Friday Night Lights | Teen Ink

Friday Night Lights

September 14, 2023
By Anonymous

 It was game day for Pasadena Memorial High School. All the jocks were enthusiastic, yelling, running around, jumping. They were confident they were going to win this game. Just like any other high school, they were getting ready for a prep rally later in the day. Cheerleaders Ava and Aubrey were practicing stunts and flips when Chris and Troy came to ruin their routine. They scared them with masks, and the girls jumped in fear. Troy and Chris apologized and asked if they were going to the game. Aubrey didn't feel like going because they never won their games and she had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on. Ava and Chris say Jayden will be there. Aubrey said she'll think about it. Aubrey has been liking Jayden since they were freshmen but has never gotten the courage to make a move with him. Troy and Chris decide to pull a prank on someone else, someone they never really talked to. They decided on a guy named Jay. Jay is one of the football players. Troy and Chris say he doesn't bond with the team, he's always on the side like if he's planning something. They later decide they're going to embarrass him during the prep rally when all the football players are being presented. They find out Jay likes Ava so Troy and Chris plan to help him tell Ava about his feelings toward her. During the middle of the prep rally, Troy and Chris grab the microphone and call Ava and Jay to the stage. They continue telling Ava about how Jay feels, Jay then gets red and begins suturing and denying everything. Later that evening, the game begins and people are showing school spirit and cheering. During halftime Ava and Aubrey decide to get snacks. While they were getting snacks Aubrey bumped into Jayden and told Ava she'll catch up with her. Aubrey later returns to the bleachers but she doesn't see Ava anywhere. She thinks that maybe she's using the restroom. The players return to the field, but Aubrey notices Jay isn't on the field. She goes and asks around to see if he's injured, but people tell her no he wasn't even playing during the first half of the game. She starts getting worried because hasn't come back. She goes looking for her, yelling her name and asking people if they have seen her anywhere. She then bumps into Jayden again and tells him how worried she is because she hasn't seen Ava since she last bumped into him. After the game, Jayden goes up to Chris and Troy and asks if they have seen Ava anywhere, but they say no. They decide to separate into groups of two and go look for her. Chris and Troy end up finding Ava on the ground, she has been stabbed to death. Troy tries to wake her to keep her alive but it is too late. She is gone. Chris told him to stay with her while he goes and gets Jayden and Aubrey for help. By the time Chris comes back with Aubrey and Jayden, Troy is gone, he is nowhere to be found; as if he disappeared in thin air. Aubrey starts crying hysterically after seeing Ava on the ground. They calm each other down and put together everything they know, that Jay wasn't on the field at all and that Ava disappeared after Aubrey left her. They then decide to go to Jay's house to see if he's there, so they can ask him questions. As they arrived they knocked on the door, The mom answered but said Jay was not home. He never made it home after school, he said something about making things go back to normal. Chris then starts thinking is probably still upset about the prank we pulled on him during the prep rally. Aubrey spirals and tells Chris it's his fault, that if maybe he wasn't such a prankster this wouldn't have happened. Jayden tries to calm her down and tells her that it is no one's fault, you just don't go around killing people because of a prank that got pulled on you. Jayden then comes up with an idea. He asks Chris if he has all the football team phone numbers, to look for Jay, and to text him to meet him in the stadium to talk. Chris sends the message, and while they wait for a response Jayden tells them the rest of the idea. "Chris you're gonna have to distract him, apologize so we can keep him there for as long as possible while the police come. I will jump in if I see he's armed. Aubrey, you'll be in charge of calling the police when we get there, and if he tries to escape, talk to him and make him do the right thing. When they arrive at the stadium it's nearly midnight. Chris goes into the middle of the field, Jayden is in a corner hiding, and Aubrey is up by the bleachers seeing everything, ready for Jay. Chris continues to get nervous because he doesn't know what to expect. As he's thinking this he sees Jay walking toward him. Jay tells him "Why did you ask to meet?" Chris, "I just wanted to apologize for my prank earlier at the prep rally. I know some of the jokes I make can be hard for other people. I should've just minded my business and left things alone between you and Ava." Jay continues by saying, " Your apology doesn't make a difference, things won't change just because you apologized. Everyone at school knows and will look at me every time they see me. The chance I had with Ava is now gone because of you." As he said he pulled out a gun, Jayden saw things escalate and came running but by the time he got there, he had pulled the trigger. Chris was shot on his side. Jay realizes what he did and runs out of the stadium. Aubrey had called the police as soon as she saw him step foot on the field. Aubrey caught up to Jay to keep him from running away, when she caught up to him she told him to put the gun down, he's already done a lot of harm. With sirens at a distance, Jay comes to his senses and apologizes for what he did to Ava, Chris, and Troy. Jay, " I don't know what came over me. I acted out of anger instead of fixing things the mature way." As police get out of the cars he agrees to put the handcuffs on and go to prison. Chris was taken by the paramedics. Jayden and Aubrey stayed to talk to the detectives. A few days went by before things went back to normal. The school had a memorial in honor of Ava and Troy, Chris was praised by the people at school for confronting Jay after everything that happened. The rest of the school year will never go back to normal after this incident.

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