The Last Two | Teen Ink

The Last Two

May 29, 2015
By singer123 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
singer123 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cody is a 23 year old, male that believes he runs the world since him and Grace are the last two humans in the world, he is extremely rude to Grace daily as if she wants to even be with him.

Grace is an 18 year old female that feels she is trapped by Cody, who controls her like she is a nobody.

There are two houses which are separated by a 9 ft fence, each appear like complete opposites. The house on stage left is black, with a white door, 2 fancy windows, and has two levels. Outside the door there is a welcome mat that reads: welcome to death. The house on stage right is white, with a black door, 1 basic window, has one level, appears wore down and has a doormat that reads Come on in we are friendly.


Cody goes from his house over to Grace’s house rings the doorbell, she answers

Cody: Hello Grace I have come to say hi to you.
  (Grace groans)
Grace: What do you want this time Cody
Cody: I want to hang out with you
Grace: what are we doing today
Cody: I thought we could go see a movie
Grace: did you forget that I don’t enjoy sitting down
Cody: What do I need to know about YOU, my ugly peasant wife
Grace: Well plenty seeing as knowing me better will help me get to know you on a deeper level, helping us feel more connected

Cody: This will help you get to know me on a deeper level for sure.  (Cody reaches over to her face and he slaps her violently)
Grace: Ow
Cody: Well if you would treat me like the man I am maybe I wouldn’t have to hit you around
Grace: What man, there are no men anymore they all died of course you know that
Cody: I  know there are no men other than me
Grace: You’re not a man you’re a b**** (mumbles)
Cody: What did you say
Grace: You’re not a man you’re a b****
(Cody creeps closer to Grace and slaps her across the face leaving a dark red mark)
Grace: Why do you hit me so much
Cody: I am a man, your superior, you are a peasant you do what I say, and if you don’t do what I say I slap you, if you disrespect me I slap you that’s just what the world has become now, who is there to stop me.
Grace: Well nobody but that isn’t who you were before the explosion.. You were so kind, and charming, and I pictured us spending every waking moment, now I can barely sleep without being reminded of the struggles of tomorrow

(Pauses as tears stream down her face)
Grace: I just want the old you back, the one that loved and respected me
Cody: Didn’t you ever figure out I never wanted to be with you, I was only nice to you so I could be popular, now with popularity out of the way I can treat you the way I should have a long time ago
Grace: Why does it have to be this way
Cody: Of course you know the answer you are a peasant, I am rich, you owe me far more than you are worth
Grace: You chose to hang out with me years ago I shouldn’t be in debt, I let you hang out with me.
Cody: that is true, however you need to learn that in order to help this situation you owe me for my time and my money.
Grace: So that gives you, Mr. Born Rich Guy the right to control me, Ms. Peasant For Life
Cody: Yup, and I would have killed you by now if you weren’t the only one here
Grace: What does that change, except the fact that we can have babies fill this world
Cody: Well it doesn’t change much other than that so let’s get to it
Grace: No… No… No.. I will not be ordered around by some scum bag man just because I have to be alive dealing with him
Cody: You do what I say or else
Grace: You can’t make me
(Grace runs for her life as fast as she can)
(Cody bends over picks up a tennis ball, and hurdles it at her, he hits her, the ball pounded on  her skull like a fist pounding on a door)
(Grace falls to the ground feeling agonizing pain)
(Cody rushes to her, unable to believe what he did, he rushes her to the nearby church
(after walking 5 miles he reached the church finally, he kneels down)

Cody: Lord I know you are there, you always were, but help me to heal, I don’t want to be this abusive man anymore.
Voice from above: Change is only found in yourself, it is up to you to fix it
Cody: Well I know that, but how can I when that is what I attempted to do the last few years
Voice from above: Honestly it all comes from inside you, if you want to love someone for who they are you will begin to change, if you want to love someone and view them as low class then that is all they will ever be.
Cody: honestly I never thought of it that way.
(Grace wakes up confused, and looks around)
Grace: where are we
Cody: the nearby church
Grace: what’s a church
Cody: well it’s a place you go to pray, and learn more about God
Grace: who’s God
Cody: well he isn’t living, but he always lives inside us and will help us through times of need
Grace: Ok, why are we here then
Cody: We came here so I could pray to be a better man
Grace: from what I remember you were nice
Cody: well there were some times when I was nice, but then there were other times when I would be abusive and controlling to you, I constantly hit you, ordered you around, and got out of hand a few times, surely you remember that, I often wondered how much longer you would be around.
Grace: I don’t remember, but all that matters is you are being honest, and admitting your mistakes.
Cody: So you aren’t holding anything over my head
Grace; No, why would I. We should be loved like we were once loved years ago, the pure love, the love that conquers everything, the love we will have I’m sure of it.
Cody: We may be in love but that doesn’t mean I love you that much, I just want the ability to get to know you better.
Grace: Well if you don’t love me, I won’t waste my time with you, bye Cody
Cody: You don’t have to leave
Grace: Yes I do
Cody: But I love you
Grace: You don’t love me, you just want to love me
Cody: Of course I love you who couldn’t you’re the most beautiful girl.
Grace: Apparently I’m not beautiful because you told me I was ugly, and I am the only girl so no one thinks I am the most beautiful girl, you are just trying to flatter me.
Cody: I would never say such things to you
Grace: You may not think you would say that but you did. I still remember the day it was May 7th 2009, you called me you’re ugly peasant wife, I remember going up to my room and breaking down in tears.
(Grace remembers something)
Then because I was crying you hit me around saying I should only be happy around you. But all you made me want to do was die.
(Cody is speechless he realizes she is right)
Grace: Well I guess you can’t love me for the real girl I am if you only love me for my looks, and there is no way you will ever change how you broke me.
Cody: Yeah, apparently not, sorry for wasting your time
Grace: Well this is where we say goodbye
Cody: Yup
(Grace walks stage left to her house, Cody walks stage right to his house, the two stay there until their souls leave this place)

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