsidian black armor, sat on an ebony throne. Instead of a helm she donned a silver crown. The room itself was somber and painted in colors of vivid violet, sooty grey and swathed in raven, blue black. Fine silk tapestries, hung from the dark walls. A frown graced the Queen’s porcelain face. Violet eyes tense with disbelief and caution. Blue ones matched her gaze. A man in a white suit of elven armor. Helmet in his hands and bowed on one knee in front of the dark queen.
The white king, in all his glory kneeled there in front of her, a thin wisp of a smile on his face. He had come to debate on ending the war. Or, that’s what he had written her. He
was early. They were supposed to meet in another room at another date. Her
composure however had not lowered. She was the picture of sophistication and
grace. Beauty had never been hers to claim. Strength, power, and a venomous tongue were all hers. The young King, Elden the white, he was more than blessed with beauty. 
“Dragon queen Bellarys,” he announced in a honey soaked voice.
“I have a proposition for you.”
“Pray tell, why it couldn’t wait until our formerly scheduled
“I, Elden the white, have lowered myself to this position for only one reason.” anticipation curled through the queen.
“To request that you join me in holy matrimony.”
The queen gaped at what she had just heard. She barely was able to say the next line, though she did so with every bit of the grace and dignity she had been gifted with.
“Dear Sir, I implore you to give me some time, this is a heavy decision.”
“Take all the time you need your highness.”
“That being said, please excuse me. My servants are the
best, if you ask them for something they will do it. Of course that means
within their capabilities.”
The queen left the man standing where he was, if he were to
move after her the guards would not take kindly to him chasing her. Well
neither would she for that matter. She had a battle-axe on her back, so if he
were to even try it would not end well for him. Her ladies maids in step behind
her she left the room.
         I had to keep face but, oh my god. Right there in front of everyone he had proposed to me. My long time enemy, had proposed marriage…. to me, saying that it would help end
the war. When I took control of the throne I had never really expected this. I
mean a political marriage to be proposed sure but I thought that it would be
through more appropriate means. Not up in front of everyone, from a Guy I’ve
only met on the battlefield. Oh where were my nerves of steel when I needed
them? Right, well they decided to take a vacation and sent their friendly
replacements the butterflies in my stomach.
I made haste to my room, more than a little unnerved. My ladies maids still in step behind me, as I more or less ran away. They didn’t say a word but when I stopped at my door it was made more than obvious that I wanted to be alone. So, for now, they left me to my devices. I went in my room and locked the door, slumping against it.
“I can kill a man in a heartbeat but, can I say no to this?”
The door to the queen’s room opened slowly. A somber being walked out slowly. Bellarys had mulled over the pros and cons for a bit. She made her way to one of the meeting rooms, where this matter should’ve taken place. The room itself was different from the rest of the castle. Instead of dark walls and furniture, she had the room painted a tan color. The floors were wooden and two big white window doors sat as an opening to the garden.
A maid opened the doors per the queen's request. A nice breeze blew in. Spring was a nice season. She spaced out as she felt the wind blow through her brown braid. She held her crown in her hands. Overall she was just enjoying the moment. 
I walked in a little nervous but I made sure not to show it on my face. I was a little put off when she just walked away from me but i’m sure she’ll say yes. The maids at the door open it for me, a small smile painted on their faces. Queen Bellarys was just sitting there a smile on her face and a crown in her hands. The door quietly closed behind me.
“It’s a nice day isn’t it?” She questioned.
“Spring is quite a lovely season, so it’s to be expected.”
I took a seat at the long wooden table.
“This room…. It’s different.”
“That’s because it’s meant for meetings.” she gave me a pointed look and replace her crown on her head. Before continuing.“ People of other countries tend not to like the dark colors of my palace. So I painted it differently.”
“Anyways, please take a seat.” She said gesturing to the seat across from her. He took it.
“So, you called?”
“Yes. As you probably guessed, I called you here to tell you my answer.”
“Yes and…..”
“Well my answer is no.”
“My answer is no, because I want to end this war but not through these means. There must be another way.”
“Believe me Dragon Bellarys, if there were another way I would have told you.”
“Would you?”
“Yes.” Elden said with a hiss. “ My people don’t want peace. If fact they want me to kill you and enslave your race!”
“My men are furious that I came here alone. And I feel stupid for even trying this method.”
“Sit down.”
Elden was furious
“Elden, watch your tone and sit down. Remember whose kingdom you’re in at the moment.” He sat down anger on his face.
“Believe you me, I don’t like this anymore than you do Bellarys.”
“Are you sure Elden? Is there no other way?” the queen’s voice softened. Elden clenched his hands.
“They would accept no other means or methods I proposed. Please, Bellarys. I’ve tried everything I could. As much as I hate you, genocide and or enslavement  is not on my to do list.” With a sigh the queen begrudgingly said yes.
They were married on a warm fall day. The excitement had died down after about a year. And in another the queen produced heirs. A little boy named Cael, and his twin Ignem. And for awhile the kingdom was peaceful. However things were not destined to be peaceful for long.

The author's comments:

Uhhh... I think it will end up with more chapters...

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