Where I Lay | Teen Ink

Where I Lay

October 25, 2016
By OnyxAcker SILVER, New Market, Maryland
OnyxAcker SILVER, New Market, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have not failed, I have only found 1,000 way that don't work"

The darkness had slowly inclined as the gray clouds covered the rays falling down on the planet of Scarís. Scarís is a simple planet, where it is only sunny and bright two out of the four-hundred day year. The rest of the time it’s dark and upsetting and gloomy, keeping it’s simple people who are nothing but lost souls and monsters that had died on this very earth. Hell, you could be standing over or on a spot where one of those creatures had died right now, but that's besides the point. The point is Scarís is where they go. Where they hide when the human world is too much to handle, or has become too terrible to watch. Their dead, yet our technology still advances, poor souls, stuck with all that we don’t use, like our dead electronics are sent to their planet when we’re done with them. Scarís is just the place were dead, dark, unhappy, and gloomy things go. You may be there one day, possibly along with some of your own friends and family. I mean sure, you're all dead, but you together, in the darkest place in the universe. It clouds, rains, and snows thick, sticky, black tar down onto its deep brown and useless earth. I guess it wouldn't be consider earth, and even though Scarís is it’s name, it’s not like they would call it that on the daily. They're all dead, they don’t care anyways. In time, the pitiful life, if you can even call it that, will have them slowly age backwards. Being dead

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