What's wrong with me | Teen Ink

What's wrong with me

October 1, 2014
By raneyylorene BRONZE, Highland Villagr, Texas
raneyylorene BRONZE, Highland Villagr, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What's wrong with me? I can't touch anybody, I can't hug them. I scream at the top of my lungs to get a speck of attention from someone, anyone. But nobody looks my way, not a single eye shows an sign of recognition. Am I even visible? I pace beside my mother, she's crying, I'm trying to comfort her but my attempts are useless. She's mute, I can see her lips moving but nothing's coming out. What's wrong with me? I place my fingers against her shoulder, whispering how everything's alright. Everything's alright? I have no idea why she's crying, and I have no idea why I can't hear her. My fingers fall through her shoulder, sinking through as if I'm nothing. My eyes widen in disbelief, flinging my arms towards her to embrace her, I fall through, my body slamming against the floor. I didn't even feel it,the way you'd normally wince or land with an oof. What is wrong with me? Clearly nobody can see me, or hear me. I can't touch or hear, I can't feel or speak. Closing my eyes I think back to last night. It had been late and I was in a rush home, my mom had called me too many times to count but I couldn't answer. A man was walking pretty fast, too fast towards me, right in my direction. I was scared, terrified so I had started sprinting. Next thing I knew, I was yanked into an ally and the unthinkable happened. I can't even recall exactly what he did or didn't do, all I know is that I had sluggishly walked out of the alleyway as he ran off after a few minutes. He had been screaming nonsense, rambling on in a loud voice about things I couldn't make out. He had hit me, but why wasn't I sore. My gaze drifts around the room, brows creasing. I had made it out alive, hadn't i?

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