The House on Maple Avenue | Teen Ink

The House on Maple Avenue

June 11, 2024
By Anonymous

As the moon shines its milky white light over the sky, the leaves blow away with the wind, rustling softly. The owls hoot as their amber eyes look menacingly upon any perceived intruder. Crickets chirp on trees and leaves, creating a string of melodies. Fireflies illuminate their way across a row of homes and create a street of light that rivals that of Paris and the Eiffel Tower.


The house on Maple Avenue has seemingly been abandoned for months, maybe even years. Among a sea of maroon, rouge, and chestnut-colored houses, the 13th house was the odd one out with its charcoal exterior. It looked like the quintessential haunted mansion, adorned with gothic architecture reminiscent of castles and cathedrals across Europe. One couldn’t help but wonder who would want to live in such a house. No one knows what happened to the family that lived there, the Benders. They included mother Jean, father Thomas, and twin daughters Kate and Isabelle. Little was even known about them in the first place. None of the other residents even knew what they looked like since they rarely left the house. Some say they left under the curtains of darkness; others say that they still reside in the house, albeit as recluses. One thing is for certain, though: chilling sounds can be heard from the mansion in the wee hours of the night and morning if one listens. People report hearing blood-curdling screams, maniacal laughter, and an assortment of groans. Although the police have been called several times and the house searched, no trace of the Benders, or anyone or anything, has been found. Parents utilized the infamous house to strike fear into their children, warning that the “ghosts'' of House 13 will take them away if they don’t behave. Others have tried to break into the house under the guise of “ghost-hunting” to discover the secrets beyond the dilapidated dwelling. However, they came across the barricades of unbreakable wood that covered the windows and doors. To this day, the Benders are still accounted for, and those ghastly sounds are still being heard from the home. Due to this, it is normal for one to wonder if the Benders aren’t that far away after all.

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