The Creator, The Craft, The Coffin | Teen Ink

The Creator, The Craft, The Coffin

May 2, 2023
By Anonymous

   I screamed as I slammed my knuckles against each attacker's face. Blood dripped from each hole in their face. I felt the hands trying to pull me away but I couldn't. I just couldn't let them. Fighting. Always fighting them. The melodic words floating around my skull made it hard to fight. The continuous repetition was starting to worm its way into my core. I felt an excruciating painful pinch in my neck. The hands had their grip on me and this was the end. The room spun and so did my brain. All they said was “Dying is a wild night and a new road.” It was the same phrase my great grandmother Emily Dickinson always said. How did They know? I started giggling hysterically. Oh god. They gave me drugs. I’m high as a kite. If mum finds out she’ll have my hide. I gotta get outta here. The strange hands dragged me towards a van. And there, laying on the cold floor of the van,  I blacked out.

I woke up pounding against the cage they had put me in. No. It wasn't a cage. It was a coffin. I started screaming and a voice in the distance screamed back. Most of the words were inaudible, but I could make out a few. Something about a creator and a chamber and a pot. I couldn't tell but it sounded like a young boy maybe thirteen or fourteen, no older than fifteen. I screamed again as I felt the coffin lid being swept away. I was temporarily blinded by the light that I had been submerged in. A man and possibly the boy who had screamed back. I was stunned at the appearance of the boy. His clothes looked as if they were made of pure gold yet around his waist and wrists were chains. I looked down and saw the man had clipped chains on me as well. The voice, if you could call it that, sent shivers down my spine. 

“Hello my dear child. You must be scared out of your wits. Do not be afraid of me, for I will keep you safe.” The man hobbled around me as if I were a specimen of sorts. He poked me in the back and I leaned forward. I tripped over the chain and fell face first into the dirt. I propped myself up onto my elbows and the two were despicable. They stood there laughing at me as if I were a joke to them. As if… I am no longer an equal. Then I noticed the man also had shackles on. 

“CAN YOU STOP!” I exploded at them. I felt bad but it was worth it to see their stupid grins dissapear. The rain started to pour as I started to cry. Maybe if I play my cards right, they’ll bring me back. The harder I cried, the more the rain poured around us, but not on us. I started to get angry at the rain for not drenching us. It started to get darker and off in the distance, like a scream, you could hear the thunder. I swear if the old man says one more thing to me– My train of thought was cut off by the old man’s rambling.

“ Extraordinary. Do you see this Mayveryck? She is like you and I. He will be happy with our choosings, yes?”

“Who’s he? Who are you talking about? And just what do you mean by ‘like you’? No offense but I don’t want to be like either of you horrific psychopaths.” What kind of name is Mayveryck anyways? Like I’m nothing like them. I’m a cultured homosapien. Unlike whatever those things were. 

“ Ah, My dear child, You shall know soon enough.” I cut him off

“Don't call me a dear child or I will rip your throat out and feed it to your kids. My name is Jayde. And just so you know, I'm fourteen years of age. Therefore you are a kidnapper and able to be legally charged for your crimes.” I smirked. Good God I feel like such a smart ass. The boy grinned and he finally spoke.

“ Well Jayde, I’m Mayveryck and I am fifteen years of age and we did not kidnap you. We saved you.” His voice was deeper than I had expected. I layed in the dirt with my jaw dropped. My face grew red and I closed my mouth. I stood up and brushed myself off. The rain had stopped and there was a soft breeze. It was comfortably warm. Mayveryck held his hand out for me to hold onto. Well, how could I pass him up? His chocolate brown eyes matched my chocolate brown hair. My honey colored eyes matched his honey colored hair. I blurted out my favorite quote by Pinhead: “No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.” I clapped my hand over my mouth. My face went fire hydrant red and mayveryck looked intrigued.

“ So Jayde; Do you like quotes as well?” He smiled and stepped closer. I stared at him and of all things he did. He just had to do the one thing I hate the most. HE BOOPED ME! RIGHT ON THE SNOOT! And then I sneezed. I hate my sneezes, because everyone says they're adorable.  He doubled over laughing. I grimaced as he wheezed. I kept walking even though I had no idea where I was going. Out of the middle of nowhere, the song ‘Carry on Wayward Son’ started playing.  I laughed so hard, I cried and there was a slight sprinkle of rain. When the song finished another song started. It was ‘Gangstas Paradise’. Why in tarnations is my spotify playlist playing? I kept walking and the music followed me.  It was almost as if there were hidden speakers in the clouds. Then, the song ‘Dead Man Walking’ started to play. I froze in my tracks. The music had grown quieter and the drumming was gradually increasing. I turned around, for I had the feeling a figure had been watching me. What I saw is horrific and it still haunts me to this day. My attempts to describe what I saw are insufficient to the bear minimum of what I witnessed. I saw my room on fire. I was laying in bed just watching the ceiling fan turn slowly. A single tear ran down my cheek. The fan fell and the blade found its new home in my guts. The scream. The pain. The creator.  The craft. The coffin. 

My hands rushed to where the fan blade should have been; Instead of feeling flesh, My hand cascaded through waterfalls of blood. I looked down and puked blood. Good god– it was real. My eyes fluttered open and looked down. The fan sat at a 45 degree angle out of my stomach. I started screaming for my parents. They rushed into my room. We were all screaming by now.  “Mum? Dad? If i d-die, I want you to k-know that I love you and that im s-sorry for everything.” It all went white, red and then black. 

The author's comments:

I chose this piece because it is one of my best. I put a lot of effort into my writing. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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