Mystery Sleep | Teen Ink

Mystery Sleep

October 6, 2014
By kirstengrubb BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
kirstengrubb BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you are trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

“Tomorrow is the best day of the year!” Kender yelled as she walked through the door. She had a normal day at school, went to ASU’s football game, and then caught a ride home from her brother, Todey. Kender assisted her mother cooking so her dad would have a meal to eat when he arrived home from work. Right as the food was ready to eat, James, her father, said, “Yum! It must be chili night. It smalls delicious girls.” After they ate, Kender and Tobey tried on their Halloween costumes. Kender was Effie Trinket and Tobey was Jason. As they both trampled out of their rooms, Abbie, their mom, warned them, “Do you know what tomorrow is kids? Be extremely careful not to get into any trouble.”

Kender said, “Well everyone, I am really tired. I love y’all. Goodnight.” Her family replied, “Love you too!” Kender took a short, warm shower then crawled into bed. She was dreaming when she heard, “Knock…Knock…Knock…” Kender jumped out of bed, staggered to the door, but no one was there. She jerked around because the window swung open. A burst of cold air rushed through and blew her long blonde curly hair. She hurried to the window but no one was outside. Kender heard a faint, long high pitched scream. She nervously ran down stairs but everyone was asleep. She quietly inched toward the door and whispered, “Lord, please let it be my imagination.” She opened the door, took five steps, and stopped dead in her tracks.

Kender swore she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She rushed to the woods and glanced around. “Stop!” she yelled at a man running away. She took off running after him. Kender lept and tackled him. He screamed, “Please don’t kill me! I’m not ready to die!” Confused, Kender questioned, “What? What’s going on?” The short handsome young man answered, “I’m Jason. Something terrible is happening. These woods are enchanted and the ruler has started a game. Everyone fights till the death of with a victor of one man and one women. There are ghosts to guide and trick you so be careful.” Kender grabbed a mask and a knife from Jason and he exclaimed, “Run!” Kender turned around to run home, but there was nothing there.

“Can anyone help me? Where do I go?” she cluelessly asked. Kender noticed a cave about one hundred yards away. She sprinted towards it, layed down on a rock, and sobbed. She didn’t know why this had to happen to her. She heard, “Creak, creak.” She looked up with tears running down her face and saw zombies staggering towards her in every direction. They were wobbling side to side with their arms out and groaning. Kender thought to herself, “Maybe it’s a ghost?” She stood up, closed her eyes and darted for the woods. She felt the ground beneath her and sighed in relief. She climbed an enormous pecan tree and tried to contemplate a plan. All of a sudden something dropped right beside her. Kender was scared to death to look because she had a feeling about what it was, a hanging body. She lept down and her feet flew out from beneath her. She was in a trap.

Someone walked out from behind a tree. Kender said harshly, “Tobey! How could you?” He snickered, “You are spoiled. You get special treatment, and I never liked you!” He pulled out a knife and walked over to her. Tobey grabbed her throat and said, “Any last words?” He raised his knife and swung. Her eyes opened.

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