The Story of Blake Andrews | Teen Ink

The Story of Blake Andrews

October 25, 2016
By AnnaMorgan BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
AnnaMorgan BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You never really realized how lucky you are until everything you have is gone. I just got married less than a year ago, loving life until the day my wife, Sara, died. My name is Blake Andrews and I am a spy. I’m not your typical stereotype spy you think I would be, even though I wear a black leather jacket. My long blonde hair usually falls in my face; under my jacket, I wear a plain white tee-shirt underneath; I haven’t shaved in a while because I’ve been too busy trying to find who killed my wife. I may only be twenty-three years old but I’ve already made enough money to retire. Chicago is a pretty rough city I would say except, over the years it seemed to change after World War III.
When you’re little you don’t understand the reality of things. I had to learn from a young age how to understand. My parents died when I was little; I had to have a distant aunt, Bailey May, adopt me and that’s when I started my training for becoming a spy.
It was 2063; World War III just ended. Everyone is excited and exhausted. They were too tired to notice. Everyone was so innocent. They weren’t ready for what was coming. I’m different from the rest; they never saw it coming. They didn’t know that it would change everything and kill everyone except the chosen ones. I tried to stop it but I couldn’t. It was the only mission I failed in my whole lifetime. They tricked me, abused me, and played with me as if I was a toy. Oh, their faces when they realized I tricked them; I can’t wait to see! If I make it that far.
Three years after World War III I got married to the most kind, elegant, beautiful girl I know. Her name is Sara Macel. Sadly, this March, she just died and a part of me died too. I swore to find the thing that killed her but I needed help. I tried to find someone and I finally did too. Her name is Lilly Wright; Clearance level 8. I could not wait till we started to find what killed my wife so the day I hired Lilly, the next day we were ready to solve this problem. I couldn’t wait! The day we try to solve this problem, everyone dies. EVERYONE. How is this even possibly? How can I be the only one that survived? It looks like I have a bigger problem to solve than just finding out what killed my wife.
First, I get out my “handy dandy” computer and hack into the government system (It’s not like anyone can stop me. They are all dead).  I hack in and see what’s going on.
“Oh. My. Gosh”, I say to myself.  Four and a half years ago I guess they made this “perfect” world and made everyone to think that nothing has change but something did change. I knew it!” I shouted as I jumped up and down, “I knew that the world was different!” I guess the machine started to Malfunction so it killed every normal person. Wait a minute, why wasn’t I killed? I need to fix this ASAP.
I load up the van with everything I need: my computer, food, Extra gas, and a picture of my wife Sara, and I head off! Since there isn’t any traffic I get to Washington D.C. in half of the time! I was on the road and kept wondering, where did all the bodies go? I wonder for a little bit more but then I forget about it once I am there. I scurry up the stairs and try to find my way in the pentagon.
“WOAH”, I yell as my voice echo’s, “THIS PLACE IS HUGE!” A noise of people walking and whispering just as loud as I can kind of hear them creeps up on me. I decide it was nothing so I just keep looking around for the machine. I swore I heard something again. I hide behind these ginormous boxes. I couldn’t believe what I saw.  I saw my wife. She isn’t dead!
I run up to her and say, “Sara!”, as my voice cracked and tears filling up my eyes.
Then it happened. I couldn’t believe it. I turn around and see five people. These weren’t regular normal people. These were highly trained spies and I only knew one thing about them. They like to win. I get my gun out of my back pocket, turn off the safety gear, and load it very fast. I’m ready to fight. BOOM! One down. four more to go. I run around dodging every bullet that comes at me. I think to myself, Do this for your wife when this is all done you can live happily ever after. I get my knife out and throw it at one of the guys. Two down three more to go. Two of the guys decide that they aren’t going to win this match and decide to commit suicide. It makes this job a lot easier for me. Oh well. One more to go.
We look each other in the eyes and I whisper, “let’s do this.”
He throws his gun down so I do the same thing. We both get out our knifes and come at each other. I’m very careful how I try to kill him. I’m very precise on how I aim my knife and swiping it at him in a fast motion.  I’m so exhausted and hungry but my wife is looking over and I must impress her so I keep at it. He trips up and falls down. I come over and see that these aren’t really people they are electronic robots in disguise as Human people. They all soon disappear into the air. I come over and pick up my wife and try to take her but she cannot go out of the room. I use all my muscles but it won’t budge. This was one of the hardest decisions I ever made either staying with her and possibly dying or going without her. I chose to stay. I had to anyways. It slipped my mind that I had to shut down this machine before it does something really bad. I run back in the room and something is different. My wife is still there but then.
“SARA!”, I scream,” LOOK BEHIND YOU!”. A robot goes in kills her and I can’t cope with this so I pretty much go insane.
“This is just a dream; it will be over soon”.
“My wife isn’t really dead.”
“Why is this robot coming at me? Oh wait a minute”. The robot tackles me to the floor and keeps coming at me.
I get up and say, “Wow now there is a cool robot in my dream.” Finally, I’m done hallucinating and I take it all in. I start bawling but then I think that probably wasn’t even my wife. I know this isn’t the world I lived in so I know I have to do something.
In dreams you usually wake up before you die. I remember that as I was running up to the roof of the Pentagon. I finally shoot the robot down with this electric Taser; I found earlier in the boxes after I fought those robots/humans. I run up to the robot and press the off button. I run off the building and I thought, I finally will get out of this dream then I shoot myself.
“In memory of Blake Andrews,” Pastor Rick Branks says slowly while his voice cracks.
“He was a good man. If only we knew what causes were to his death. Sara Wright, his wife, would like to come up and say something”.
“Thank you Pastor Rick,” says Sara with her teary eyes and her face red from how much she has cried. “Blake was acting strange. He slept for two hours and the next thing I know everyone is apparently dead to him. He went delusional. I right away took him to our doctor. He thought we were in the Pentagon. He tried to fight everyone in the building to save this random nurse. This “robot” aka intern that accidentally tripped and took her down with him and he thought he was dead and he kept yelling, “SARA!” I started to break down knowing he might shoot someone or he might shoot himself. Next thing I know- Sara starts tearing up and she takes a min to calm down.
“Sorry”, she says,” This is just really hard for me”.
“Take your time Sara,” Says Pastor Rick with tears in his eyes. He and Blake were the best of friends and it was hard for him to let him go.
“Anyways,” Sara continues,” he runs out of the building hotwires a van and drives off. Last thing I know is he’s found below the hotel in downtown Chicago. No blood nothing but he was brain dead I guess. Witnesses said he didn’t jump. They all had the same story. He said, ‘This is the only way’, and laid on the ground”.
After the funeral Sara walks home. “RINGGG.RINGGG”. Sara walks up to the phone, “Hello?”
“Sara it’s me John from the Pentagon. The device did work, it made your husband go illusion and crazy and that’s why he is brain dead!”
“Magnificent. I can’t wait to test it out on other people!” says Sara with an evil grin on her face.

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