Ominous Surprise | Teen Ink

Ominous Surprise

December 7, 2018
By Anonymous

Ominous Surprise

Sarah woke up to the sound of her annoying alarm clock. “Ugh!” She looked at the blurry

clock and realized it was 7:30. Sarah quickly got dressed into her uniform, irate that her

mom did not say anything to wake her. As she ran down the stairs, Sarah’s mom said, “I have to

work the late shift tonight, and I will not be home till around twelve.” “Okay.”

Sarah mumbled. “I left a key for you under the flower pot outside.” Sarah’s mom informed


Sarah stayed at the library later than usual, so everyone had already gone home. As Sarah walked home from school, she had this strange feeling that she was being watched. She started walking faster, hoping to terminate whatever was following her. Arriving soon, Sarah noticed, sitting on the porch, a medium-sized brown box without a shipping label. “How odd,” she said quietly. Sarah let herself inside, set the package down, and got a pair of scissors from the kitchen. She sliced open the box and was confused by what she saw. At the bottom, a folder labled ‘for Sarah’ stood out. A shiver ran down Sarah’s spine and made her hairs rise. At least twenty different pictures of her walking home from school were in the folder. A single piece of folded loose leaf paper fell out of the folder and was addressed to Sarah. The note said in messy letters, ‘I am watching you’. Sarah slowly backed away as she threw the contents of the folder. A sudden noise behind Sarah made her run to the stairs, but she was too late and everything became black.

Sarah’s eyes fluttered as she became conscious again. Sarah began to panic as she looked

down and noticed she had been tied up.  Footsteps were coming down the hall, and Sarah’s

assailant knew she was awake. During those few seconds, Sarah quickly shut her eyes and

pretended to be unconscious. The assailant did not seem to think Sarah was awake, so the

unknown figure walked back down stairs. Sarah was definitely in a dilemma, but she did not

have mediocre thinking like many people her age. Which is why she always kept her handy

pocket knife in her nightstand.

Sarah cautiously opened the drawer and found her red pocket knife tucked away. She

grabbed it and started furiously cutting at the ropes. Sarah was so caught up in escaping that she did not notice a middle aged man standing in the doorway. “Where do think you are going, Sarah,” he said. She got free from the ropes just in time and jumped up. “Who are you,” Sarah said, “and why are you doing this?” The stranger moved forward and lunged at Sarah. She swiftly moved to the side and ran like her life depended on it, because it did. Sarah grabbed her phone off the counter and ran into a closet. She could hear her assailant searching for her. Sarah had to move quickly and quietly. Hands shaking, she unlocked her phone and dialed 911. “911 what’s your emergency,” said the operator. “Hello please a man has broken into my house. I’m in danger and he is trying to hurt me.” said Sarah. “Okay, please stay on the phone with me while i send officers to your house.” said the operator. “I live at 6743 Maple Lane, please hurry.” said Sarh. She quickly hung the phone up and waited quietly. Suddenly, the closet door swung open and a smiling man faced Sarah. She slowly scooted backwards until she hit the wall. “Nowhere to run now little girl” said the man. “You’re wrong. I’ve called the police and they’re on the way” said Sarah. The man froze and was speechless. The grim smile that once spread across his face was gone. Sounds of sirens echoed throughout the house. The assailant turned back to Sarah and said, “This is not over I know who your ancestors are. More people will be coming for you.” Sarah was stunned and confused, but the man had ran off into the dark.

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