Dark days | Teen Ink

Dark days

October 3, 2014
By jordan stallcup BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
jordan stallcup BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The night was dark.  The moon was bright.  Mays’ face was covered in tears. Scared and alone, she lost.  Her parents both killed in the night.  At this point she did what she could.  Screaming at the top of her lungs hoping someone would come, hoping it wasn’t too late.  After a while she stopped screaming and started to run down the sidewalk.  She stopped at the first house she seen. An old lady came to the door. 
            “What are you doing out this late?” the lady asked.
“My…My parents have been shot.” May cried.
The funeral was days later.  She was the only one there.  Mays’ life had totally changed in a matter of seconds.  There was nobody left in the family to protect, and care for her.  Since she had no relatives she was sent to foster care.  She got insanely depressed, telling herself her life was over. She was forced to travel across the country to her new home. The last day at her house May spent packing her bags and telling her friends bye. She packed pictures of her and her family to remember all the good times they had together.
The car ride there felt like it would never end.  It was the longest car ride she had ever been on.  Over the fourteen hour trip she spent her time in the back of the van sleeping or listening to music. She woke up from the jolt of the car stopping. They had reached their destination. It was way to dark out to see the whole building.
“Well this is it.” Said the driver as she opened up Mays’ door.
May was surprised by what she seen, but at the same time nervous.  Everyone gave her a dirty look as she entered the building. Throughout the days she spent all alone.  She was always getting made fun of.  Three months went by, and she had had enough. She planned to kill all the people in the building.  Every night for one week she gathered the materials, and planned it all out.  She would kill everyone in their sleep, and hide their bodies in the woods. Nobody would know who did it.
Every week more and more people went missing.  Months went by and she couldn’t take it anymore.  She went insane.  Waking up with nightmares of all the people she killed.  She was so scared and nervous she locked herself in a room and never came out.


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