The Pinks | Teen Ink

The Pinks

December 9, 2016

I wake up in my small room in the center of downtown Chicago. A majority of the buildings have been repurposed for living, each family getting a room that used to serve as an office back during the prime of humanity. But since it all went down, the world has been different, or at least that’s what they tell me.
There’s a bubble around the city. It is meant to keep us safe from those outside. They are not like us. They are barely even human anymore. We call them Pinks.
As I go down the stairs to go off to my work in the field, I start thinking about the Pinks. I wonder if they’re still there since we can’t see outside the bubble except through the top. They had pictures of the Pinks in schools as I grew up, they were like people except they didn’t have any skin, and according to the teachers they ran around ripping off people’s skin with their mouths. They say that they exist because of the nuclear war that occurred in 2020. Dozens of bombs were sent across the world and those that didn’t die in the explosion turned to Pinks over the course of the next two days. There were some people in the areas above 900 feet off the ground that were fortunate enough to have neither of those two fates.
Those people waited it out those in Chicago were able to get the Pinks away with military weapons, and the president at the time created a wall with the help of their workforce. Over time, others came to chicago by helicopter to seek refuge and eventually the dome was constructed.
As I think about the Pinks and the way that through experimentation, we have still found no way to stop them. I venture out to the wall of the dome to check it out because I felt compelled to see for no distinguishable reason. As I get about 100 feet from the dome, I notice that there is a line of indentations going up the dome, and there are people checking it out. They have people standing guard to see if anyone comes close, so I decide to leave from there to avoid any trouble.
But as I walk away I can’t help to think about what those were or why it seemed as if it were meant to be secret.
The next day I decide to take a look again, but on my way there I hear a big boom which was then followed by screams. “PINKS! PINKS!” I run into the building to my right and start to run for the stairs, as I look behind me I see dozens and dozens of horrific monsters running down the street at an amazing speed. I run up the stairs as fast as I can as I can hear screams coming from outside. I finally get to the top of the building and as I get on the roof and look out the streets are filled with thousands of pink and white looking monsters. Chicago seems to have fallen to the beasts.

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