June 7, 2016
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Beauty and the Beast
With a Twist
Once upon a time a merchant came across my castle. Large and heavy raindrops band together to form a torrential downpour. The rich brown roads have become muddy, and the merchant is in desperate need of a place to stay. There are no inns in the area, and it is evident that his horse cannot last much longer. Shivering in the cold, the old man would not last the night without a place to stay. Taking pity on him, I call my head housekeeper and maid, and order them to prepare a hearty meal and a room for the man to stay in. The man came in and walked to the dining room calling out to see if anyone lives here. I do not reveal myself, because I know that I will scare him. I am a beast. A terrifying monster. The man eventually gives up looking for me and sits down to eat the meal prepared for him, and spends the night in the room the maids have readied. All seems well, and I believe that he will go on about his merry way, when he steals a single rose from my garden.
My vision blurs, and my body feels as if it is on fire. I jump out from my hiding spot and say, ”How dare you steal from me when I have given you food and shelter!” The man whimpers and cowers before saying, “I only wanted to bring home the rose as a present for my daughter. She is such a beautiful and kind girl. Her sisters asked for costly necklaces and dresses while she asked for a lone rose pickled especially for her.” Still enraged I scream, “ In penance, you shall bring me your daughter and she will live the rest of hers years in this castle with me.” The old man’s face drains of color. He pleads desperately for me to spare his daughter, but I am beyond reason and walk away.
Bang! I hear the door being opened and slapped against the wall. Maybe it is them! I rush down the stairs to find that it is indeed them. My eyes scan the two. The merchant looks older than he did just two days ago. Then my eyes fall on his daughter, and I lose my breath. She is the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen. Her hair is as black as night, her eyes as green and beautiful as emeralds, and her skin is smooth and clear. She carries a book which shows intelligence and a love of reading. It will be easy to fall in love with her.
Three weeks have passed and my first assessment was true. It has been obviously easy to fall in love with her. We have read in the library every day and discussed the books we have read over dinner. We have also  gotten to know one another. I’m going to ask her to marry me tonight. I have had the maids create a dress worthy of her and ordered a magnificent dinner be prepared.
Dinner has gone spectacularly, and I can see she has affection for me. It gives me the courage to get down on one knee and ask: “Beauty will you marry me?” She starts to cry and say, “Beat you are one the most important things in my world, but I can’t.” She flees the room.
I sit there stunned until I hear the sound of shattering glass.
Crack! Men come pouring through the doors and windows with weapons. They charge at me and I fight as many of them as I can. Although I’m a beast and have increased speed and strength, there’re just too many. They restrain me and bring me to the center of the room where their ring leader is standing. He demands to know where Beauty is, and when I do not respond he stabs me in the stomach and then the leg. I scream. The torture continues, until I hear soft foot steps. Beauty comes into the dining room, and lets out a gasp at the sight of me. She storms up to the man previously beating me and says, “I love him, and I am going to marry him. You must let him go.” The torturer is disgusted by her. He leaves with his men. Beauty comes and kisses me, turning me into a prince. We are married a month later.

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