The Graduation | Teen Ink

The Graduation

October 6, 2014
By Desirae Knuckles BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Desirae Knuckles BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beep! Beep! The sound of the alarm kept getting louder.
“Ahh” I yelled.
“It’s graduation day it’s finally here.”I sat up in my bed and looked around at the pictures on my wall.
“Boy have I changed a lot.” I said to myself.
“Dezzy are you up your hair appointment is in an hour!” My mother yelled from across the other side of the house.
“Yes! You did pick up my shoes didn’t you?” I asked
“Yes, they are in here on the couch.”  She yelled back.
“Ding dong.”
“Will someone please get the door, do I have to do everything around here!” Mom yelled in her irritated voice.
“I got it mom.” Yelled, my twelve year old little sister Isabella.
“Its Brooke!” She yelled.
“Hurry up or we will be late, we don’t want another freshman screw up!” She yelled in a hurried voice.
Ahh, freshman year that was a bad year. In September are school hold a rally well freshman year me and Brooke got chosen to speak, well we agreed that we would both do it. The night before the rally we thought it would be easier just to spend the night together so we didn’t have to meet up we could just ride together. We ended up staying the night at Brooke’s house. We thought it would be cool to go to the movies that night and go bowling then when we got home we stayed up and watched scary movies all night. By the time we both fell asleep it was almost six in the morning and we were suppose to be up at nine to go to our hair and make up appointment. We ended up sleeping through the alarm and missed the appointment we only had time to get dressed and put a little make up on. We went to the rally looking like hood rats we still had bed heads and we ended up having to talk in front of the whole school and we got pictures taking for the year book.
“Okay, give me a second, I have to find my keys, is Caleb and Jake still meeting us up there?”  I yelled as I made my way up the hall way.
“Are you ready?” Brooke yelled as she seen me step foot in the family room. Ignoring Brooke I pick up my shoes and head to the door.
“Meet you there mom.” I yelled as I made my way out the door to my red ford F250 I got my sophomore year.
It took about two hours before our hair and makeup was both completely done.
“Can you believe it?” Brooke said. “In about an hour we will be on our owns in to this crazy big messed up world!”
Pulling into the parking lot of the high school we see Caleb and Jake standing on the curb waiting for us to park. Caleb is my boyfriend and Jake is Brookes. They have both already graduated. Now it is our turns. As we make our way up to where everyone is sitting I was so caught up in my own thought that I didn’t even realize Brooke trying to get my attention, until she brutally pulled the back of my hair.
“Desirae! Look it’s that same van from the Hair Shop! Brooke yelled loud,loud enough for peoples parents to turn and give us all dirty looks.
“What do you mean the same van?” Jake said in an uneasy voice.
“We saw.” Brooke started to say but I interrupted her.
“That same van was following us on our way to the Hair Shop, We had thought it had kept going when we pulled over to go in. But then Brooke spotted it, parked on the curb across the shop. It was like they had been watching us”
I could feel my stomach turning at the thought of it.
“Well don’t worry about it, come on lets go grab our seats.” Caleb saied as he turned away to walk towards the stage.
“Just let me freshen up real quick and I’ll be right there.” I said as I turned to start walking towards the restroom center.
On my way to the restroom, I noticed the van wasn’t parked there anymore, as I walked out of the restroom from freshening u, I here footsteps coming up from behind me. Before I could turn around, a cloth that smelled like finger nail polish remover was put over my nose and mouth, and what seemed to be a potato sack was thrown over my head. I started getting light headed, but I was still able to hear someone say, “Hurry up before any notices!” The voice sounded like to be an older man in his late thirties early forties. Before I could hear anything else everything went black.
Hwne I finally came to, I could tell I wasn’t in the van anymore I seemed to be in a room, there was no light. I could kind of make out a small triangle on the wall that had seemed to be a window that the light from the mood was shining through. Everything seemed to still be spinning, I felt as if I was going to puke.
“Help, someone anyone can anyone here me help me please!” I yelled as loud as I could. I could tell it was late so that has to mean they’ve go to still be searching for me, I hope.
“What if no one finds me, what if I never get out?”  I said to myself. “Then what will happen?” I ended up crying myself to sleep when I woke up there was enough light in the room that I could mnake out other bodies that had seemed to be decade. I felt shivers go up and down my body. I started to cry again. When the door slowly opended.
“How are you this morning, I hope you got some rest?” The old man said.
“Today’s going to be a fun day!” He said as he pulled the tray around to where It was in my sight.
He walked over the corner of the room where the other body was.
“Help!” I yelled hoping someone would hear me.
“There’s no one out there sweet heart just you and me.” He said in a creepy voice.
The man pulled the saw out from behind him and started going towards my ankles.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” I yelled.
That just made him hold my ankle harder, the saw was only about 2 centimeters away from my ankle when I heard what seemed to be my moms voice.
“Desirae!” I opened my eyes to see my room and my mom standing in the door way.

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