The Psycho Killer | Teen Ink

The Psycho Killer

October 10, 2014
By cgram334 BRONZE, Ava, Missouri
cgram334 BRONZE, Ava, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have missed over 9,000 shots in my career, I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. I've failed over and over again, and that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan

Emily Smith was a little girl, only sixteen. Well, sort of, her sweet sixteen is tonight. She is so excited because Brad’s going to be there.
  7:15. She went to get ready, when she got a call from an unknown number… with no answer. “Jessica,” she thought. Jessica had just bought a new phone and if she knew Jessica, she knew that her getting anything new could take weeks to successfully operate. She was not the brightest light bulb in the very broken shed, but she made up for it with her looks. She had very ocean blue eyes and long, flowing, blonde hair that felt like silk. Her high cheek bones showing off her smile and white teeth. She was skinny but had a rather large bust and back side. Every guy fell for her and she fell for every guy. Although she never could keep one.
  8:00. Brad pulls up in his snow white ‘69 Chevy Camaro SS. His baby. Brad was Emma’s dream guy. Quarter back of the football team. Tall, short blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Brad had feelings for Emma but she hadn’t known. She didn’t know she was beautiful. She had long, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes and high cheek bones and a beautiful smile.  He runs up to her and hugs her. She smiles her beautiful smile.
  Jessica pulls up in her white Mercedes, (everyone but her had a nice car). She gets out revealing her blue dress, two sizes to small showing off a little more than enough… as usual.  “I brought Devin,” she said. Devin. Emma hated Devin and he hated her. He got out with two large bags of booze. This made Emma nervous because no adults were home. Her parents went to a hotel. How ironic was it that her birthday was the same as their anniversary. They knew she was having Jess over but they don’t need to know about anyone else. The last time he got drunk at her house he… Home alone. His hand sliding down her back to her jeans, grabbing her and pinning her on the bed. “Emma,” Jess said, “are you okay?  She snaps back to reality and runs to the phone to call her mom. No answer.
  “Emma, what’s wrong?” Jess asks. Emma was sobbing. That scared Jess. Emma never cried. Never. Emma tries to keep in touch with reality but keeps remembering that night of Hell. His hand on her throat. Blood sliding down her legs. She snaps back to reality and runs to the bathroom to puke. She explodes with tears and runs to Brad. Brad takes her to the back porch.
  “What’s wrong Em,” he asks confused.  “You never cry. What happened. Is it me?”
  “Of course it’s not you,” Emma explained. “It’s Devin.” She explained what happened to her and she felt sick. She hates going into detail. Her parents didn’t even know. Then again, it happened two weeks ago. Brad stood up and grabbed Devin and threw him on the ground. He grabs him puts him on his feet and punches him in the jaw. Emma runs into the house. She comes back out… with a camera.  She watches the video repeatedly smiling ear to ear. Devin is puking up blood and crying. Jess drives him to the hospital.
  11:37. They get a call from the hospital. Broken jaw, dislocated sternum, 3 broken ribs, broken nose, four missing teeth, split upper lip, and bruised kidneys. Brad sits next to her on the couch.
  “I’m sorry you had to see that it’s just,”  Emma interrupted him by kissing him. It was a long kiss. A kiss that made them both blush.
  “Thank you for protecting me,” Emma says red as a summer rose. He leans in to kiss her again. “I didn’t know you liked me. Like, liked me liked me.”
  “Of course. You’re beautiful.” Brad said smiling.
  This made her blush more. She had a crush on him for six years. She hears the doorbell ring. She looks at her watch. 12:07. Who would be knocking at midnight. She answers the door to find… nothing.
  “EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!” Jess screamed. She ran downstairs and hugged Emily. She is crying and screaming. “Someone is outside.”
  She knew something was serious because Jess never said her full first name. Ever.
  “I’m sure it’s someone pranking us, come on, calm down,” she said reassuringly.
  “You don’t understand…”
  They heard a door slam. They could hear slow but heavy footsteps. Jess cries and whispers to Emma that he’s inside. Emily tries calming her down, sure it was a prank, yet a little nervous. She calls for Brad (thinking he could protect her.) No answer. She goes in the kitchen and steps in liquid. It’s red and sticky. She follows the trail and… Brad. She screams and runs in the living room where Jess is and… Jess. She looks up and sees the knife flying down. She falls to the floor and her body goes numb. Before losing vision and other senses she thinks… Devin.
  She wakes up in the hospital. She sees Devin. She screams for the nurse. But the nurse tells her it was not Devin. Devin apologizes and they leave to tell this tale to others. For now.

Who is the psycho killer? I’m in jail. I’m going to escape. I always do. But for the meantime,  I wrote you this story. See you next time. I promise. Now if you’ll excuse me, Devin and Emma get out of the hospital in a few days so I have to escape. Don’t worry. I promise to succeed this time. See you later.

The author's comments:

A school assignment where we had to write our own scary story. I finished this in a week and it was only three pages but I loved writing this.


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