Trader of the magic world | Teen Ink

Trader of the magic world

October 25, 2016
By KailaMast BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
KailaMast BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

“ Tsuki I want to join you!”   
“ How are we opposed to trust you, Sakura, after all you are Molly’s sister.” “ But Tsuki, you can trust me, I really want to help you and I want to be your friend!”
“Molly is your sister, you guys are really close, what if you turn on us, she is like your best friend!” 
“so… that can change!”
“What will happen if Molly finds out?!” 
“ I don’t know? But I also don’t care!”

“ You will have to gain our trust first”  “ Ok I will! I will try my best  to gain your trust!” 

                                            ( * Le Timeskip*)
  We were going to have to test Sakura to see if she would really  be a good fit for our team.
“ Ok girls we are going to put Sakura through a series of tests. the first thing we should do is test her magic. Do we all agree on the first plan?”
“ * all together* “ Ya!”
   I saw Sakura at the park, she was on the swings and Molly was pushing her.
“ Sakura ! Think fast!”
I shot a  magical beam at her, and she turned around and once she saw the attack coming she shot one right back.  It was amazing, and powerful. well check magic of the list she is all good on that one !  so after that we put her through a series of test untill it all came down to the final one,  TRUST. But we would have to test that later.  It became time to battle Molly we all knew it she had been resting for several days for the battle as we knew because Sakura.  We were all walking in public we were actually sitting on the roof of the cafe. we were all enjoying a nice cup of coffe, well that was untill Molly showed up.
“ well hello girls, nice seeing you here.”
“Molly!” “ Yes, I can”t wait any longer Tsuki, I hate you and all your friends! Come on Sakura.”
This was it the final test, of trust.  

“ No, i'm so sorry Molly, I joined Tsuki, Gotheta, and May.

“  What?! But your my sister!  “ I know that's why i can do this!” sundenly i saw a magic beam that could kill anyone.  we were all in shock! it hit  Gotheta and then Sakura and Molly broke out into an evil laughter.  you could tell Gotheta was in pain, she wasn't crying but she was really hurt!  “
Sakura! were you  planning this the whole time?! we trusted you!”  
“ I know thats why this is perfect!”  Gotheta was slowly dying while we were talking.   “Tsuki, thankyou for being a good friend and…”  then she died me and May started crying  but May was brave for once in her life.
“ You killed our best friend! Now you must pay!” May and Sakura went head to head they were fighting  and it was getting bad!  The good thing is that May got a super powerful  attack on Sakura, so I didn’t worry much. While she was busy with that i went to taking on Molly. 
“ Well well,Tsuki it has been a while. While she was ranting on i took out my cyke,  and stabbed her to death in the head.  she screamed a terrible scream and fell over. The worse thing is that she fell over the building. we were on the 4th floor so it was really bad. I felt bad but also kind of happy that my biggest enemy was gone. so that was it May ended up killing Sakura, and I ended up killing Molly. we were upset that we had lost our best friend, but at least it was to a good cause, helping the city.  so then May and I drank so coffee, and then walked back home. And you wouldn’t beleive that was just the beginning of our adventures. 

The author's comments:

I really want to be an anime or manga artist someday. so when had to do narratives in class i was really excited! now all i have to do is create the manga version. it probably wont get published, but hey i tried.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 29 2016 at 11:25 am
KailaMast BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I'll draw it for you! -Gerard Ps hahaha