The Touch of Fear | Teen Ink

The Touch of Fear

October 6, 2013
By Destinee Heath BRONZE, Backsburg, South Carolina
Destinee Heath BRONZE, Backsburg, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Touch of Fear

Penny Douglas was carrying her food tray and heading for her usual seat in the school cafeteria. When she took her seat her friends Heather Sanders and Karen Winters came to sit with her. They were all excited about their upcoming trip to Camp Monsa in Louisiana. Penny won the trip on a radio station and was allowed to take 2 guest. Karen was anxious to tell them that her boyfriend Victor had finally agreed to drive them to the camp and come back in 2 weeks to get them.

“OMG. Guess what, you guys... Victor agreed to drive us!” Karen said excitedly.

“I can't believe you talked him into it!” Penny responded jokingly.

“Although it took forever and a promise to pay for the gas” said Karen.

During the rest of the lunch hour they discussed what they were going to wear and take with them and agreed on a time and place to meet. After school when Penny got home she started packing to leave the next morning. While she was packing her mother came into the room. “Hey who is taking you and picking you up?” she asked. Penny discussed her plans with her mother and she agreed with her decisions. “Don't forget your cellphone in case you run into trouble.” her mom said.

The next morning they all met at McDonald's and had breakfast. When they were finished Victor helped load their suitcases and they started on the trip. They were silent for the most of the trip because Victor had the music turned up so loud that they couldn't hear each other speak. After two long hours they arrived at Camp Monas. When they approached the entrance to the camp they looked at each other in shock.

“This looks like a ghost town!” Heather said in shock.

“Maybe we got the wrong address” Penny said as she looked at a piece of paper she that had written the address on.

“Nope we got the right address” Karen said pointing at the sign that read Welcome to Camp Monas.

“Okay... Lets go in, I mean we can't judge the place by its appearance. For all we know we might have a fun time and besides, I did not spend all night trying to figure out what to wear and to bring!” Penny said.

They went to the door and knocked on it. The door cracked open a little. “Hello is anyone here?” Penny asked. There was nothing but silence. “We are the radio winners.” Karen said. “You guys I am scared! Have you not ever seen the movies where the stupid blondes walk into a house just like this and they got killed!?” Heather asked terrified. “Girl you need to calm down with all these scary movies! You are starting to get scared of everything.” Penny said. “I can't help it, they are so good I just can't turn away!” Heather said. “Goodness gracious come on you guys the people who own this place must be around here somewhere.” Karen said as she opened the door and walked into the house. They all followed behind Karen. When everyone was in the house Heather started whispering to herself saying “Oh Lord what have we gotten ourselves into”. Finally, Karen told her to be quiet. When they found their way to the back door, Victor jumped out from behind a wall and screamed “ROAR!.” Everyone jumped and laughed except for Heather. She said, “Victor stop acting like a little child and grow up.”

They went onto the back porch and heard music coming from the barn. They walked over to the barn and found an old man getting eggs from his chickens. Penny screamed loudly over the music “Hey, we are the winners from the radio station! Are you the guy who owns this place?” The man turned around and smiled. He walked over to the radio and turned the music down. “Yes my wife and I own this place.” It is very good to see y'all. Let me show you your room. There are three cots and you will have to share a bathroom. There is no phone here.” He began walking back to the house. “That's okay... we brought our own,” Karen laughed showing him her cellphone. “Good grief! What are they gonna come up with next. There ain't no cord on it!” said the farmer. “LOL, oh I didn't catch your name?” Karen asked. “LOL?” he said looking puzzled, “and my name is Bob.” “Nice to meet you Bob” the girls said together. They all started to like him immediately.

When they finally got settled Karen walked Victor to the car to say good-bye. “Don't forget about coming to pick us up.” said Karen. “I promise I won't forget. Bye, LYMI.” said Victor. “LYMI, see you in two weeks.” said Karen while she was walking toward the house. When she got inside the house Bob asked her what LYMI meant. She replied saying “It means Love You, Mean It.” He started laughing and said,When I was young that meant someone from England.” She started laughing and said, “Wow I didn't know older people could be funny. Well I am going to head up stairs, it has been a long day. See you in the morning, good night.” “Sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite and get good nights rest,” Bob said as she headed to her room.

The next day they woke to a wonderful fragrance and the sound of bacon crackling in a pan. They went straight to the kitchen and were greeted by Bob and his wife. While they were eating Bob informed them that he and his wife had to go out of town to pick up some rare supplies that they had ordered. “We will be back in a couple of days. While we are gone will you please gather the chicken eggs every morning and put them in the fridge beside the barn?” Bob asked. Penny said, “We will be happy to, have a good trip. Be safe!” After they were done the girls told Bob and his wife that they would do the dishes for them while they prepared to leave. When they finished Bob and his wife had already left. The girls went up to their room and took a shower and put on clean clothes. They spent the rest of the day riding horses and touring the farm which was much larger and nicer than they expected. When night came they went to and put on their pj's and found an old board game and decided to play it. While they were playing the game, Heather said “Did you guys hear that?” and walked to the window that was facing the corn field. Karen said “No, now lets finish the game.” Heather suddenly shrieked, “You guys I don't think we are alone. There is someone over by the corn field looking at me.” She looked back at the girls, Karen and Penny both got up and went toward the window. “We don't see anything Heather. You have watched too many scary movies and they have started making you see things!” Karen said. “Maybe we should get a good night sleep, it's 12:00 in the morning.” Penny said. They all nodded and went to bed.

During the night the girls were startled by a noise in the kitchen. Karen and Penny went to see what it was while Heather stayed in bed covering her head with a blanket. When they got to the kitchen a mouse ran by their feet and they screamed, causing Heather to scream with them. When they got back to the bedroom. Karen said “It was just a mouse, Heather.” When Heather didn't answer Penny walked over to Heathers bed. “Heather, where are you? Stop playing around.” Karen and Penny looked all over the house and could not find her. They decided to go to bed because they thought Heather was messing just with them. They went to bed knowing that Heather would be in her bed in the morning.

In the morning, Heather's bed was still empty and not made up. They thought she would be hungry. If she smelled the wonderful aroma of bacon she would give up hiding and come eat with them. They even set a plate of bacon and eggs for her. By the time they were finished the plate was still uneaten. “I am getting worried Karen never acts like this.” Penny said. “She is just wanting to scare us. Don't worry about it. Lets go and gather the eggs. Sooner or later Heather would be hungry and come out. ” said Karen. “Okay lets go then.” said Penny

When they got to the barn the chickens and their eggs where gone. They were no where to be found. “What in the world, where are the chickens and their eggs? They couldn't have disappeared that easily, the lock is still closed and there are no holes in the gate. If Heather is still messing with us I am gonna hurt her!” said Karen. “Karen, I am going to see if Heather has come out yet. Call Victor and see if he can pick us up now! I am not staying another day on this crazy farm.” said Penny, as she turned and went inside the house.

Karen took her phone out of her pocket and turned it on. While she was waiting for it to turn on she saw a strange figure off in the distance. She got really scared and ran toward the house. When she got in she called Victor but there was no signal. She went to look for Penny but she couldn't find her. She started to get really scared. Then she thought that maybe Penny went outside to try and find her. She went outside but couldn't find her. Then once again she saw a strange figure out in the distance. But this time she didn't run away from it, instead she ran toward it. She started screaming, “Who are you? What have you done with my friends? This isn't funny! If you hurt them I promise you, I will hurt you!”

The person began to run the other way and went into the corn field. She followed the person into the corn field. Bob, his wife, Heather, Victor,and Penny jumped out and yelled “Got Ya!” Karen said “Why did you guys do this to me, and how?” Penny laughed and said “It was all a joke . There was no contest. This is my great uncle and his wife, they own this farm. Check your calendar today is April 1, April Fools Day!”

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