The Break In | Teen Ink

The Break In

January 16, 2024
By apederson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
apederson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She lunged for the knife on the floor, covered in her dripping blood. Just a short hour before, everything was normal. She was preparing dinner for her and her roommate like she always did--blasting music and having a good time cooking. So when someone broke in through the back door, she was unable to hear it. As she was by the stove not paying attention to her surroundings and singing her heart out, a masked figure approached her from behind. He slowly creeps up behind her and swiftly covers her mouth to muffle the screams and places his other hand around her throat so she is unable to breathe. Panic sets in, but she is unable to fight back. She gains the strength to kick backwards at him, sending him backwards. She was free. 

She lunged for the knife on the counter, but he was faster than her. He grabs the knife right before she gets to it. He takes the knife and grabs her, holding it to her throat. She quickly gets out of that and he slices her arm open. Now, gushing blood everywhere, she is even weaker than before. I am not going to make it out of this alive she thinks to herself. Knowing this, she fights back even harder. She slaps the knife out of the masked man’s hand and it flies across the room. She now kicks and punches with all of her might. He is now getting weaker as she is getting stronger. But one punch to her face and she is on the floor. Dizzy, ears ringing, weak on the ground.

 She lunged for the knife on the floor, covered in her dripping blood. Before she could reach it, the man in the mask grabbed her arm and threw her across the room. She laid there, sobbing on the kitchen floor as he approached her, knife in hand. He stands over her, ready to pounce. The front door squeaks open. He drops the knife as fast as possible and sprints out the side door, leaving unharmed. She lets out a deep breath while weeping. Her friend comes running to comfort her “Are you okay? What's going on? What happened?” her roommate asks, frightened. She tries to answer but she is frozen with fear. 

The author's comments:

This is a short story with the prompt to start is with the sentence "she lunged for the knife on the floor."

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