The Dark Night | Teen Ink

The Dark Night

September 30, 2013
By 4mmazur BRONZE, Rossford, Ohio
4mmazur BRONZE, Rossford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One night while the rain slowly and steadily fell I was walking to a party I was invited to by my good friend. As I walked into his house I was greeted by many guest and also my friends. My friend told me some strange and eerie things were happening. I asked him what they were and just then the lights shut off and turned back on just as fast as they shut off. I looked over and saw someone just drop to the floor dead. I freaked out and left my friends home immediately went to my house. I felt like someone was following me the whole way home. Turns out I was right as soon as I got to my door I heard a noise behind me wiped around and saw a knife coming straight toward me reacted as fast as I could. I dodged the knife and took the knife from the murderer and stabbed him.

The author's comments:
The climax is really bad

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