Arcadia Academy | Teen Ink

Arcadia Academy

May 26, 2016
By Heidi_M BRONZE, Fremont, Ohio
Heidi_M BRONZE, Fremont, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." by Albert Einstein

Arcadia academy is an elite school for gifted people who possess abilities beyond human nature. Every year the academy goes down to Earth to select new students. Working with a secret government, Arcadia academy is exclusive, and so very few people who aren’t gifted know about it. Located in a giant spaceship, it is able to use a sort of invisibility cloak to hide itself from Earth’s radars and such. No one knows when the academy came to be, it was just always there. The oldest records kept only stated that to protect the gifted children they fled far away until they managed to create a refuge in space when technology advanced. With that in mind, Arcadia academy is a safe place for students to learn how to use their gifts.

The academy might sound like a chance of a lifetime, however, the secrets they hide are much darker than anyone could ever expect them to be. Those chosen are taken without notice and so what the academy does is basically erase their existence to not raise any suspicion. Naturally, it would seem like a difficult task to do for all gifted people around the world. However, the ones performing it are the seven headmasters of the academy. They are the strongest of all gifted people and they have long lifespans so a new headmaster is rarely replaced. Of course, the students would object to being taken away from their friends and family, but they cannot return back without the consent of the headmasters.

That is what happened to me and my friends. We were all taken from our homes two years ago. The system is runned like a college on Earth with the exception that we have no choice but to stay here. My friend Abigail has been here a year longer than me but even so we still take some classes together. No one knows for sure but they say that if you manage to return back to Earth, the headmasters erase your memory of the time you spend at Arcadia. Even though I am kept here against my will, there are some amazing things to see here that would be impossible back home. I’ve kept a journal with all my experiences so when the day comes when I’m allowed back home, I’ll be able to remember everything.

Today would've been filled with lessons as any other day but today was special. It was the monthly Chara Duels. Other colleges on Earth would have sports like football or basketball, but here at Arcadia we have Chara Duels. It's basically what it says, a duel where one person faces another or a group against another. On the fifteenth of every month the day is dedicated to the duels and so all classes are cancelled.

It is truly an exciting event that everyone looks forward to. All we had to do was report to our first class for attendance and wait to be dismissed to the dueling arena. So as I'm waiting in my desk, I notice that the other students are also staring at the clock. The bell rings and the announcements are heard, dismissing everyone. As always, everyone runs out to the arena for the best seat and I'm no exception.

I grab my bag with all my things and run out the classroom with everyone. I finally make it to the arena and see that it's already packed and all the good seats are gone. I sighed but then shook my head. “I can't give up now” I said to myself and once again I'm filled with determination.

Turning around I went to different entrances only to find all the seats full and the duels were about to begin. Frustrated, I try once more only to find myself under the arena. Not being familiar with the place I got lost and began to worry. The door from which I had entered from was locked and so I had no hope of going back through that door.

I could only imagine what Abigail might say if she found out I'd gotten myself lost. It was then I remembered about my phone. I searched through my bag only realize that I that I had left it at home charging. I mentally cried inside my head for being so careless. I checked the time to see that there were only ten minutes left before the duels started.

I had no choice but to continue walking forward and hopefully I'd find another way out. Taking random turns, I finally reached a big door that was decorated with many jewels of different colors and sizes. With no other door around I opened it and was surprised it wasn't locked. Stepping inside I could hear the voices of other people.

Taking a peek at them I couldn't believe who I saw. It was the Red Phoenix team that has been recently gaining popularity. I was so excited to be this close to all four of them. Rina has blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. Her short height could deceive others but she has very good agility. Penelope is slightly taller than Rina and has light brown hair as well as brown eyes, she is gifted in being able to analyze any situation.

Drew is rather tall, his hair is dyed a dark shade of blue and has green eyes. He is naturally gifted in stealth and his ability is his strength. Nate is the team captain and is very good at leading his team. His special ability is telekinesis as well as being able to freeze time for a short period of time. From the day they formed their team, I knew that they would be able to achieve great things. I was silently screaming, it was not every day that I could see my heroes up close.

I got closer so that I could see them more clearly and hid behind the corridor. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on them but I did happen to stumble upon the place so after clearing my conscious from guilt I listened on their conversation. “What do you mean he isn’t here, you said he was going to be here” Penelope said pinching the bridge of her nose. “Well he isn't’ here and now we’re going to have to forfeit” I saw Rina sitting down on the bench with her head down. I wondered what they could be talking about but I had no idea. “Either way we have to find someone else to replace Matthew but we don’t have anymore time” Nate sighed and leaned against the wall. I then realized that they were talking about the new member that had joined their team. Aside from them, there had been another girl on their team named Ellie, but she quit and joined the Blue Knight’s team instead. That put them in a bad position as all teams require six members so I assume whoever Matthew is was supposed to be the new member.

“Oh no” I muttered quietly, but I saw Drew look my way and I quickly hid behind the wall. I didn’t hear any footsteps and I glanced back at them only to see Drew right in front of me. I leaped back startled by him, but of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by the others. “Drew did you find something” Nate asked him and they all walked towards where we were and they saw me. “Who are you” he asked me and the others stared at me as well. I was quite nervous to have been caught by the people I admire so much and ashamed to that had to find out that I was eavesdropping.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in on your conversation, but I was trying to find a good seat in the arena, but I couldn’t and I got lost down here. So I found this place and ended up listening to your conversation, but I really look up to you guys and so please don’t hate me” I somehow managed to say that all in one breath but they just had blank expressions on their faces. “She means she got lost and found this room” Drew said and somehow they all understood what I was trying to say. “Oh, why didn’t you just say so” Nate said looking at him and then at me. “Well right now, we’re directly under the arena and we were just about to forfeit but I think we may have just found our fifth member” he stood next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. We were all quiet until we processed his words and everyone looked surprised.

“Are you serious Nate, we don’t even know if she even has a good ability or not? There isn’t even a suit for her to wear” Rina said to him but he didn’t listen to her. “Relax the rules just say we need a team of five correct? So she just needs to fill in that spot, besides you should already know that any ability has its own strengths” he winked at her, but she only looked frustrated with him. “Fine but what about a suit” she asked after giving in to his suggestion. I was confused at first but then I realized that they meant their team suits that they were all wearing. Since their team is called the Red Phoenix, so their suits are white and red with black. No matter what team you’re on, all suits must have white as it is the academy’s valued color.

“She looks about the same size as Ellie so just give her that one” he said although she rolled her eyes at his laid back answer. “Wait but I’ve never actually competed in a duel before” I said. He ruffled my hair, but I took his hand off “don’t worry kid, you’ve seen how duels work. Just stick to Penelope and you’ll be alright” he said. With that they all began to walk away and Penelope handed me a suit. “Like Nate said, stick to me and you'll be alright” she said and then left the room for me to change. I sighed and looked at the suit, I had no other choice but to put it on plus this might be my chance to prove myself in front of them. With that in mind, I put on the suit and fold my other clothes.

I walked further in the room and found them all waiting for me. As told, I stood next to Penelope “are you ready” she asked and I nodded. “Good because here we go” just as she said that the ground began to shake and we were being lifted up. Looking up I saw a bright light glaring, but when I could finally see, I saw that we were in the arena. “On this side we have the Red Phoenix team, everyone give them a round of applause and now the duels will commence in three, two, one” the announcer shouted and with that the Chara Duels officially began.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by a dream that I had. It's not the exact what but a similar version of it.

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