Missourian Night | Teen Ink

Missourian Night

September 19, 2013
By Anonymous

The Missourian Night

She once had a secret hiding place in her parents bathroom, but she would have never thought it would have saved her family’s life one grim day.

On a dark rainy night in the middle of summer, the warm glow of the sun was blocked by the dark hateful clouds. The White family's small summer house in the reaches of Missouri’s country side. With smell of rain on the cedar trees, and no animals to be heard of. This was surely one of the worst days of the summer.
Jessica was the youngest of the White family, who was 9 years old. With thick brown flowing hair and blue eyes, she was surly a one of a kind girl. Next was, Anthony, her 17 year old brother. Anthony was a easy target for bullying in school. As a result depression soaked in and he resorted to cutting his wrists and turning goth. His parents thought it was a phase...

Lightning lit up the sky, the house shook violently as Jessica gripped her doll in her hand. “Mom wheres Anthony at?”, Said Jessica. In a reply that couldn’t be more the a yawn, “I don’t know, but he will be find. Hes a big boy”, Replied Mom.

Jessica looked out the window, thinking of when her brother will be home.

At around 10:30 Jessica’s dad walked into the living room. “Hey Jessica, I think its time for bed, Come on, lets go.”, Said Dad lovingly. Jessica sadly agreed, picking up her doll and slowly falling her dad to her room. Dad tucked Jessica in, kissed her on the forehead and shut the door, residing to his room. But Jessica couldn’t get the feeling that this night is different... Her brother is never past curfew...

The house shook as lightning exploded in the sky, and at that moment... CRACK!...
Jessica woke up startled at the sudden sound. As she sat up to look around the room, she noticed it was complete darkness, the hallway light was and, and even her princess night light wasn't working. She wondered to herself and said in a hush voice, “I guess the powers out..”.

Jessica got up and began to try and navigate her way through the darkness to her parents room. She walked into the hallway glancing to her left, but she noticed something different.. She thought she saw moonlight irradiating from a crack in the front door, but didn’t think much of it. She turned back to her right facing the way her parents bedroom should be.

As she slowly used the wall to navigate her way to her parents bedroom she began to hear a sound. A deep horrid sound, “Ksssssshh... Shhhhhhhh... Ksssshhh... Shhhhhh”. Her dads new battery powered sleep apnea machine... she knew she was close. as her hands glazed along the walls she finally reached a door knob, and with a gentle turn the door opened, It was her parents room.

Jessica walked over to the bed and nudged her dad on the shoulder, “Dad the lights are out.” Jessica said in a quiet voice trying to not to wake her mom up. Her dad rolled over and sleepily began to open his eyes... And at that moment he saw something that no man would ever want to see. A tall dark figure with a mask stood in the bedroom door way directly behind Jessica. He held a long knife in his hand as the rain water slowly leaked off of the sharpest part of the blade.. The stranger let out a loud shriek, that was almost familiar.

Jessica turned around in despair at the shriek and screamed! Jessica's Dad jumped out of his bed in almost an instance swatting Jessica aside. He grabbed the hollow husk of a lamp sitting on the near by nightstand bashing the intruder upside the head with such force that the big beefy intruder fell to his side in a daze. Jessica's Mom awoken from her peaceful sleep from the horrible screams. Still in shock, Mom grabbed Jessica by the arm and forcefully pulled her to the bathroom attempting to escape the conflict.

At the moment Jessica realizing where they were at, ran up to the towl rack on the wall and began to push. With 2 loud pops the thin wall began to slowly move, Jessica's mom looked In shock at the secret room no one ever knew about. Jessica then crawled in the hole and said, “Follow me mom!”.

Jessica’s mom paused for a second looking back to see if she could see her husband, but it was to dark. She then bent down and crawled through a tiny opening about the size of a filing cabinet, once inside Jessica pushed the thin wall back to its closed position, safely hiding her and her mom. As Jessica and her mom sat in the secret room, holding each other close they heard a chilling scream, It was her dad... Silence
Jessica began to cry heavily as the steps of the intruder began to slowly echo down the hall way directly on the other side of the wall.

The intruder suddenly stopped, no more footsteps could be heard. Jessica slowly crawled over to a air vent in the wall that gave her direct sight of the hallway. As she scanned the hallway, she didn’t see anything, not a sign of her father, or the intruder ..BANG.. her father's head dropped from above the vent, completely severed from his body with his scared expression still across his face. Jessica screamed at the top of her lungs, if the intruder didn’t know where she was at before.. he does now.

A small ear wrenching laugh echoed into the room that sounded like chalk on a chalkboard, and then the banging began. The intruder started to beat on the wall over and over trying to get into Jessica's hiding place. ..BANG.. ..BANG.. ..BANG.. The wall began to shake over and over again.
Jessica and her mom moved to the darkest corner of the room trying to stay as far away from the raging intruder as possible. Jessica's mom began to cry uncontrollably in the fetal position.
..BANG.. .. BANG.. ..BANG.. The material holding up the wall began to crumble and fall down, but amazingly held up to the big man hitting the wall.
Jessica’s mom looked Jessica in the eyes, and said “I love you”, while holding her closely.

As if it was they're last moments, they heard a voice, a voice that they knew.. It was Anthony crouched down by the entrance to the secret room. He had a gun perched in his hand with one arm extended, “Hurry up!” he said in a hushed voice. Jessica and her mom quietly stood up and began to walk to Anthony, in shock that he was here... But before they got close to they're rescuer.. CRAAACK... The wall broke and the intruder came barging through stumbling to the ground as if he didn’t know the wall would have given on that specific attempt. The intruder looked up in a daze and saw Jessica, Anthony, and Mom, and began to stand up gripping the knife in his hand.

Anthony looked at the man in a familiar way, like a way a friend would look at another friend as if they have done something wrong. Anthony held up the pistol and with no effort at all pulled the trigger... BAM... Light lit up the room blinding Jessica, and a scream echoed throughout the house. The intruder looked down at his chest as blood began to trickle out from him... then he dropped to the ground.

Jessica and Mom ran up to Anthony hugging him as they all cried. In the distance sirens and flashing lights darted through the forest, and they all finally knew this horrible night was over. Anthony stood up and walked over to the warm body, he looked down and with a graceful movement removed the mask that was covering the silhouettes face. It was Tim... one of Anthony's closest friends. Anthony mumbled something under his breath that no one could hear, but Jessica or her mom didn’t ask any questions.

Anthony turned around and looked his sister and mother in the eyes, “This is all my fault...” He said in a low voice. Anthony pulled the gun up to his head and mouthed the words “I love you.” …. BAM ….

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