The Final Decision | Teen Ink

The Final Decision

May 16, 2013
By 16gjp01 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
16gjp01 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Final Decision

It all came down to this. This moment. This one decision. Weather to turn the key and kill millions. Weather to give in to the demands or start a war. This one decision he makes could change a country forever. It was a usual Monday here in Petoria it was warm and a slight east to west breeze. Nothing out of the ordinarily for now…

Everything was going as they should be. Nothing different from any other day, everyone checked in on time today, everyone went to lunch and 12:15pm as usually, nothing new from the morning till now but I can feel that something is different. I can’t put my finger on just what it is but something just feels different even though today is just a normal day. I might be paranoid or something but I just have a feeling that today is not a normal day. Joey and turbo just got back from their lunch break and just got back to their posts and are patrolling the north gate as usual. Everything is normal nothing out of place but I still have a feeling that something will have bad will happen. Maybe nothing will and I hope nothing does but I just have a bad feeling about today.

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