Perfection | Teen Ink


September 12, 2023
By barbiel01 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
barbiel01 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        You could hear the screams echoing down the hall of a little girl watching from down

the hall from a crack between the doors her mom begging the perfection officers not to

take her younger brother.

“Please, I beg of you do not take my baby!” her mother cried out, gripping onto her baby

as best she could but soon being kicked back like she was just a sack of potatoes. They left

with him, I lucky I was born perfect

“Cleo? Cleo? Cleo!” someone yelled,

 “Huh what?” I reacted as my eyes went up to look at her.

“Jeez girl what is up with you, thinking about that day?” she said.

“Yeah, it is just a bad memory.” I spoke.

It has been fourteen years since that accident. I was five when it happened and that is when

I realized how corrupt this sociality was, where if you do not meet beauty expectations, health

expectations. They will take you away and you will never be seen again. My best friend’s

name is Scarlett, her family moved in next door ten years ago. We became incredibly good


quickly; she was the first person I talked to about the accident.

“Cleo, what is your plan?” Scarlett spoke up,

“Plan?” I repeated,

“Yes, silly the one the teacher is taking about once we graduate.” Scarlett said,

“Oh, that Plan, I am not so sure” I said,

“You need to figure it out before they find out.” Scarlett told me with a worried tone.

    We sadly never get breaks if we do not, they will take us away like they did to my baby

brother and make us disappear. The bell rings,

“Come on, Cleo lets head home” Scarlett said,

I grabbed my stuff and pushed it in my chair while Scarlett followed me out the school doors.

We were on our street when I heard a voice, I recognized that it sent shivers up my spine.

“Come on kid move it” the man in a suit said with sunglasses,

I turned around and saw the man who took my brother there in no mistaking it.

“Cleo, what is wrong?” Scarlett spoked,

“It is him” I said in a shaky voice,

“Who is he?” Scarlett said.

“The man that took my brother” I said.

Scarlett froze when she saw a kid beaten up being dragged away.

“Please, I’m perfect I swear.” the guy pleaded as he was pushed into the black van.

Two other men came out the house and a mother crying and yelling came out running.

“Please, do not take my baby, Por favor he is about to finish high school” the poor mother said in


“I am sorry ma’am but someone with no plans in life will never meet the expatiations of

perfection” the man said as he turned to walk towards the van.

He spots me and Scarlett.

“Cleo, we need to go?” said Scarlett,

we turned around and walked couple steps before we heard him,

“You two, stop” He yelled

   I froze, and my heart felt like it was echoing in a cave. Scarlett looked terrified and I felt

hopeless right at that moment but then anger started pumping in my veins. I did not understand

what I was feeling.

“Hey, turn around” One of the men yelled.

I turned around and Scarlett did not, she was frozen in place like she saw a ghost.

“Girl turns around!” He yelled,

She turned around slowly looking at the floor.

“What is your plan.” He spoke,

“I want to become a business owner and take control of my parent’s business.” Scarlett said in a

shaky voice.

“And you kid?” he said turning to me,

“I want to become the Perfectionist” I spoke in a faint voice,

“What was that?” he said,

“I want to become the Perfectionist,” I spoke up.

The man was quite for a while and then said,

“That is a hard job to have but I wish you luck kid” and walked away.

All I felt was anger at that moment and realized I wanted revenge for that day and get rid

of this corrupted society. I

heard a knock at the door and opened it. Scarlett came in and looked around,

“Nice place” she said,

“I guess...” Cleo said,

“Well, time to get to business, now that the President works with my parent’s company I have

gathered some information all you must do is know his schedule and that is it.” Scarlett said,

       I was surprised because she got all the information, I needed to take the president down. I

just need his schedule. My alarm rang and I looked at the time,

“I have to get ready” Cleo said,

     Scarlett left and I began to get ready, once leaving the building and crossing street to

 my work building. I went in and clocked in; I walked in the halls making sure everything was

in place. I saw a paper on the floor, picked it up and it was a schedule not any schedule the

Presidents scheduled. I rushed back to my apartment; I did not realize that was my first mistake

and last one I will always make. I dialed Scarlett’s number it rang but it rang behind me. I

turned around and saw his austere stands. The man I enmity was behind me with Scarlett’s

atrophy body next to his feet.

“My dear Cleo, you were one of my favorites you ascended the ranks quickly, but I should have

known it was too good to be true.” The President said,

     He pulled a pistol and pointed it at me. I just stood there knowing there was nowhere to run.

 I had accepted my fate right there, as I closed my eyes all my memories came flashing back.

My dear mother and father who I both loved my younger brother who was taken away when he

was only a newborn. The shoot rang all around the room, I felt nothing a hint of confusion hit

me. I open my eyes to see a man a bit younger than me who resembled my dad a bit, the

President fell in pain.

“Don’t you dare hurt my sister” the man said.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I wanted to show that I am escaping from a place I feel traped of following.

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