Lakisha taped to the wall | Teen Ink

Lakisha taped to the wall

November 26, 2013
By 12967 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
12967 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
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“ Holy crap why is Lakisha taped to the wall? What happened? ” said Lakisha’s father to Lakisha's sister.

Lakisha's sister said “we were playing dolls and then 2 men came into the house and picked us up. He then taped us to the wall and I managed to get out after the man went upstairs but I tried to untape Lakisha off the wall but I couldn’t.”

“wait what did he do?” said the father

“I don't know but mom was upstairs and I don't know where ” said Lakisha's sister

“Do you know what he looked like” said the father

“I don't know, he was wearing a mask” said Lakisha's sister

“Get me down” said Lakisha
The dad was so frustrated and didn't know what to do. He walked around the house to find his wife but he couldn't find her. When he went upstairs to see if he could find his wife he saw that there was a bloody person on the floor in his bedroom. He knew that this was one of the men who tried to kidnap his wife but he didn't know where the other man went. He looked outside and saw the other man putting his wife in the car and driving off with her. She was never seen again.

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