Last Words | Teen Ink

Last Words

January 22, 2014
By kcall1 BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
kcall1 BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Score. I shot another crumbled piece of lined paper filled with pointless ideas into my dinky grey can. My small room is littered with them and my confidence is torn apart with every crevice that I imprinted into the stationery. This is it, my letter had to be perfect. It is my way of telling Alana I could not breathe without her by my side. She is my angel and I know that she would love to live her life with me. I tear out another piece of paper, this one’s it. Finally, the words start running a course through my mind. I start it off with the day I first saw her-- I park my Dodge Ram Van in spot 309, and the warning bell buzzes through my ears. I drearily yank myself outside of my old, beaten up car and waddle into the pest-filled high school. After greeting the secretaries and avoiding the pimplely, greasy kids, I walk to my closet. I close the door behind me so I can change into my grey jumpsuit which of course reads “Jefrey” on it. I roll my eyes at my misspelled name, and think to myself for the thousandth time how they could spell it with only one f. My walkie-talkie sounds from my pocket, forcing me to the girls’ bathroom on the first floor. I drag my bucket filled with dirty, soapy water and the overused mop behind me down the hallway. I walk into the room, silently cursing out the teenager that had the audacity to throw up only 15 minutes into first period. Unfocused, I walk straight into a girl heading out of the bathroom. She steps back to catch herself and looks at me with the most alluring, sapphire eyes I have ever seen.-- With the memory flooding my vision, my eyes finally focus back to the present. I realize I haven’t written anything. I was too busy reminiscing that my aching hand is gripping the charcoal pen and my knuckles are slowly turning white. I need to see her.

Within two minutes, I am up with my ratty, grey adidas sneakers thrown on and looking into my barely visible mirror, adjusting my plain-old black hat to the right position. The adrenaline is still pulsing my body to move faster as I try and envision Alana. I need to see her. I throw my overdue bills and junk mail aside, as I try and find the keys that I swear I put on this counter. Finally, as I push away a pointless ad made for some kind of bug killer, I see the glimmer of the silver keys. I hastily walk to my car and shove the key into the ignition, as my Dodge rums to life I remember my first talk with Alana-- I reach to try and stabilize the tipping yet graceful girl in front of me. My calloused hand brushes against the silky skin of her arm and she quickly stables herself. Her breathtaking laughter fills the small, dense room and I can feel a real curve of my lips appear on my face. This young, innocent teenage girl suddenly made me feel alive.

“Sorry!!” the girl exclaimed, a nervous laugh hinting in her words, “I didn’t see you there,” She leans down to pick up the mop-that I so clumsily allowed to slip to the floor- and I just stand in the frame, speechlessly watching her. The girl looks me straight in the eye, holding the mop, waiting for me to grab it.

“I-It’s alright, miss,” I stutter as I try and compose myself. “Just here to clean the bathroom, excuse me.” I manage to say, while I gently take the mop from her small, fragile hands.
“Have a nice day, sir,” she smiles one last time before pushing the door open and walking out into the hallway.
“Bye, bye..” I whisper low enough for her not to hear. I try and sedate myself and put the “do not enter” sign outside the wooden door. I barely notice the disgusting bathroom stall because I keep imagining the blonde, mysterious girl. I need to know who she is. I swiftly finish cleaning and leave the room in a hurry. After returning the mop and bucket to my closet, I begin to walk around the school, desperately trying to spot the angelic face in each of the classrooms I look into. Knowing that the end of third period and the start of dreadful lunch is approaching, I retreat to my closet, tapping my foot with every second that passes. For the first time in eternity, I want the little mutts to go to lunch, I need to see her again.
Finally, the vexatious bell rings and I spring out of my seat to go look for my mystery girl. I wander into the senior lunch room, guessing this stunning girl is in her last year here. I weave through the tables, trying to catch a glimpse of her. There she is. From across the room, I see her flip her hair, I see her smile plastered on her face and it transfers onto the people around her. The flowy, long blonde hair caresses her shoulders and her periwinkle top when a boy next to her tucks a strand behind her ear. I was suddenly filled with jealousy and hatred. How could he? I begin to stalk my way over to a nearby trash can to listen closer.
“Here, I’ll throw out your trash, Alana,” the random boy says to her with a kiss on the nose.
“Thanks Hunter, you’re the best, babe.” Alana responds looking happy as ever. Alana. That’s her name.-- By the time I finish the memory, I am in the school parking lot. It’s a Friday, my day off, but I’m here for her. I can not believe that the first time I heard her name was almost 7 months ago. Since that moment, she was it. She consumed all my thoughts, she was there for me. She always will be. After that day, she was the reason I went to work, I needed to see her everyday. Hunter has always been a problem, he was always with her. I know that if he wasn’t here, she would be with me. We could leave this town and live together forever. As I sit in spot 309, I patiently wait for 2:24 to come. I start to spin the silver pistol, that I always carry in my glove compartment, in my hands. My vision blurs with images of Alana and Hunter in the hallways, in the lunchroom, in his car, they won’t depart. I hear my head slam into the steering wheel above me as the boisterous bell rings outside the car. Before I know it, I see Alana leaving the school, I turn on my car, awaiting my move to follow her. She walks over to Hunter’s car, in the back parking lot and nimbly leans on the side. This is my chance to be with her forever. I stalk on over to his parking spot at less than 5 mph. I vaguely see Hunter talking to a few of his friends right outside the entrance to the school. He’ll be over to his car soon. I pass Alana and the car and decide to park a few spots down. The beautiful smirk on her face as she gently swipes through her phone brings a loving smile to my face, I can’t wait to be with her.
I immediately climb out of my car and take a deep breath, she wants to be with me. With the pistol in my coat pocket and a smile, I hunt towards Alana and stop for a second to touch one strand of her luring locks and I accidently let out a deep sigh to the back of her head. She turns around with terror covering her face as I clamp one hand over her mouth just as she’s about to wail.
“Shh, shh!” I mumble as I carry her to my car. I hear something hit the ground as I quickly push her into the back of my van and hurry in with her. “Don’t worry, we’ll be happy together soon.” I say as I grab the grey duct tape from under my driver’s seat. I hear a scream when I realize I let my hand off her mouth. I quickly turn to Alana and slam her head to the floor of the van and a piece of tape over her little, swollen lips. “Don’t scream honey, shh, I’m almost done,” I mutter and kiss the top of her blonde head and grab both of her petite wrists and duct tape them too, maybe a little too tight. She is falling over and her eyes are drearily closing yet I decide to tape her ankles together as well. I descend from the back of the van to scurry my way up to the driver’s side. I see Hunter make his way to his car and I look him straight into his eyes. Curiosity crosses his face but I zip away before I can really see. Before I know it, I’m out of the parking lot and on my way home. I peek back at Alana and she seems to be asleep, she looks like an angel. I turn on the staticky radio and hum the whole way home, a smile playing on my lips. We’re finally together.
I turn my van off as I pull into the driveway. While whistling the song that I just turned off the radio, I slide open the back door and reach in to pull Alana out. I stop myself to quickly look around the neighborhood, there is only a seven year-old kid scootering around the cul de sac 3 houses down. I decide to risk the chance of him seeing me and pull Alana into my garage. I set her down on my navy carpet. I walk towards a chair in the corner for her to sit on. After placing Alana on the chair, she begins to mumble and her eyes start fluttering. She doesn’t seem to be aware of where she is but she’ll be happy to see me soon. I go into my house to grab a glass of water for my beautiful girl outside. Ever since I felt her presence in my car, I’m happier. When I walk back into the garage, I see the steel doors rolling up and Hunter stalking his way in. Terror seeps into my veins and I freeze in place. I hear the glass of water I was carrying crash on the ground when I see my gun pointed in my face by my girls’ boyfriend.
“I knew you were a f**king creep from the moment I laid my eyes on you!” Hunter screams at my unmoving body. I can not believe he is here, he can’t destroy my plans with her again.
“She doesn’t wa-want you. She needs m-me.” I stutter as little droplets perspire from my pores.

“How dare you say that. You’re a high school janitor, you perv.” Hunter says with disgust clear in his voice. The girl in the chair’s captivating eyes finally open and I can barely hear Hunter as I begin to walk over to Alana. She is fully waking up now and her gorgeous face just blocks everything out. I hear a gunshot as I fall to the floor, keeping eye contact with my girl the whole time. The pain doesn’t set in until I witness Hunter run over to Alana and kiss her straight on her lips. I feel a sting in my stomach when I place my hand over a gaping hole, I will never have her the way he does. My vision turns white while I manage to speak my last words.

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