Tears In Blood | Teen Ink

Tears In Blood

August 26, 2021
By KoolbyKGrace BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
KoolbyKGrace BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a mansion on top of the hill that no one had lived in for at least fifty years, and below there was a small town called Pine village. There were about six hundred people living in the town, and more than half of them were over seventy years old. There were only twelve kids in the town, and none of them were allowed to go to the mansion. Not that any of them would want too anyways. The kids were told that the mansion was haunted and anyone who entered would be possessed. One rainy day there was a family who was going through the town asking where the house on the hill was and how to get there. They were moving from the city, and they got tired of all the people so they thought that it would be good for them to move somewhere quieter. All the town's people just walked away from them. Then a person called Mr. Harris came up to their car and asked them if they needed help finding something. The dad, who was driving, said that they needed to get to the mansion on the hill and Mr. Harris had a slight grin on his face. He said in a quiet voice, “the house is straight ahead, and at the dead end turn left and you will be there.” The dad looked at his wife and then back at Mr. Harris and said, “thank you,” then they drove off. The dad, Mr. Jones, glanced back at his kids, Jenny and Jake, who were asleep. Then he looked at his wife and rolled his eyes, because his wife was asleep too. When they got to the house Mr. Jones was awestruck. Not only was it huge but there were so many vines growing up the house, he couldn’t even see the windows or door.  
Mr. Jones woke his wife up and they got out of the car. He walked to the back of the car, and when Mr. Jones opened the trunk, everything fell out and there was a loud noise. Jenny got startled and quickly got out of the car. Then she saw a big shadow coming towards her. She froze and then her brother Jake got out and fell into Jenny, and they both fell onto the ground. Their dad was trying to pick everything up off the ground, which was muddy. Mrs. Jones walked over to the side of the car where Jenny and Jake had fallen out of, and said “what do you two think you're doing? You are going to get all dirty.” “Sorry mom we just fell,” said Jenny. “It’s ok. Just be more careful next time,” said their mom. Jake walked to the back of the car and saw his dad struggling with all the bags, so Jake started to help. Then he heard a weird noise and looked up to see what he heard, and he saw the same shadow that Jenny had seen but it appeared to be closer. He looked at his dad, who seemed perfectly fine. Instead, he went to Jenny and asked her if she heard the noise and she looked shocked and said yes. Then she whispered to Jake, “I don’t think mom and dad heard or even saw the shadow.” He agreed. 
They got to the house around 5:30 pm, and by the time they picked all the bags up and brought them to the front door, it was already 6:43 pm. They had to rip all the vines off the front door and all four of them had to push the door open. It opened. They walked in one at a time, Jake looked at Jenny with a worried look, Jenny nudged Jake to go in. When they walked in, they were amazed there was furniture in every room and no dust anywhere. They all dropped their stuff down and started to look around. Jenny and Jake stayed together. They first went upstairs. Each room had a name tag, and four rooms had names on them- their names. Jenny walked up to the door where it said her name and she slowly opened the door. Inside was a loft bed with pink and purple everywhere, Jenny’s favorite color. There was a bathroom connected and Jenny thought to herself that this room was exactly what she dreamt about her room looking like. Next door she could hear her brother gasp. Jenny quickly ran to her brother's room, and it looked like his dream room. They looked at each other and thought, how can this house know what they love? There was one door without a tag on it, and Jenny slowly walked over to it and right as her hand touched the handle her mom called them downstairs. They all tried to act calmly like it was supposed to be that way, but Jenny and Jake knew that something weird was going on. 
They had dinner, and then they brought all their bags to their rooms. Their parents had the same reaction to their rooms that Jenny and Jake had. They all said goodnight to each other, Jenny was 15 years old, and Jake was 7 years old. As Jenny was about to climb into bed, she heard a knock at the door she said, “Come in,” and Jake walked and asked, “Can I sleep with you tonight, Jenny?” Jenny quickly said “Yes, come and climb in.” Jake fell asleep quickly then right as Jenny closed her eyes there was a loud knock at the door. Jenny sunk deeper into her covers and hid until she heard her mom call her downstairs. Jenny thought that it was great now that it was morning, hopefully no more weird sounds, so she woke her brother up and they went down the grand staircase. At the bottom there was their mom tied up to a chair with blood all over the ground. Jenny and Jake both screamed, and Jenny run down the stairs and held her mom’s bloody hand. Then she started crying, and quickly felt a pulse on her mom’s wrist. Nothing. Then she tried her neck; still nothing her mother was dead, and they both realized it was still night. They stayed together and cried hoping that their dad would come downstairs. But no one came. So, Jenny went upstairs and opened their parents' bedroom door. The lights were off so she couldn’t see anything. She turned the lights on, and she still didn’t see him, but there was a note with one drop of blood on I. Jenny crumbled it up and threw it away and she went downstairs. She saw jake sitting on the steps crying. So, they waited for what felt like forever until morning. Then they ran out the door together to the town. 
When they finally got to the town it seemed like no one even lived there. They were about to scream when a guy came out of a car parked about 2 yards away. He started to walk towards them. They of course didn’t recognize that it was the same man who helped them get to their house because they were asleep. It was indeed Mr. Harris, and he had a slight grin on his face. The kids were scared not only because their mom was dead, they couldn’t even find their dad, but also because the man was about 7 feet tall which seemed impossible to them both. When the man had gotten close to them, he said, “Why aren’t you kids with your parents. It is a very dangerous world.” Jenny could barely breathe but still managed to say, "My mom is dead.” The man said nothing. The signaled them to follow him, so they did. They ended up in front of a cabin in the woods. He opened the door and inside there was a fire going with a pot hanging over it. Jenny asked him, “What does this have to do with my mom? Are you going to help us or not?” The man walked over to the small door under the stairs and opened it. Jake gasped, and Jenny screamed. Their dad was on a chair with a sword though his heart. Mr. Harris started to laugh, and he grabbed a knife from the counter and started to walk towards them. Mr. Harris didn’t get visitors very often but when he does, they all die, because he wanted the house for himself. He killed all these people because every time he kills someone that just moved into the mansion the persons soul becomes a ghost. They accompany Mr. Harris who is a zombie, he wanted more company, so he kills people. 
Jenny didn’t know what to do besides scream, so she grabbed the nightstand and threw it at him as hard as she could. The man did not expect that, so he fell to the ground with blood leaking from his head. They ran to the town's police station, but no one was there so they called 9-1-1 even though they were at a police station. There was no response. Then the door opened and there stood Mr. Harris, but it didn’t look exactly like him. There was still blood dripping from his head, but it was like he was a zombie. Jake said to Jenny, “What do we do?” Jenny was scared and didn’t want her little brother to know that, so she got a gun which was lying on the desk. She had never used a gun before, but she still tried and tried to shoot him. But it just went through him, and he was even closer now. Jenny and Jake did everything that they could possibly do. Mr. Harris was getting closer with each passing moment, then Jake saw a broken chair and walked up closer to him so that he could hit him with the leg of the chair. While jake swung his arm Mr. Harris hit him so hard that he went flying towards the wall and died. Jenny screamed and her adrenaline spiked and darted towards Mr. Harris, but she didn’t know that he had a sword, the same one that he used to kill their dad. Mr. Harris stabbed Jenny and quickly pulled it out, he laughed. “Now I have more collections to keep me company. Poor mortals will always have tears in blood.” 

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