the dream | Teen Ink

the dream

November 15, 2012
By Derek101 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Derek101 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dream.

“Hey kid wake up! Are you alive? Kid seriously get up!” The man shaked the young adult violently till he woke up.
“Huh what why are you touching me! Where the hell am I! What happened to the plane!!!” the teenage boy woke in confusion. The last thing he could remember is he was on a plane on his way to Puerto Rico with his parents and now he was on some beach?
“I’m just making sure your okay kid. Were on some island I don’t know where but the plane crashed last night don’t you remember?” The man gave the boy a confused look.
The boy didn’t want to talk anymore he was just curious now. What happened to my parents are they okay? I wonder if anybody else is on this island besides us. He shaked the sand of his pants and with the man’s help he got up. “Is there anybody else alive?”
“I’m not sure I just woke up not too long ago and went up and down the beach looking for other survivors but only found you.”
Shocked that the man didn’t find anybody else the boy wondered if they had all died on the plane. “What’s your name?”
The man looked at the sky with proud. “My name is Sunny.”
“Nice to meet you sunny my name is cadd.” Cadd shook sunny hand with a firm grip. Sunny Grinned at the boy and to show dominance he gripped cadd’s hand even harder.
The rest of the day Sunny and Cadd explored the island meeting survivor after survivor. Sometimes they would even find groups of survivors. Not many of the passengers of the plane had survived though. By the end of the day they were positive they found everybody they could. The group had grown since Cadd and sunny had first meet they know had a group of 24 people.
Cadd searched the crowd of people for his parents but could not find anybody. A terrified sadness filled Cadd’s heart. His parents weren’t here. Does that mean they were dead? No they cant be there somewhere maybe not on this island but somewhere in the ocean, Floating, floating away to a near by island. Cadd Turned to leave, he would not join this group of survivors he will live on his own for his time being here.
“Cadd Were you going?” Sunny’s voice boomed through the crowd of people.
“I’m leaving.” Cadds response was short and brief, but what could be expected he was just a boy.
The first week went well for the survivors they made shelters established a form of government, took shift watches for a boat. But soon people started to disappear at night.
“What are we going to do about these disappearances? Are there aggressive animals on the island? What’s causing this to happen? When are we going to be rescued?” A crowd of survivors swarmed around sunny. Sunny had become the leader of the group since the crash...
“Well sunny your surely are a busy man?” a voice from behind sunny rang his ears.
“Ha-ha cad my boy you always know there’s room for you in the village if you’d wish to come stay?” Sunny turned around and was now looking eye to eye with cad.
“And follow the rules of you? No I’m good I don’t like rules. But I’m more curious into what is causing these disappearances.” Cad gave sunny a cold stare. Cad knew something was fishy about sunny but he remembered what his grandma always told him. Her voice echoed in his head ‘keep your friends close and your enemy’s even closer.’ Cad didn’t know if sunny was an enemy or just an odd character but for now he would treat sunny as a friend.
“Be careful cad my boy, you never know what you may find.” Sunny followed cads cold stare with a bitter playful tone. Sunny was done with cads foolish games. And turned around and left.
That night a scream echoed the village of survivors. All the survivors rushed towards the scream and were horrified of what they saw. Lying there, surrounded by a puddle of a dark red, was a huge panda. Next too it stood Sunny.
Sunny stood next to it glaring down at it, like a voucher staring at its food. “Don’t fear I found the beast that had been killing people. It is dead now so don’t worry anymore!” Sunnys voice was full of pride. But it was a lie, this beast was not responsible for the missing people, He was just sick of everybody asking questions about them he made it look as if the panda was the killer.
The survivors believed the lies sunny spat. But what else could they believe sunny was the leader. So why would they lie to them? For awhile they expected the rebellious Cadd to be the culprit, but what just happened proved him innocent.
Cad had become an outcast since sunny had become leader. He refused to follow the rules of the adults, there were only a few kids on the island but the few of them followed cad. Nobody really knew much about the boy except he was strange he never showed up in the village unless he needed to talk to sunny. Survivors always thought that was weird until one night one of the survivors Dinkle followed cad. It had been a few days after the panda was killed but still people kept disappearing every day. Dinkle thought Cad was responsible for this but he wasn’t.
“Dinkle why are you following me?” cad called back.
“I’m just curious on to what you do at night, you know since you don’t really come into the village much.” Dinkle didn’t want to give cad the answer he wanted; instead he would just play dumb.
“Ahh so I see you think I’m taking these people? Well the answer to that is no, im not im just as curious to you. But would you like to see what is happening to them?” Cad glared back at dinkle now.
“If you know what’s happening to them cad you must be the one taking them!”
“Dinkle just shut up and listen. I’m not the one taking them I’m trying to find out what in the heck is happening. And every night Sunny and some other survivors leave the village haven’t you ever noticed that? I’m following there footsteps to see where there going. If you want to come with follow my pace.” Cad said in silence. Cad started taking off in a burst of speed making sure dinkle could keep up with him though. He didn’t want dinkle to be aware of what was happening but maybe it was time to stop this evil. Shortly after there ran cad slowed down by a bush and ducked down. He told Dinkle to duck too.
They waited for almost an hour till it begun. Sunny had come out the forest with several other survivors. They formed a circle around a hole in the ground. Sunny moved forward and begun to speak.
“My fellow people tonight we will feast once again! The taste of our kind gives us a stronger power. A more fearful power! Start the fire and bring up the kill!” Sunny gave off an intimating tone.
“Cad what are they doing?!?!” Dinkle was in disbelief on to what was happening right now.
“Just be quiet and watch dinkle…” Sadness was hidden in cad voice. He wanted to stop sunny, but he knew he couldn’t there were only a few of the survivor that didn’t know about this. But he had to save those survivors him and dinkle had too. What sunny is doing just isn’t right!
Sunnys group of cannibal survivors disappeared into the hole and brought up mangled bloody body parts of survivors from the hole.
Dinkle puked over Cad Not one of those sudden pukes, but an all out puke. He was horrified of what he seen but could he do.
“Dinkle shut up do you want to end up like them!” Cad told him in a hush tone.
What they did with the anal parts was even more horrifying. They eat them. They laughed while they did it too but one by one they feasted on the body parts. Blood soaked the survivors. Blood dripped down the mouths of the cannibals like drool from a dog. And then sunny spoke
“Tomorrow we will end our hunger with the big feast! We will finish off the survivors and be hungry no more!” There was an evil look in sunny eyes his eyes.
Before Cadd and Dinkle could leave cannibals cut there path out.
“Ha-ha we shall eat again, tonight and tomorrow shall be a feast!” One of the cannibals licked his lips blood still dripping down the sided of his mouth and laughed. A booming laugh that scared Dinkle.
“Well Cadd and dinkle, do you like what you found Cadd? At least you know the truth now about the disappearances. Too bad you had to find out like this, Oh well either way I was still going to eat you!” Sunny stared at Cadd the whole entire time he was talking, hunger flashed in his eyes and it scared cadd.
The cannibals tied up cadd and dinkle and put them in the hole as they prepared the great fire once more.
Was this it? Is this how my life’s going to end, wow I thought id die old and gray. Ha I guess not.
“Bring the boys up its time we gutted them.”
“Get off me! Don’t touch me!” Dinkle screamed he didn’t want to die. Not now. Not ever.
A large cannibal approached Dinkle with a blunt stick. “If you don’t shut up ill kill you now.”
“What’s the point your going to kill us anyway!” Cadd said back.
“Get away from me!” Dinkle wouldn’t shut up he kicked one of the cannibals in the stomach as hard as he could.
“Boy I told you to shut up.” The large cannibal held up the blunt object in the air and slammed it down, it made a whistling noise as it moved through the air and with a giant “WAM” The object smashed against dinkles head.
Dinkle dropped to the ground. Not a peep more. He laid there in silence.

The cannibals grabbed the boys and tied them up side down on a branch. They put what seemed to be huge wooden bowls underneath them. The whole entire time the cannibals were doing this they laughed.

Sunny walked up to the boys with the knife in hands. “Sorry it had to end this way boy. But a mans gotta eat!” Those were sunny final words to cadd. He plunged the knife into cad’s side.

With a sudden shock Cadd woke up. Still on the plane he looked around to see what happened? He could see everyone that was in his dream. They were all sleeping too. Was it all a dream! It couldn’t have been it felt so real… Then a sudden pain ran through the side of Cadd, He noticed the bottom of his shirt was wet, then he lifted his shirt to see what the pain came from. There was a large cut.

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