Thief's School | Teen Ink

Thief's School

May 15, 2014
By Justin Le BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Justin Le BRONZE, Mountain View, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Ah, today is going to be a good day” I said to myself as I stretched and looked out the window.

Extremely cloudy with a chance of thunder. Just the way a thief with mild nightvision likes it. Of course I can’t do much with it since I’m only training to become a true thief.

Suddenly, a thunder clap ripples through dark morning. Laying in front of me, a blank envelope with nothing on the outside stating to or from. As I opened the envelope a folded piece of paper fell out. The paper had a wax stamp in the shape of the diamond. I was about to explode with joy. The stamp represented the sign of Thief Academy, the most prestigious and most likely only thief school in the world. The letter read, “Congratulations student! You have been accepted to Thief Academy. We are proud to host someone as the like of you and wish you the best of luck at Thief Academy. You must arrive by 12:00 in the afternoon tomorrow or you will be expelled. Good luck and congratulations on last time.”

Soon I was packing my case and heading out the door. Everyone knew where the place was located so I wasn’t hard getting the place. By the time I made it to the bridge that connected the school to the land it was just 11 am thankfully. As I walked across the bridge I was met by a gate guard that could probably rip me in half.

“Key.” he said in a monotone voice.

“You must take key.” he said as he dangled a shiny key.”Take from me. Then you enter.”
“When must I take it?”
“When you are ready.”
“Well then, this may be a while.”

I sat there until the moon rose up and it was dark. Now all I had to do was to use the night vision to find the key on him. He was standing perfectly still, knowing that I was still there. Focusing all I could I leap towards his hand and I could feel as if time stood still. I clutched the key in my hands and tumbled behind him.

“Very well. You can enter now.”

Even in the pitch darkness I could see the grand courtyard in the center of the school. Instantly I could hear footsteps hitting the ground. Instinctively I turned around expecting an attack.
“Well then, not to bad. I can see why administration hired you.” Came from what I could only see was a shadow.
“Now then, let me take you to your room.”

As we walked, the occasional lamp light up his masked face. He was the headmaster of Thief Academy. Ivan Itsgonenow. Soon we were next a door with the number that was inside the letter.

“This is your room, it will only have a bed and table with a desk. That is why it is encouraged to take things from others at this school. Now, classes have already ended so I recommend you take a late night trip to the library to get your textbooks. Also, classes are extremely short since we feel it is better to do hands on learning by stealing from others that just sitting inside the classroom.

I could feel the wind chill as I walked down the empty hallways. Eventually I was in front of the lit door of the library. To my surprise the library held an ample amount of people. Most were studying but some were what I would think planning heists on other students.
“What can I help you with?” a voice came from across the counter.

“I need a textbook.” I replied to the librarian.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” I said before a leather bound book sitting on the counter caught my eye.
“Don’t touch that, that is Ivan’s journal here for copying.” said catching me off guard.

Soon I was back by my door. As I fiddled with the lock the door swayed open showing nothing. The room looked worse than a prison cell. I could feel revenge rising inside of me. As I sneaked my way into the student’s room next to me I could hear a loud snore. I had seem to find a treasure trove of items. A bookshelf filled with books, a cushioned chain and many other amenities that could make life here much easier. Within minutes the room was a mirror reflection of my room minus the bed. I wasn’t that cruel to take them out of their own bed.

The next day I could hear the talk of students outside my door. Tired, I almost had a heart attack realizing I was almost late for my class. Sprinting around other students I could almost hear a clock ticking in my own head. After coming to a full stop right before the class, I walked in try to make a good first impression.

Soon after an elderly man walked into the classroom who I could only suspect was the teacher.

“Alright settle down class. Since this is one of the more advanced classes I expect that there is nothing to go over today.” a sigh of relief swept across the class. “Of course, there is homework though.” with the mention of the cursed word the rooms emotion flipped upside down now filled with an annoyed groan. “The homework I am assigning is to steal Ivan’s journal that is currently inside the library. Remember class, completing homework gives you immunity from other students stealing from you for the next weak. That is all for today. Class dismissed.” A wave of students poured out the class racing to get the journal that I had saw last night. Expecting the journal to be already gone I was confronted with disappointed faces walking past me as I made my way to the library. As I expected the library was closed today. Thankfully I realized this was the perfect time to make use of my advantage.

Later that night I was picking lock after lock to get into the library. The library must highly treat this journal. Armed with only cloaked gloves to hid my hands when taking the journal and a cookie to distract the librarian I made my way into the main area of the library. I could hear the librarian copying down the journal. By the time I threw the cookie the librarian was already up trying to find a new pen to write with.
“Huh, who’s there? Oh, a cookie? Don’t mind if I do.”

Surprised at the easiness of the librarian I made my way to the counter where the journal lay. Sneaking out of the library with it in my hands I could feel a sense of relief.

The next day was horrid. Sun shining, birds chirping and wind flowing. All the worst things a thief could ever have. The class reflected that too. A sort of boredom or dread fell over the class. I though, was immune to the suffering overjoyed to have completed my first assignment.
“Hmm, very well. You are dismissed for today since you have completed the assignment.” he said with a confirming look on his face.

As I walked out, the sun on my face, cool wind, and chorus of birds, it didn’t seem so bad.

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