Night Whispers | Teen Ink

Night Whispers

May 14, 2014
By Lailic BRONZE, Oakdale, California
Lailic BRONZE, Oakdale, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was dark outside, thunder boomed like a thousand horses were running across the sky. The clouds loomed overhead. Threatening to spill their heavy load wherever they pleased. I walked with my head down. My hood hiding my messy braid and face. I looked up slightly and saw a door being flung open down the alley. A man walked out and looked around. Curious and desperate to find cover for the night from the ever present rain storm, I quickly made my way over and slipped in just as the door was about to close. It slammed closed behind me causing me to gasp and jump. I covered my mouth. Hoping no one was here.

I looked around, just as the rain began to pour down outside. Three halls spread out in front of me. I took the one to my right carefully made my way through the many halls and doors. I walked for what seemed like hours and finally I came to a room it was cluttered in an organized way. Finding a semi-covered place to sleep, I laid down and slowly drifted to sleep. I could hear the thunder in the back of my mind as it embedded itself in my dreams...

Shouting woke me up. I was grabbed roughly by my hair and pulled to my feet. Light fluttered in through the windows. It must have stopped raining while I was sleeping. Another jerk brought me out of my thoughts and back to the present. A large stocky man stood before me. His face was red and I could just picture the steam coming out of his ears like in the old cartoons. He continued to scream and spit words at me I could not understand.

I should be afraid but I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the cartoon image playing in my head. He seemed confused and was getting angrier over my reaction. He started to pull me towards the exit. Ideas popped into my head of all the things he could do to me. Nobody would miss me. Ever since what happened two years ago. Nobody cares. Still I screamed and started to fight. Throwing punches and lashing out with my legs. He just grunted and seemed amused. I growled and planted my feet on the ground. He pulled me through the door and it slammed shut behind us. What have I gotten myself into?

The author's comments:
I was sitting in class and my teacher was having us look at pictures. One left me thinking more then the others. A girl standing on a large mechanical object. I wondered how she got there, why she was there. Got to writing and Night Whispers was born.

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