Hunt For The Necklace | Teen Ink

Hunt For The Necklace

December 13, 2023
By Anonymous

           One rainy evening, Max received a call from a distressed client named Olivia. She claimed that her precious necklace had gone missing from her locked jewelry box. Max arrived at Olivia's mansion, where he noticed something strange. The window to Olivia's bedroom was wide open, even though it had been pouring rain. He asked Olivia why the window was open. She said she had not touched the window and last, she saw it was closed very tightly.
            Max began investigating the room for clues. He noticed muddy footprints leading from the window to the jewelry box. As he examined the footprints, he noticed that they matched the size and shape of Olivia's ex-boyfriend, Ethan's shoes. This clue made him a top suspect on Max's list.
            Max decided to visit Ethan. He found him at a local coffee shop, sipping on his latte. Max approached him and asked about the night of the theft. Ethan claimed he had been at a movie theater with his friends and had nothing to do with the missing necklace.
            Undeterred, Max continued his investigation. He discovered that Olivia's neighbor, Mr. Johnson, had installed security cameras around his property. Max requested access to the footage from the night of the theft.
            After reviewing the footage, Max noticed a figure wearing a black hoodie sneaking into Olivia's backyard. The figure matched Ethan's height and build. Max confronted Ethan once again, presenting the evidence. Turns out it was not Ethan, and Max had to continue the investigation.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Braden Graham I'm submitting this work for a class project.

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