Succubus | Teen Ink


September 1, 2024
By noellezh GOLD, Los Angeles, California
noellezh GOLD, Los Angeles, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first thing I noticed was her crimson nail polish, glistening like freshly spilled blood. The second was the cunning gleam that shone in her eyes as she caught my gaze across the crowded club and beckoned me over. I had never seen this woman before, but I had met countless other versions of her, dangerous creatures that sucked me in and pulled me under. I tried to resist. But my feet began to move, and my legs propelled me forward, giving me no choice in the matter. Her perfectly painted red lips stretched over a set of shining white teeth as she watched me push through the crowd. The gleam never left her eyes. 

Before I could process what was happening, I was in front of her. I switched to autopilot. My lips curled up into a playful smirk. I swept the curls out of my face and met those cunning eyes with a wink. “I’ve never seen you here before.” 

She looked me up and down, a flirtatious expression on her face that didn’t match her disinterested, perfectly practiced, tone. “Maybe you‘ve just never taken the time to look.” She tapped a painted nail against her arm, never once breaking eye contact.

“How about I show you around?”

Disappointment spread across her face, quickly being replaced by boredom as she turned to move away. I could see the switch as she moved me into the category of all the other arrogant a**holes that had tried to hit on her. 

Cigarette smoke filled my nostrils, and my eyes began to water. I should’ve taken it as a sign to stop. But I couldn’t. I grabbed her hand, an unexpected surge of confidence overtaking me. “Come with me.”

“Why would I go with you?” She stood her ground, the gleam reentering her eyes. I had her. She looked down at our intertwined hands, then back at me. She couldn’t resist the rush of risk that came with my offer.

We left the club, walking down the dimly lit streets. As we turned down an alleyway, I pulled her in, pressing her lips to mine and my body against hers.  My hands moved around her neck, until they encircled it. I knew the exact moment she realized what was happening to her. The gleam vanished from her eyes, and I watched panic replace it. I clutched her to me, never once breaking our kiss as I felt the life drain from her body. Only once I was sure it was done did I let go with a sigh, allowing her unmoving body to crumple to the ground. She was no longer my business. 

I wish I could have controlled myself. But really, how could I? It’s always the same with women like her. Stubborn, thinking they know more than what’s good for them. I can’t help but take it as a challenge. Every time I see that gleam shining in their eyes, all I want to do is put it out forever.

The author's comments:

This is a piece for the Halloween Writing Contest.

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