The Ride | Teen Ink

The Ride

April 4, 2014
By lovelycella101 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
lovelycella101 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was around 15 years old and it was the beginning of a warm January morning. The phone rang and I heard a strange foreign lady's voice saying " get here now, she is about to die."

I heard a scream. I came out of the bathroom and saw my grandma on the floor. I couldn't breathe. I start yelling at her. "Grandma what's wrong?"

She said D----dr----eaaaaaaa " I said what's wrong. She asks me to call nana and get her on the phone. Before I could even call her the phone rang again * ring ring * I say hello! Nana answers; it's nana how's grandma ? I said hysterically it's My N----nin-----aaa. she says I'm on my way. I go into the room and I cry and cry and cry then I heard a voice.

The voice started singing "You are my sunshine, my only sun shine." Then I close my eyes and see my Nina. She told me stay strong because she would return. The thought of her being dead never crossed my mind because I had just seen her when I simply closed my eyes.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I loss a person that was very close to me but yet so far a way she lived in South Korea and her death took a toll on my family.

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