The Battle of Souls | Teen Ink

The Battle of Souls

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

“Forward men!’ screamed Commander Leothim charging on his horse. 
“We must defeat those dirty Orks!” The two foes rushed closer on the battlefield waving their weapons in the air. As Commander Leothim and the Ork king Zerk clashed swords the commander jolted out of bed.
“Bloody dream always keeping me up.”  Leothim walked down the stone steps to the main living quarters. Leothim spots his son “Ready to train?”
“Yes sir!” answered Eckerth
“Then get ready.” Said Leothim.
Leothim then went into his room and looked in his mirror. Leothim looked very much likes his father Joshin.  A very tall and muscular man with a large scruffy beard. Joshin was a commander also but he was struck down on the hill of the battle of Freedom. A castle named Castle of Ventornia was built for him. Leothim puts on his armor and then proceeds to his son’s room. His son Eckerth looks almost identical to Leothim when he was a boy.  A small lanky boy with long brown hair. He then puts on his armor and then walks with his father.
“Where are you going?” said Leothim’s wife Zarla.
‘We’re going to train.’ said Eckerth.
“All right then.” answerd Zarla while walking away.
“What do you want to work on today?” asked Leothim.
“We can work on my block.” answered Eckerth.
They walk to the training grounds in their castle. The Castle of Ventornia is the biggest castle in the land. It is built on an ancient hill where an extraordinary battle occurred.
“Why am I training so hard lately?” asked Eckerth
“I was waiting for you to ask me.”
“Do you know what our castle is built on?”
“Yes, it was built on the hill of The Battle of Freedom.” answered Eckerth.
“Well I’m afraid that another great battle might occur again.” said Leothim. “And it might happen sooner than we think.”
“Didn’t you fight in that battle?” asked Eckerth.
“Yes, and I got this scar that goes across my face, but I’ve tried to hide it.” Leothim responded. “But let us get back to training.”
Suddenly then a bell that indicates that danger is near rings. A messenger runs up to Leothim.
“Commander, the Orks are closing in on the castle.”
“Get on your horses’ men, we have a battle to win!” yelled Leothim. “Eckerth, stay here I don’t want you hurt.”
“Okay dad, I will.” Answered Eckerth.
Leothim then hops on his horse with his 400 warriors riding behind him. The ork king Zerk is closing in with his army much bigger than Leothim’s army.
“Forward men!” yelled Commander Leothim. “We must defeat those Orks!”
The two foes are closing up on each other.
“If we don’t win they will take our castle and freedom!” Screamed Leothim
The foes clashed swords but Zerk Spun around and is now behind Leothim. Zerk slashed his sword into Leothims back. Leothim has fallen down and so has the castle of Ventornia. The orks are approaching the castle slowly. Leothims last vision was of a spirit saying to him 
“I can save you.” Leothims eyes closed shut, then they opened up again. Leothim saw the spirit standing above him.
“Walk with me” said the spirit.
“What is your name?” asked leothim.
“That doesn’t matter right now, I must show you something.”
They walked closer towards the castle.
“What happened?” asked Leothim.
“You ask many questions.” said the spirit.
“Well, if you die then get resurrected by a spirit that won’t tell you anything you would probably have a lot of questions too.”
The spirit said nothing and continued to walk towards the castle. Leothim saw the castle, it was in flames. They continued to walk.
“Now can you tell me what happened.” said Leothim
“You died and the Ork king destroyed the castle, but he also killed your son and wife.” Exclaimed the spirit.
Leothim fell to his knees and started to cry.
“If there was some way to fix this I would.” said Leothim.
“There is one way.’
“what is it, I’ll do it.” said Leothim
“You will have to kill the soul of the person who killed you.” said the spirit
“But what about my family?”
“You will save them too because you are killing the same soul that killed them.”
“What do I do first?”
“First, we will see if you are strong enough.”
The spirit then forms a sword out of thin air.
“Take this.” said the spirit
Leothim then grabs the sword.
“I forgot to ask you if I’m dead.” asked Leothim
“You are almost dead.” You are in between death and life.” That is why you can still do this.”
“Should we get to training?”
The spirit said nothing and then formed orks, not real ones but they looked real. The orks then ran towards Leothim but leothim dashed away from the and struck one in the back. There were two left. Leothim then did a spin move and took them both out.
“You are ready.” said the spirit
“Where will we look for the spirit?” asked Leothim
“We will look for the king.” “I have a guess where he is.”
“The Castle of Ventornia is the best castle in the land, and the king wants the best so he might be there.”
The two then walk towards the castle. There are many guards outside the castle. The spirit then pulls out a bow and nods at Leothim. Leothim then starts to charge towards the guards and slashes one in the back. The spirit then shoots another one in the face. The Orks do not notice. Leothim spots an uprooted tree leaning on another tree. He starts to run to the tree, but an Ork spots him and sounds the alarm. Leothim then runs up the tree, once he is at the top he jumps down on top of an ork and stabs him in the chest. He continued to run towards the castle and the spirit shoots an ork behind Leothim. The two get closer to the castle, but an Urzen appears. An Urzen is a failed experiment of a tree and giant. The weapon it is holding is a giant uprooted tree.
“How will we beat this.” Asked leothim
“You have to cut the nape of its neck.’
The Urzen slams the tree to the ground and the two roll away
“You distract it!” yelled Leothim “I’ll cut its nape!”
The spirit starts shooting it with arrows and running around to expose the back of his neck. Leothim has a clear shot, he then jumps towards the back of the Urzen. He sticks his sword into its back and the proceeds to climb up. He sees the Glowing orange nape and slashes at it but he misses. Leothim tries again and hits it this time. The beast starts to fall and the two are at the castle gates. Leothim starts to climb the wall when he sees Zork. Leothim sees his nasty green face and his two giant bottom fangs. The spirt jumps and makes it to the top with no effort. Leothim climbs up to the top and starts slashing at zerk, but zerk then runs up the stone steps. Leothim his right behind Zerk slashing at his feet.
“I thought I killed you!” yelled zerk.
“You killed a warrior but you can’t kill a warrior spirit.” said Leothim.
The spirit appeared out of thin air and had his bow ready to shoot.
“I can’t kill him you have to.” said the spirit
Leothim nods and proceeds to swing at Zerk.
“Remember your fighting his spirit not him so you could still die.” said the spirit.
Zerk starts swinging back, but Leothim dashes away. Leothim slashes at Zerk and gets him in the leg. Zerk starts to limp away, but leothim can easy can easily catch up. The spirit shoots Zerk in the arm and that pushes him to the ground.
“Now!” yelled the spirit.
Leothim jumps and stabs Zerks spirit in the chest.
Zerks spirit starts to struggle but then he just turns limp and doesn’t move.
“Did we get him, is the actual Zerk dead?” asked leothim
“yes we did, now look at your hand.”
Leothim looks at his hand and it starts to form a skin color.
“Where is my family?’ asked Leothim
“They are in the castle.” “Go now be with your family.”
“Before I go, what is your name.”
“Don’t you recognize me, it’s me your father.”
Leothim then runs towards his father and hugs him with all of his might.
“Thank you father.”
Joshin then starts to walk away and starts to fade. Before Joshin faded away he said “Now don’t get yourself killed again”
“I’ll try.”
Leothim started to run into the castle were he found Eckerth and Zarla. They all started to run to each other. Once they got to each other they hugged as hard as they could. Leothim looked around to see how much damage was done to the castle. To his surprise there wasn’t much damage. But in the corner of his eye he saw his father. His father nodded and disappeared again.
“Dad what will we call that battle?” asked Eckerth
“I think we will call it The Battle of Souls.”
So The Battle of Souls went down in history as the most Important battle ever fought.

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