The Doll | Teen Ink

The Doll

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

Its eyes are staring you down. Its porcelain skin is glowing in the moonlight that is creeping through the small crack in your thick, black curtains. Its smile is forcing you to come closer. You blink, remembering how this doll works. Once a person gets scared enough, the possessed doll rips their heart straight out of their chest. 
 Suddenly, its limbs begin to move in unhuman ways. Its arms begin to extend in your direction, and its teeth are now fangs.  
You stand up, your heart pounding. Taking deep breaths, you try to calm your heartbeat because you know what this doll feeds on. You remember what happened to your brother.  
The doll is the creepiest thing in your new home. That is why it kills. To keep people aware of its monstrous powers.  
Right now, though, you’re backed up against a wall. The doll is still creeping towards you, its arms stretched out in front of it. But you don’t want to give up, not yet.  
You grab something to your left, but you can’t see what it is because you don’t want to take your eyes off the doll. The object feels sharp, so you trust your judgement and hold it out in front of you. The doll’s eyes glare at the object, but it doesn’t even seem phased.  
Out of nowhere, you feel something trickle down your cheek. A tear? You let the sharp object drop to the floor. Thud. You reach your fingers to your cheeks and look at the liquid. It is red. Like blood.  
The blood-like liquid begins to blur your vision, and you can’t tell where the doll is now. You drop to the floor and crawl around in sheer terror until you feel an excruciating pain in your throat. You begin to struggle for words, and your body collapses to the ground. Bang. You blink blood-red tears from your eyes only to see the doll’s enthusiastic smile less than an inch away from your helpless face. 

The author's comments:

This piece was done for a scary story writing contest, and it is my best piece, in my personal opinion.

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