Nightmare | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By jrrath BRONZE, Baraboo, Wisconsin
jrrath BRONZE, Baraboo, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Emma and I had always been really good friends ever since we both started working at UBS. A job that was good for a 25-year-old but not somewhere you wanted to be your entire life. After a stressful week, I had invited her over for a few drinks. This is the first time i’d ever really asked her to hang out. I was always scared to confess feelings for her even though I really liked her. I thought tonight would be a good time to ask since we both really needed a drink break. Emma was already onto her fifth mixer saying, “let’s go for a walk.”

“What” I said confusingly.

“Let’s go for a walk, cause I feel like it.”

“Alright, sure” I said. She could have said anything and I’d do it with her.

As we neared the end of the road, Emma said, “God I just feel like a kid again tonight. Being an adult is the most painstaking thing anyone can go through.” I stared at her looking sympathetically, not really relating to her at all though. As much as I did like her, I couldn’t help but think how hard it’d be working at my job and having to take care of two kids.

“You know what Emma, I really look up to you caring for those kids all by yourself.”

Emma shrugged, looked at me and said, “It’s not all bad, I know someday they’ll make me very proud.”  I couldn’t help but think how amazing she was.

Then Emma shouts, “but tonight we’re not gonna worry about them, let’s just have some fun!”

I didn’t really know what she meant by having fun but we kept getting farther and farther away from my house and I was getting close to saying we should probably head back when all of a sudden Emma looked at me like a lightbulb just turned on above her head.

“Let’s ding dong ditch that apartment complex” she said.

“Now why the hell would we do that?” I said confusingly.

“C'mon don’t be a pansy,” she teased.

“Alright screw it” I said. After all, what’s the worst that could come from it?

Emma and I stepped up to the first complex. She looked so eager to do it so I stood back and watched. She pressed the doorbell and started laughing so hard as we were running away she almost fell down. Then as we’re hiding beside the building she says, “Let’s go get that one!” pointing to the complex right next to us. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea to be honest.” I said. SHe wouldn’t stop begging and before I could even realized it, she was yanking on my arm to ring that doorbell. “Fine” I said sternly, “but this is the last one.” I went for the doorbell, but before I could push my finger on the doorbell, I heard a loud terrifying scream. Me and Emma both looked over to where the screaming was coming from. It was someone from inside the first complex. Emma was drunk as hell but was laser focused on the complex. After looking at each other and the place, we sprinted. It was the fastest I’ve ever ran and probably the same for Emma. The screaming was still going on! Emma and I slowed down behind a house nearby trying to catch our breathe. Emma was walking close behind me. The screaming kept getting louder and louder. Frightened, I turned back to Emma saying “what’re we gonna ddd…”. The screaming stopped. When I looked back, Emma wasn’t there.

“EMMA!” I screamed, “EMMMMMAAAAAAA!”

There was no answer.

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