The Living Tree of Hairingtonville | Teen Ink

The Living Tree of Hairingtonville

February 26, 2014
By GracieMay2119 BRONZE, Minford, Ohio
GracieMay2119 BRONZE, Minford, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"We're all sinners, but with Morals.", "Same amusement park, different roller coaster.".

The Story goes that a long time ago a maiden, after losing the thing she loved most of all, ran though the forest of soon to be Hairingtonville. On her way her vision became blurry from the tears, and her foot caught the root of a beautifully aged tree. Her gaze shifted from the tree, she stood up and began to curse the tree's very nature. The tree began to shake as if angered, the maiden got closer to the tree, and through the darkness a face appeared, the shaking stopped as the wrinkled face shed a tear. The woman's eyes widened, then returned to normal, for she wasn't afraid. The tree opened its mouth but nothing came out, after a few moments the tree gained it voice and proceeded to tell the maiden it was over 100 years old, and that it has never seen a creature so sad an afraid of the world as she was. The tree wanted the maiden to be happy, as the rabbits and birds are, the tree then gave the maiden a reddish green oval. The tree instructed the maiden to go to the hill in the middle of the forest and bury the oval. As the maiden turned and walked away, the tree closed its eyes for the last time, never to open them again.

When the maiden reached the top of the hill, she stood back to see the middle of the land. The maiden had no comprehension of how things came to be, or even where bee's went to during the winter. She lived in a era of the unknowing, but never the less, not knowing what she was doing she had found the middle and dug a little hole, then she carefully placed the oval into the ground, like the tree had instructed her to do. After an hour of intensely studying the mound of dirt, she left. The maiden returned to the dirt mound every day, she would watch the sunset, while talking the dirt mound.

After a year, she returned to the dirt mound, like everyday, but today when she returned in her surprise a young tree almost 10 feet tall was sitting where the mound of dirt normally was. The maiden got closer to the young tree just as its eyes opened for the first time , the brightest color of green with a red ring around its pupil, struck the maiden and she was breathless. The young tree asked the maiden her name, and she causally replied, then the maiden asked the tree's it name, but the tree didn't have a response. The maiden took the rest of the night thinking of a name, and her night became day's of endless pacing, she wanted to see the un-named tree, but had no courage to tell the tree she had no tittle for him. She often found herself at the bottom of the hill observing the tree, he would smile and laugh and the forest animals playing in his branches. That carefree and joyous outlook on life reminded the maiden of the thing she loved the most, the thing she lost a year ago. She then decided to name his Owen, after the thing she lost. When she told the tree his name, he smiled, and a tear ran down his newly named face. The maiden was shocked but she understood. After that the the maiden was never sad, she told all of her problems to Owen.

One day after an extent of not paying her rent, she was forced out of her home. She ran to Owen in tears, she broke down before him, he looked at him intensely before asking what was wrong. She spilled her guts, and in her desperation meaninglessly wished for a house she could call her own, one she didn't have to pay for, and it would be big, and beautiful. After hours of talking to Owen she had fallen asleep. When she woke up she was teleported to a house, on soon to be 1st street in Hairingtonville. The different colors and textures opened the maidens mind, she first thought she was in someones house, but when she looked out the big bay window and saw Owen she knew she wasn't. She ran out of the room, down the stair case, and out the front doors to Owen. She was startled for there wasn't a house there before, so when she asked Owen where the house came from, he told her it was his job to keep her happy. The maidens eyes widened as ideas came into her head, and she started telling Owen things she always wanted some were little, and others had a true meaning to it. One thing the maiden wanted more than the others was a town, a place where her future kids could grow up in. Then she woke up in the house she just ran out of, but this time she had 4 children running up to the bed attempting to get her up, as she sat up in her bed she pierced out the bay window and saw a beautifully alive town, and in the middle of the town, in the park that bonded the roads together stood Owen.

For many years the maiden and Owen's relationship was stronger than ever, and the town was just about as popular as the New York we know today. Until one day the maiden didn’t return to Owen at the usual time, she was sick, she couldn't move or speak. Owen waited for many years for the maiden to return to him. In that time the town was broke, and people left it for a ghost town. Owen then closed his eyes just for a few moments, then a foot caught his root...

The author's comments:
I can't explain how I came up with this, mainly because it just came to me as an idea, and that idea became...this.

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